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as the evidence due to which it was ordered is secured. Detention ordered pursuant toitem 4) of paragraph 1 of this Article may last until the pronouncement of the judgement.Article 142a(1) The investigating judge or chamber shall rule on detention after the interrogation ofthe accused person. The ruling ordering or vacating detention shall be rendered at ameeting of the chamber, except in the case referred to in Article 145 of this Code.(2) The interrogation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be attended by thepublic prosecutor and the accused person’s defence counsel.(3) The court is required to notify in an appropriate manner the public prosecutor and theaccused person’s defence counsel about the time and place of the interrogation of theaccused person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. The interrogation may also beconducted in the absence of the persons who have been thus notified.(4) A special record of the interrogation or session at which the chamber rules ondetention shall be kept and attached to the case file.(5) By exception from paragraph 1 of this Article, a detention order may also be issuedwithout an interrogation of the accused person if the summons for interrogation could notbe served due to the accused person’s unavailability or failure to give notice of a changeof address, or if there is a danger of deferrals.Article 143(1) Detention shall be ordered by a ruling issued by the competent court.(2) The detention order shall contain the first name and surname of the person beingplaced in detention, the criminal offence with which the person is charged, the legalgrounds for the detention, the duration of detention, the time of deprivation of liberty, aninstruction about the right to appeal, substantiation of the grounds and reasons forordering detention, the official seal and the signature of the judge ordering detention.(3) The detention order shall be served to the person whom it concerns at the moment ofdeprivation of liberty, and no later than 12 hours after deprivation of liberty or the timethe person was brought before the investigating judge. The date and time of thedeprivation of liberty and service of the order shall be recorded in the files.(4) Parties may file appeals against detention orders to the chamber (Article 24paragraph 6). The appeal, detention order and other documentation shall promptly beserved to the chamber. Appeals do not stay execution of rulings.(5) Where the investigating judge does not agree with the public prosecutor’s proposalfor ordering detention, the judge will ask the chamber to rule thereon (Article 24paragraph 6). Parties may appeal against the ruling of the chamber ordering detention,but it does not stay execution of the order. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of thisArticle shall apply in respect of serving rulings and lodging appeals.

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