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(1) General provisions on interrogating accused persons (Articles 89 to 95) shall beapplied accordingly in the questioning of the defendant at the trial.(2) Where a defendant refuses to answer all questions or certain questions, statementsgiven by him earlier or parts thereof shall be read out.(3) After the questioning is completed, the president is required to ask the defendantwhether he has anything else to say in his defence.Article 322(Erased)Article 323(1) After the completion of the interrogation of the first defendant, the other defendants, ifany, shall be questioned one by one. After each questioning, the president of thechamber shall inform the person questioned about the statements made by codefendantsquestioned earlier, and shall ask him for any observations. Defendantsquestioned earlier shall be asked by the president of the chamber if they have anyobservations in connection with statements made by defendants questionedsubsequently. Every defendant is entitled to pose questions to all co-defendants whohave already been questioned.(2) Where statements made by co-defendants differ in respect of the samecircumstance, the president of the chamber may confront co-defendants.Article 324The chamber may, exceptionally, temporarily remove a defendant from the courtroomwhere a co-defendant or witness refuses to testify in his presence or wherecircumstances indicate that they will not tell the truth in the presence of the defendant.After the defendant returns to the hearing, he shall be read the testimony of the codefendantor witness. The defendant is entitled to pose questions to the co-defendant, orwitness, and the president of the chamber shall ask him for any observations inconnection with their testimonies. A confrontation may be conducted as required.Article 325During the trial defendants may confer with their defence counsel, but may not conferwith their defence counsel or anyone else about how to answer a question they havebeen posed.7. Evidentiary procedureArticle 326(1) After the defendant has been questioned, the proceedings shall continue with thepresentation of evidence.

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