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(6) Photographs, audio recording, or audio and video recordings made without the tacitor explicit consent of a suspect of accused person but who are in them or whose voice isaudible in them, may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, if the photographs,audio recording, or audio and video recordings were recorded as part of general securitymeasures undertaken in public areas – streets, squares, parking lots, schoolyards, thecompounds of various institutions and other similar public areas, in public facilities andpremises – buildings housing public authorities, institutions, hospitals, schools, airports,bus and railway stations, sports stadiums and halls and other such public premises andattached open areas, as well as in shops, stores, banks, currency exchange offices,commercial facilities and other similar facilities where recording is regularly performedfor security reasons.(7) Photographs, audio recording, or audio and video recordings made without the tacitor explicit consent of a suspect of accused person but who are in them or whose voice isaudible in them, may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, if the photographs,audio recording, or audio and video recordings were recorded as part of general securitymeasures undertaken by the holders of dwellings and other premises, or by otherpersons at the instructions of holders of dwellings and other premises, which alsoincludes building compounds and other similar open spaces.(8) Where photographs, audio recording, or audio and video recordings were madepursuant to paragraph 1 and paragraphs 3 to 7 of this Article, parts of photographs orrecordings extracted by appropriate technical processes, as well as photographs madefrom single frames in video recordings, may also be used as evidence in criminalproceedings.(9) Where photographs, audio recording, or audio and video recordings were madepursuant to paragraph 1 and paragraphs 3 to 7 of this Article, sketches or drawingsbased on photographs or video recordings may also be used as evidence in criminalproceedings, provided that they were made to clarify a detail of a photograph orrecording and that the photograph or recording is contained in the evidentiary materials.Chapter VIIIMEASURES TO SECURE THE PRESENCE OFACCUSED PERSONS AND THE UNOBSTRUCTEDCONDUCT OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS1. General provisionsArticle 133(1) Measures which may be undertaken towards accused persons in order to securetheir presence and for the purpose of conducting criminal proceedings withoutobstruction are serving summons, bringing in the accused person, issuance of bans onleaving abodes, ordering bail, and detention.(2) In deciding which measure to apply, the competent court shall abide by therequirements determined for the application of each of the measures and avoid the

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