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Article 457(1) Under the conditions referred to in Article 455, the investigating judge maypronounce a fine, a public service penalty, revocation of a driver’s licence, a conditionalsentence and a term of imprisonment of up to one year, and together with them one ormore security measures: confiscation of objects, prohibition of operating a motor vehicle,and confiscation of material gains.(2) The expenses of the procedure referred to in Article 455 shall be covered from thebudget funds of the court.Article 458Judgements of the investigating judge may be challenged by appeals lodged within eightdays of the date of delivery, pursuant to the provisions of Article 367 paragraph 1 items1), 2) and 4) of this Code.Chapter XXVIIISPECIAL PROVISIONS ON PRONOUNCING JUDICIALADMONITIONSArticle 459(1) Judicial admonitions shall be pronounced by a ruling.(2) Unless specified otherwise in this chapter, the provisions of this Code relating tojudgements convicting defendants shall apply accordingly to rulings on judicialadmonitions.(3) Judicial admonitions may also be pronounced in procedures for punishment beforethe trial, as well as in the procedure of punishment by the investigating judge (ChapterXXVII).Article 460(1) Rulings on judicial admonitions shall be pronounced immediately after the conclusionof the trial, with essential reasons. On the occasion the judge or the president of thechamber shall caution the accused that a penalty is not being imposed on him for thecriminal offence he had committed because a judicial admonition is expected to affecthim sufficiently to abstain from committing criminal offences in the future. Where rulingson judicial admonitions are being pronounced in the absence of the accused, the courtshall enter the caution in the substantiation of the ruling. The provision of Article 446paragraph 5 of this Code shall be applied accordingly in connection with waivers of theright to appeal and written rendering of the ruling.(2) The ordering part of the ruling shall besides the personal data of the accused onlystate that a judicial admonition is being pronounced against the accused for the offenceof which he is accused and the legal designation of the criminal offence. The ordering

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