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themselves make a promise before the court ruing on the bail that they will not go intohiding or leave their abode without permission.(2) Bail can also be determined as a measure securing observance of the restrictionsreferred to in Article 136 paragraphs 2 and 10 of this Code.Article 138(1) Bail shall always be set in a pecuniary amount which the court determines taking intoconsideration the gravity of the criminal offence, the personal and family circumstancesof the accused person, and the financial status of the person posting the bail.(2) Bail shall consist of a deposit of cash money, securities, valuables or other moveableitems of substantial value which are easy to keep and covert into cash, or of themortgaging in the amount of the bail of the immovables of the person posting the bail, orof a personal obligation of one or more citizens that in the even of the accused personabsconding they will pay the amount of the bail which has been set.(3) If the accused person absconds, it shall be determined by a ruling that the assetsgiven as bail shall be turned over to the budget of the judiciary.Article 139(1) Accused persons for whom bail has been posted due to a flight risk shall be placed indetention if after being duly served a summons they fail to appear without providing avalid explanation for their absence, or where while they are at liberty other legal groundsappear for ordering detention.(2) Accused persons for whom bail has been posted due to the detention groundsprescribed by Article 142 paragraph 1 item 4) of this Code shall be placed in detention ifafter being duly served the first subsequent summons for attending a trial hearing theyfail to appear, without providing a valid explanation for their absence.(3) In the case referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, bail shall be repealed.The posted pecuniary amounts, valuables, securities or other moveable items shall bereturned and the mortgage lifted. The same shall be done after criminal proceedings areconcluded by a final ruling staying the proceedings or a final judgement.(4) Where a custodial penalty has been imposed, bail shall be repealed only after theconvicted person begins to serve his sentence.Article 140(1) Rulings on bail shall before and during the investigation be rendered by theinvestigating judge. After the indictment is filed, rulings on bail shall be rendered by thepresident of the chamber, and at the trial, by the chamber.(2) Rulings ordering bail and vacating bail shall be rendered after obtaining the opinionof the public prosecutor, if the proceedings are being conducted at his request.

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