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Code, unless a decision on their separation has already been rendered. A specialappeal against the decision on separating records and information may be filed. After theruling becomes final, the excluded records and information shall be sealed under aseparate cover and submitted to the investigating judge for safekeeping apart from theother files, and may neither be examined not used in the proceedings. Records andinformation must be separated before the files are submitted to a higher court inconnection with an appeal against the judgement.(4) The reasons for reading out the record shall be noted in the trial, and it shall beannounced during the reading whether the witness or expert witness had been sworn in.Article 338In the cases referred to in Articles 321, 332 and 337 of this Code, as well as in othercases where necessary, the chamber may decide that besides the reading of the record,recordings of interrogations and questioning shall be played at the trial (Article 179).Article 339After the examination of every witness or expert witnesses and the reading of everyrecord or other document, the president of the chamber shall ask the parties and theaggrieved whether they have any observations.Article 340(1) After the conclusion of the evidentiary procedure, the president of the chamber shallask the parties and the aggrieved whether they have any proposals to amend theevidentiary procedure.(2) If no one proposes any amendment of the evidentiary procedure or a proposal isrejected, and the chamber finds that the state of the matter has been examined, thepresident shall declare the evidentiary procedure concluded.8. Revising and expanding indictmentsArticle 341(1) If the prosecutor finds during the trial that the evidence adduced indicates that thefacts of the matter as presented in the indictment have changed, he may revise thecharges orally at the trial, or may move for an adjournment to prepare a new indictment.(2) In case a new indictment is to be filed, the court is required to give the defendant anddefence counsel sufficient time to prepare the defence, and at their request also wherenecessary in case the charges are revised.(3) If the chamber allows an adjournment of the trial for preparing a new indictment, itshall determine a time limit in which the prosecutor must submit the indictment. A copyof the new indictment shall be communicated to the defendant, but objections to this

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