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(6) The petitioner and the public prosecutor may appeal against the decision of the courton the petition for rehabilitation.(7) Where the court denies the petition because by his behaviour the convicted persondoes not deserve the rehabilitation, the convicted person may repeat his petition at theexpiry of a period of one year from the date when the ruling denying his petitionbecomes final.Article 527Convictions and their legal consequences erased in the rehabilitation procedure may notbe mentioned in certificates issued to citizens by the criminal records registry.Article 528(1) Petitions for discontinuing security measures of prohibitions of performing aprofession, activity or duty or prohibition of operating a motor vehicle or petitions fordiscontinuation of legal consequences of a conviction relating to a ban on acquiring acertain right, shall be submitted to the court which adjudicated the case in the firstinstance.(2) The judge assigned to the case shall examine whether the period prescribed by lawhas expired, and then conduct necessary inquiries, determine the facts invoked by thepetitioner and obtain evidence on all circumstances of importance for the decision.(3) The court may ask the internal affairs authority in whose territory the convictedperson stayed after serving the main penalty, the expiry of the statutory period forexecution of the sentence, or the reception of a pardon, to provide information about theconvicted person’s behaviour, and may seek such a report from the institution where theconvicted person served his sentence.(4) Following the inquiries, and the taking of a statement from the public prosecutor, thejudge shall deliver the file with a substantiated motion to the chamber of his court.Article 529Where a court denies a petition for discontinuing security measures or a petition fordiscontinuing the legal consequences of a conviction, a new petition may be submittedat the expiry of a period of one year from the date when the ruling denying the earlierpetition becomes final.Articles 530-555**(No longer in force)Chapter XXXIV

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