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had been convicted, the court shall pronounce a new aggregate sentence pursuant tothe provisions of the Criminal Code.(4) In the new proceedings the court shall be bound by the ban prescribed in Article 382of this Code.Article 413(1) Criminal proceedings in which a person was convicted in absentia (Article 304) shallbe reopened irrespective of the conditions prescribed in Article 407 of this Code if theconvicted person and his defence counsel submit a motion for reopening proceedingswithin six months of the date when it became possible to conduct a trial in the presenceof the convicted person.(2) Criminal proceedings in which a person was convicted in absentia shall also bereopened irrespective of the conditions prescribed in Article 407 of this Code if a foreignstate allowed the extradition of the person provided proceedings are reopened.(3) In the ruling allowing reopening of criminal proceedings according to the provisionsog paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, The court shall order the indictment served to thedefendant if it had not already been served to him, and it may order the matter returnedto the investigation stage, or order an investigation if one had not been conducted.(4) At the expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, reopening ofproceedings shall be allowed only under the conditions prescribed by Articles 407 and408 of this Code.(5) In rendering a new judgement in proceedings conducted in accordance with theprovisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the court shall be bound by the banprescribed by Article 382 of this Code.Article 414The provisions of this chapter shall be applied accordingly where a motion has beensubmitted for setting aside a final court decision based on a decision of theConstitutional Court setting aside or revoking a regulation pursuant to which a finalconviction had been rendered, as well as when a motion was submitted in connectionwith a violation of the rights of the convicted person in criminal proceedings determinedby a decision of the Constitutional Court of an international court, pursuant to ratifiedinternational agreements, and the violation had influenced the lawful and properrendering of a judgement.Articles 415-418(Erased)3. Motions for the Protection of LegalityArticle 419

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