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measure, a description of the technical means used, the number and identities of thepersons encompassed by the measure, and the results of the applied measure.4) Automated computer searches of personal and other data and related dataArticle 504lj(1) Automatic computer searches of personal and other related data and their electronicprocessing may be undertaken where there are grounds for suspicion that a criminaloffence referred to in Article 504a of this Code has been committed, if evidence requiredfor criminal prosecution could not be collected in other manner, or if the collection wouldbe very difficult.(2) The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may exceptionally be orderedwhere there are rounds for suspicion that one or more of the criminal offences referredto in Article 504a of this Code are being prepared, and the circumstances of the caseindicate that it would not be possible to detect, prevent or prove the criminal offence inanother way, or it could cause disproportionate difficulties or a great danger.(3) The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article consist of automatic searchesof stored personal data and other data directly linked to them, and their automaticcomparison with data relating to a criminal offence referred to in paragraph 1 of thisArticle and the suspect, so that persons for whom there is no probability that they areconnected to the criminal offence could be excluded as possible suspects.(4) The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be ordered by theinvestigating judge, acting on a proposal by the public prosecutor. The order of theinvestigating judge shall contain the following: the legal designation of the criminaloffence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, a description of the data it is necessaryto collect and forward, the designation of the public authority required to automaticallygather the requested data and submit them to the public prosecutor and the internalaffairs authority, the scope of the special evidentiary action, and its duration.(5) The duration of the measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may not exceedsix months, and may be extended by three months for reasons of importance.(6) The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be implemented by aninternal affairs authority, the Security and Information Agency, the Military SecurityAgency, the customs service or other public authority, or other legal persons with publicauthorisation pursuant to the law.(7) If the public prosecutor does not institute criminal proceedings within six months ofthe date he first examined the data collected by the implementation of the measurereferred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, or if the public prosecutor states that he will notuse the data in the proceedings, or that he will not initiate proceedings against thesuspect, the investigating judge will act in accordance with the provision of Article 504zparagraph 3 of this Code.

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