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the basis of a substantiated proposal by the managing official of the health-careinstitution, following the rendering of an opinion by an expert witness, but may under nocircumstances last longer than six months.(3) Where expert witnesses establish that the mental health of the accused person isdeficient, they shall determine the nature, type, degree and duration of the disorder andprovide opinions on the effect the mental condition had and still has on the accusedperson’s perception and actions, as well as whether and to what extent the disturbedmental health existed at the time of the commission of the criminal offence.(4) If an accused person who is in detention is being sent to a health-care institution, theinvestigating judge, individual judge or president of the chamber shall inform theinstitution about the grounds on which detention had been ordered, so that appropriatemeasures ca be taken for ensuring the purpose of the detention.(5) The time spent in the health-care institution shall count towards the total time spent indetention or service of a custodial sanction, if one is pronounced.Article 131(1) Body searches of suspects or accused persons shall be conducted even without theirconsent where it is necessary to establish facts of importance for criminal proceedings.Body searches of other persons may be conducted without their consent only where it isnecessary to establish whether their bodies contain specific traces or consequences of acriminal offence.(2) Taking of samples of blood, and performance of other medical activities which as arule of the medical profession necessary for the purpose of analysing and establishingother facts of importance for the criminal proceedings, may be conducted even withoutthe consent of the person being examined, except where the activities result in anydetrimental effect to their healths.(3) The actions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be conducted onlyon the basis of an order issued by a competent court, except in cases referred to inArticle 238 paragraph 3 of this Code.(4) No medical interventions may be conducted or substances administered to suspects,accused persons or witnesses which would affect their consciousness mental conditionand will during the giving of testimony.Article 132(1) Where a forensic audit of books and records is required, the authority in charge ofthe proceedings is required to instruct the forensic accountants about the direction andthe scope of the required expert analysis, and which facts and circumstances need to beestablished.

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