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(1) Appeals shall be submitted to the court which pronounced the judgement in the firstinstance in a number of copies sufficient for the court, the opposing party and thedefence counsel.(2) Untimely (Article 386) and inadmissible (Article 387) appeals shall be dismissed by aruling by the president of the chamber of the court of first instance.Article 373One copy of the appeal shall be served by the court to the opposing party (Articles 162and 163), which may within eight days of receipt submit to the court a response to theappeal. The court of first instance shall forward the appeal, response to the appeal andall files to the court of second instance.Article 374(1) When the files with the appeal are received by the court of second instance, thepresident of the appellate chamber shall assign a reporting judge. Where a criminaloffence prosecuted at the request of the public prosecutor is concerned, the reportingjudge shall forward the files and appeal to the competent public prosecutor, who isrequired to examine them and make his own motion, or declare that he will make amotion at a session of the chamber, and return them to the court, promptly, or withinfifteen days at most.(2) After the public prosecutor has returned the files, the president of the chamber shallcall a session of the chamber and notify the public prosecutor thereof.(3) The reporting judge may, if needed, obtain from the court of first instance a report onany violations of criminal procedure, and may obtain requisite reports or documentsthrough that court, or through an investigating judge of the court in whose territorialjurisdiction an action is to be conducted in order to verify the appeal’s merits in respectof new evidence and new facts, or they are to be verified in another way, or throughother authorities and organisations.(4) If the reporting judge determines that the records and information referred to inArticle 178 of this Code are contained in those files, he shall forward the files to the courtof first instance before a session of the second-instance chamber is held, in order for thepresident of the first-instance chamber to issue a ruling on their exclusion from the files,and after the ruling becomes final, to deliver them in a sealed cover to the investigatingjudge for keeping separate from the other files.Article 375(1) Those defendants and their defence counsel, subsidiary prosecutors, privateprosecutors or their proxies who had within the time limit prescribed for filing an appealor a response to an appeal requested to be notified about the session or proposed that ahearing be held before a court of second instance (Articles 377 to 379) shall be notifiedof the session of the chamber. The president of the chamber or the chamber may decide

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