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connection with a criminal offence prosecutable ex officio, before issuing a rulingordering or vacating a measure, the court shall ask the public prosecutor for an opinion.(7) The duration of the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may befor as long as they are necessary, but no longer than the date when the judgementbecomes final. The investigating judge, president of the chamber, or the chamber shallexamine once every two months whether measure applied is still necessary.(8) Parties may appeal against rulings ordering, extending the duration of or vacating themeasures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, and the public prosecutor mayalso appeal against a ruling denying his proposal for the application of a measure.Rulings on appeals shall be rendered by a chamber (Article 24 paragraph 6) within threedays of the receipt of the appeal. Appeals do not stay execution of rulings.(9) Temporary seizures of driver’s licences may be ordered as independent measureswhere the proceedings are being conducted in connection with a criminal offence ofendangering traffic safety which resulted in serious consequences or was committedwith premeditation. The provisions of paragraphs 5 to 8 of this Article shall also beapplied in this case. The period when the driver’s licence of a suspect of accused personnot in custody was temporarily seized shall count towards the duration of the penalty ofdeprivation of a driver’s licence or security measure of prohibition of operating a motorvehicle.(10) The court may order the application against an accused person subject to theapplication of one of the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article ofelectronic surveillance for the purpose of controlling observance of the restrictionsimposed on the accused person, provided the accused person’s health would not beharmed thereby. The device for monitoring the accused person’s location (transponder)shall be attached to the wrist or ankle or other place on the accused person by an expertwho shall instruct the accused person in detail about the device’s operation. The expertshall also operate the equipment used to track the movements and his location remotely(transceiver). Electronic surveillance shall be conducted by the internal affairs authority,the Security and Information Agency or other public authority.(11) The measures referred to in paragraphs 2 and 10 of this Article may also beordered as independent measures, where they are necessary for the purpose ofprotecting an aggrieved party or a witness, preventing accused persons from influencingaccomplices or concealers, or where there is a danger that the accused personcompletes a criminal offence that has been initiated, repeats the criminal offence, orperpetrates a criminal offence he has threatened to commit.5. BailArticle 137(1) Accused persons who should be detained, or accused persons already placed indetention due to the existence of circumstances indicating a risk of flight, or on thegrounds defined in Article 142 paragraph 1 item 4) of this Code may be left at liberty ormay be released from detention if they personally or another for them offers a guaranteethat they will not abscond until the end of criminal proceedings, and the accused persons

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