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7) a decision on the costs of the criminal proceedings and the indemnificationclaim.(2) If the defendant has been convicted to pay a fine, the judgement shall specifywhether the fine was calculated and pronounced in daily amounts, or payable within acertain time limit, and that limit, as well as the manner of substitution of the fine if it is notpossible to enforce collection.(3) If the defendant has been convicted to serve a communal service penalty, thejudgement shall specify its type and duration and the manner of substitution of thepenalty with a term of imprisonment in case the defendant does not perform the servicein full, or in part.(4) If the defendant has been convicted to seizure of his driver’s licence, the judgementshall specify the duration of the seizure and manner of its substitution with a term ofimprisonment in case the defendant is found operating a motor vehicle during the term ofthe seizure of the driver’s licence.(5) If the defendant has been pronounced a conditional sentence with protectivesupervision, the judgement shall specify its content, its duration and the consequencesof non-fulfilment of the protective supervision obligation.3. Publication of the judgementArticle 357(1) After the court has pronounced the judgement, the president of the chamber shallimmediately make it public. If the court is not able to pronounce the judgement on thesame day following the conclusion of the trial, it shall postpone the official pronunciationof the judgement by no more than three days and shall specify and time and place of thepronouncement of the judgement. If the judgement is not made public within three daysof the conclusion of the trial, the president of the chamber is required immediately uponthe expiry of that time limit to notify the president of the court and inform the president ofthe reasons.(2) The president of the chamber shall in the presence of parties, their legalrepresentatives, proxies and defence counsel read out the operative provisions of thejudgement and briefly substantiate the judgement.(3) The judgement shall be pronounced even where a party, legal representative, proxyor defence counsel are not present. The chamber may order that the defendant, who isabsent, be read out the judgement by the president of the chamber, or that thejudgement be delivered to the defendant.(4) If the public was excluded from the trial, the ordering part of the judgement shallalways be read at a public session. The chamber shall decide whether to exclude thepublic during the announcement of the reasons for the judgement.(5) All those present shall stand while the ordering part of the judgement is being readout.

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