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3. Special Measures of Law Enforcement Authorities for Detecting andProving Criminal Offences referred to in Article 504a paragraph 3 of thisCode1) Undercover operativesArticle 504m(1) The investigating judge may, at the request of the public prosecutor, order theengagement of an undercover operative where there exist grounds for suspicion that acriminal offence referred to in Article 504a paragraph 3 of this Code has beencommitted, if it would not be possible to collect evidence for criminal prosecution inanother way or their collection would be very difficult.(2) The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may exceptionally be orderedalso where there exist grounds for suspicion that one of the criminal offences referred toin Article 504a paragraph 3 of this Code is being prepared, and the circumstances of thecase indicate that it would not be possible to detect, prevent or prove the criminaloffence in another way, or it could cause disproportionate difficulties or a great danger.(3) A written and substantiated order of the investigating judge ordering the measurereferred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain data about the persons and thegroup against whom it is being implemented, a description of possible criminal offences,the type, scope, location and duration of the measure.(4) An undercover operative using an alias or a code-name shall be designated by theminister responsible for internal affairs, the director of the Security and InformationAgency, or the director of the Military Security Agency, or a person duly authorised bythem.(5) As a rule, the undercover operative shall be an authorised official of the internalaffairs authority, the Security and Information Agency, or the Military Security Agency,and if the circumstances of the case so require, another duly trained person, who mayon condition of reciprocity also be a foreign national.(6) The undercover operative may not be a person subject to ongoing criminalproceedings or a person convicted of a criminal offence prosecutable ex officio, or aperson for whom there exist grounds for suspicion of being a member of an organisedcriminal group.(7) The duration of the measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be as longas it is needed to collect evidence, but not longer than one year. Acting on asubstantiated proposal of the public prosecutor, the investigating judge may extend theduration of the measure by another six months at most.(8) During the implementation of the measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article,for the purpose of protecting the identity of the undercover operative, the competentauthorities may alter data in data bases and issue personal identification documents withaltered data for the purpose of protecting the identity of the undercover operative and theimplementation of the measure. These data are considered official secrets.

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