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(4) Expert witnesses are required to afford due attention to any biological materialsfound (blood, saliva, semen, urine, etc.), provide a description and preserve thematerials for a biological analysis, if one is ordered.Article 127(1) In the examination and autopsy of a foetus, its age, ability for extrauterine survivaland the cause of death should be established in particular.(2) In the examination and autopsy of a newborn, it shall be established in particularwhether it was delivered alive or dead, its capacity for survival, its total lifespan, and thetime and cause of death.Article 128(1) Where there is suspicion that death occurred by the administration of a poison,suspicious materials found in the cadaver and elsewhere shall be sent for an expertanalysis to an institution performing toxicological research.(2) In analysing suspicious substances the expert witness shall in particular establish thetype, quantity and effects of the poison found, and where materials taken from a cadaverare concerned, if possible also the quantity of poison administered.Article 129(1) As a rule expert analyses of bodily injuries shall be performed by examining theinjured person, and where it is not possible or necessary – based on medicaldocumentation or other data in the files.(2) After the expert witness describes the injuries accurately, he shall provide hisopinion, in particular in connection with the type and seriousness of each individual injuryand their aggregate effect, in view of their nature or specific circumstances of the case,what effect such injuries usually produce, and what effects they had produced in theparticular case, how the injuries had been inflicted and by what instrument.(3) In performing the expert analysis, the expert witness is required to act pursuant to theprovision of Article 126 paragraph 4 of this Code.Article 130(1) Where suspicion appears that due to a mental illness, arrested mental developmentor other mental disorder the accused person had diminished capacity or wasincompetent, an expert analysis shall be ordered in the form of a psychiatric examinationof the accused person.(2) Where in the opinion of an expert witness a lengthy examination period is required,the accused person shall be sent to an appropriate health-care institution forobservation. Rulings thereof shall be rendered by the investigating judge, individualjudge or chamber. The observation period may be extended beyond two months only on

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