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Article 442(1) The judge shall summon to the trial the accused and his defence counsel, theprosecutor, the aggrieved and their legal representatives and proxies, witnesses, expertwitnesses and an interpreter, and if needed shall obtain the objects which should serveas evidence at the trial.(2) The accused shall be notified in the summons that he may come to the trial with theevidence for his defence, or that he may specify the evidence in a timely manner to thecourt so that the evidence may be obtained for the trial. The accused shall be cautionedin the summons that the trial shall also be held in absentia if the legal requirements exist(Article 445 paragraph 3). To the summons shall be attached the motion to indict orprivate prosecution, and the accused shall be instructed on the right to a defencecounsel, as well as that in cases where a defence is not mandatory the trial does notneed to be adjourned if a defence counsel does not appear or if the accused retains oneat the trial itself.(3) The period between the service of the summons to the accused and the scheduleddate of the trial must be sufficient for preparing a defence, in any case not less thaneight days. If the accused consents to it, the period may be shortened.Article 443The trial shall be held in the seat of the court. In urgent cases, particularly if there is aneed for a crime scene inspection or if it is in the best interest of easier conduct of theevidentiary procedure, with the approval of the president of the court the trail may beheld in the place where the criminal offence was committed or the place where theinspection is to be held, if those are within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.Article 444(1) Parties may submit territorial jurisdiction objections no later than the commencementof the trial.(2) The judge who conducted investigatory actions shall not be disqualified fromparticipating in the trial.Article 445(1) The trial shall be held if a duly summoned public prosecutor fails to appear. In suchcase, aggrieved parties are entitled to represent the prosecution within the limits of themotion to indict.(2) The trial may be held if a subsidiary prosecutor, or a private prosecutor, fails toappear, if he has submitted to the court a motion for the trial to be held in his absence.(3) If the accused does not appear at the trial, although duly summoned, or if thesummons could not be served due to his failure to notify the court of a change oftemporary or permanent residence, the court may decide to hold the trial in his absence

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