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Article 504d(1) Special summary procedure provisions (Chapter XXVI) shall not be applied inproceedings for the criminal offences referred to in Article 504a paragraph 3 of this Codeand in the procedure of pronouncing criminal sanctions without a trial (Chapter XXVII).(2) Measures of special supervision regulated by separate law may be applied towardsthe detained organiser and members of an organised criminal group in proceedings inconnection with criminal offences referred to in Article 504a paragraph 3 of this Code.Article 504đ(1) If interior ministry authorities learn that a criminal offence referred to in Article 504a ofthis Code is being prepared or has been committed, they are required to notify thecompetent public prosecutor thereof promptly.(2) The public prosecutor may request the interior ministry authorities to undertakecertain measures or actions within a specified period and to notify him thereof.(3) The interior ministry authority is required to explain to the public prosecutor in detailwhy the request referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article was not complied with or whythe time limit was exceeded.(4) Statements and information collected by the public prosecutor in the preliminarycriminal proceedings may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, but the decisionmay not be based solely on them.2. Measures of Law Enforcement Authorities to Detect and Prove theCriminal Offences referred to in Article 504a of this Code1) Supervision and recording of telephone and other conversations orcommunicationsArticle 504e(1) Acting on a written and substantiated proposal of the public prosecutor, theinvestigating judge may order supervision and recording of telephone and othercommunications by other technical means and optical recording of person suspected ofhaving committed a criminal offence referred to in Article 504a of this Code, if there is noother manner of collecting evidence for criminal prosecution or the collection thereofwould be extremely difficult.(2) By exception, the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be orderedwhere there are grounds for suspicion that one of the criminal offences referred to inArticle 504a of this Code is being prepared, and the circumstances of the case indicatethat the criminal offence could not detected, prevented or proved in another manner, or itwould cause disproportionate difficulties or a great danger.

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