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prosecutor dropped the complaint, or of the date when the ruling staying the proceedingswas issued.(5) Where a public prosecutor or the court notifies aggrieved parties that they mayassume prosecution, they shall communicate to them instruction on the actions requiredfor exercising that right.(6) Where an aggrieved party acting as a prosecutor dies during the periods prescribedfor undertaking criminal prosecution or during the proceedings, his spouse, common-lawspouse or other person with whom the aggrieved lived in an extramarital or other lastingassociation, his children, parents, adoptees, adopters and siblings may within threemonths of the date of his death assume prosecution, or give a formal statement that theycontinue the proceedings.(7) The ruling staying the proceedings after the public prosecutor drops the chargesassumes legal force at the expiry of the time limits referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 ofhis Article.Article 62(1) Where the public prosecutor drops the charges during the trial, aggrieved parties arerequired to declare immediately, or no later than eight days thereafter in writing, whetherthey wish to continue the prosecution. If the aggrieved party is not present at the trial,and has been duly summoned, or if the summons could not be served due to a failure toinform the court of the change of permanent residence or abode, it shall be deemed thatthe aggrieved party does not wish to continue with the prosecution.(2) The president of the chamber of the court of first instance shall allow restitution toaggrieved parties not duly summoned, or duly summoned but failing to appear, onjustifiable grounds, at the trial at which a judgment was rendered to dismiss chargesbecause the public prosecutor had cropped the charges, if the aggrieved party withineight days from the receipt of the judgment submits a request for restitution and if inthat request he declares that he is continuing the prosecution. In this case a new trialdate shall be set and the previous judgment shall be overturned by the judgmentrendered at the new trial. If the duly summoned aggrieved party does not appear atthe new trial the prior judgment shall remain in force. The provisions of Article 59paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Code shall also be applied in this case.(3) The judgement dismissing the charges pronounced in the case referred to inparagraph 1 of this Article becomes final at the expiry of all time limits for submittingrequests for restitution.Article 63(1) Where aggrieved parties fail within the legally-prescribed time limits to initiate orcontinue prosecution, or where aggrieved parties as subsidiary prosecutors fail to attendthe trial although properly summoned, or where the summons could not be served dueto a failure to communicate to the court changes in abode or permanent residence, itshall be deemed that the aggrieved partied dropped prosecution .

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