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Where expert opinions contain contradictions of deficiencies, or there appearsreasonable suspicion about their accuracy, and the deficiencies and suspicions cannotbe eliminated by questioning the expert witnesses again, the opinions of other expertwitnesses shall be sought.Article 124(1) Post-mortem examinations and autopsies shall always be performed where thereexists any suspicion in a case of death, or where it is obvious that the death was causedby a criminal offence or was connected to the commission of a criminal offence. Wherethe body has already been buried, exhumation shall be ordered so the cadaver can beexamined and autopsied.(2) All necessary measures to identify the body shall be carried out during the autopsy,to which end data about the cadaver’s external and internal characteristics shall bedescribed in detail.Article 125(1) Where an expert analysis is being performed outside a professional institution, thecadaver shall be examined and autopsied by one, and if required two or morephysicians, who should as a rule be in the forensic profession. The investigating judge isin charge of that expert analysis and shall enter into the record the findings and opinionsof the expert witnesses.(2) The physician who had treated the deceased cannot be designated an expertwitness. During an autopsy, for the purpose of clarifications in connection with thecourse and circumstances of the illness, the physician who had treated the deceasedmay be questioned as a witness.Article 126(1) In giving their opinions, expert witnesses shall especially indicate the immediatecause of death, what brought it about, and the time of death.(2) Where an injury is found on a cadaver, it shall be determined whether it was causedby another person, and if it was, with what, in what manner it was inflicted, how longbefore death had occurred, and whether it had caused the death. Where more than oneinjury is found, it shall be determined whether each of them was inflicted by the sameinstrument and which of them had caused the death, and where there were severalinjuries that were lethal, which single injury, or which of them acting together, hadcaused the death.(3) In the case referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, it shall be established inparticular whether death was caused by the type and general nature of the injury, or by apersonal characteristic or particular condition of the deceased’s body, or by accidentalcircumstances or the circumstances in which the injury was inflicted. It shall also beestablished whether assistance rendered in a timely manner could have prevented deathfrom occurring.

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