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aggrieved also allow the attendance of his spouse, close relations and other person withwhom the accused lives in an extramarital or other lasting association.(3) The president of the chamber shall caution persons attending a trial from which thepublic has been excluded that they are required to maintain the confidentiality ofeverything they learn at the trial and that divulging secrets represents a criminal offence.Article 294(1) Decisions on the exclusion of the public shall be rendered by the chamber by aruling, which must be substantiated and made public.(2) Rulings on the exclusion of the public may only be challenged in appeals againstjudgements.2. Conduct of the trialArticle 295(1) The chamber’s president and its members, the recorder and supplementary judges,must be present at the trial at all times.(2) The president of the chamber has a duty to establish whether the chamber has beencomposed in accordance with this Code and whether there exist reasons for excludingmembers of the chamber and the recorder (Article 40 items 1) to 5).Article 296(1) The president of the chamber conducts the trial, interrogates the defendant,questions witnesses and expert witnesses and gives the floor to members of thechamber, parties, the aggrieved, legal representatives, proxies, defence counsel, andexpert witnesses.(2) The president of the chamber has a duty to ensure that the case is examinedcomprehensively, that the truth is found, and that everything that delays the proceedingsand does not serve to clarify matters is eliminated.(3) The president of the chamber rules on parties’ motions, unless the entire chamberrules on them.(4) The chamber shall rule on motions for which the parties are not in agreement and onthose where they are in agreement but are not approved by the president. The chambershall also rule objections against measures ordered by the president of the chamberconcerning the conduct of the trial.(5) The chamber’s rulings are always made public, are with brief substantiations placedin the trial record.Article 297

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