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to in Article 281 of this Code is filed – as soon as the trial can be scheduled, in view ofthe decision of the trial chamber. If he does not set a trial date within this time limit, thepresident of the trial chamber shall notify the president of the court and the president ofthe immediately higher court about the reasons for not ordering a trial to be held. Thepresident of the court and the president of the next higher court shall if need undertakemeasures to set a date for the trial.(3) If the president of the trial chamber establishes that the files contain the records orstatements referred to in Article 178 of this Code, he shall issue a ruling on theirexclusion before setting a trial date, and after the ruling becomes effective shall separatethem into a special cover and deliver them to the investigating judge for keeping apartfrom the other files.Article 284(1) The trial shall be held in the seat of the court in the court building.(2) Where in individual cases the premises in the court building are unsuitable forholding a trial, the president of the court may order the trial to be held in anotherbuilding.(3) The trial may also be held at another location within the territorial jurisdiction of thecompetent court, if the president of a higher court approves a substantiated proposal ofthe president of the trial court.Article 285(1) The following shall be summoned to the trial: the defendant and his defence counsel,the prosecutor and the aggrieved and their legal representatives and proxies, as well asan interpreter. Witnesses and expert witnesses proposed by the prosecutor in theindictment and the accused person in the objection against the indictment shall besummoned to the trial, except for those for whom the president of the trial chamberdeems that their questioning at the trial is not needed.(2) In respect of the content of the summons for the defendant and witnesses shall beapplied the provisions of Articles 134 and 101 of this Code. Where defence is notmandatory, the defendant shall be instructed in the summons that he may retain adefence counsel, but that the trial will not have to be adjourned because a defencecounsel fails to appear at the trial or because the defendant retains a defence counselonly after the commencement of the trial.(3) The summons shall be served to the defendant so as to give him sufficient timebetween the service and the trial date to prepare his defence, in any case not less thaneight days. In respect of criminal offences punishable with terms of imprisonment of tenyears or more, the time for preparing a defence shall be at least 15 days. At the requestof the defendant, or at the request of the prosecutor, with the consent of the defendant,these periods may be shortened.

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