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(4) The request referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall be submitted withinsix months (Article 557 paragraph 1) to the court which adjudicated the case in the firstinstance in the criminal proceedings. The chamber (Article 24 paragraph 6) shall rule onthe request. The provisions of Article 556 paragraphs 2 and 3 and Article 560 paragraph3 of this Code shall be applied accordingly in deciding on the request.Article 562The court which adjudicated the case in the first instance in criminal proceedings shallex officio issue a ruling annulling the inscription of the wrongful conviction in the criminalrecord. The ruling shall be delivered to the authority responsible for keeping criminalrecords. Data about annulled inscriptions from criminal records may not be madeavailable to anyone.Article 563Persons who received authority for examining and copying documentation (Article 170)relating to wrongful convictions or unlawful deprivations of liberty may not use the datafrom the files in a manner that would be detrimental for the rehabilitation of the personagainst whom criminal proceedings had been conducted. The President of the court isrequired to duly caution of this the person who has been allowed to examine the files,which caution shall be noted on the file together with the person’s signature.Article 564(1) A person whose employment or social insurance was terminated due to a wrongfulconviction or unlawful deprivation of liberty shall have the same years of service or yearsof social insurance recognized as if he had been at work during the period when the losswas caused by the wrongful conviction or unlawful deprivation of liberty. The period ofunemployment caused by a wrongful conviction or unlawful deprivation of liberty whichwas not caused through the fault of the person shall also be included in the years ofservice or social insurance.(2) Whenever deciding on a right related to years of service or years of social insurance,the competent authority or organisation shall take into account the years of service orsocial insurance recognized by the provision of paragraph 1 of the present Article.(3) If the authority or organisation referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article does not takeinto account the years of service or social insurance recognized by the provision ofparagraph 1 of the present Article, the aggrieved person may request that the courtreferred to in Article 558 paragraph 1 of this Code determine that recognition of such aperiod has occurred by force of law. The action shall be brought against the authority ororganisation which contests the recognition of years of service or social insurance andagainst the Republic of Serbia (Article 558 paragraph 3).(4) At the request of the authority or organisation where the right referred to in paragraph2 of this Article is being exercised, the prescribed contributions for the period for whichthe years of service were recognised under the provision of paragraph 1 of this Articleshall be paid from budget funds (Article 558 paragraph 3).

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