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appeals procedure by the president of the first-instance chamber, or the chamberresponsible for ruling in appeals proceedings. These rulings are not appealable.(5) The president of the court may relieve of duty an assigned defence counsel who isperforming his duties in an unorderly manner. The president of the court shall replacethe relieved defence counsel with another defence counsel. The bar association shall benotified of the relief of duty of the defence counsel.Article 74(1) After a ruling on conducting an investigation or immediately following the issuance ofthe indictment (Article 244), and even prior to them, if the suspect has been interrogatedin accordance with provisions relating to the interrogation of accused persons, thedefence counsel shall be entitled to examine case documentation and objects collectedwhich will serve as evidence.(2) Immediately prior to the first interrogation of a suspect, the defence counsel shall beentitled to read the criminal complaint, the record of the crime scene inspection, thefindings and opinions of expert witnesses, and the request to conduct an investigation.Article 75(1) Where a suspect is in detention, his defence counsel may correspond with him andtalk to him.(2) Defence counsel are entitled to conduct confidential conversations with suspectsdeprived of liberty even before they have been interrogated, as well as with accusedpersons who are in detention. Only visual control of such conversations before the firstinterrogation and during the investigation is permitted, while aural control is notpermitted.(3) Defence counsel may not confer with accused persons on how the latter should replyto questions he has already been asked.Article 76(1) Defence counsel shall have authority to conduct for the benefit of the accused personall actions which the accused person can perform.(2) Defence counsel’s rights and duties are terminated if an accused person revokes thepower of attorney, as well as when they are relieved of duty.Chapter VIIEVIDENTIARY ACTIONS1. Searches of abode, other premises and personsArticle 77

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