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circumstances which temporarily bar prosecution, it shall dismiss the indictment by aruling.Article 275(1) In its determination on the objection against the indictment of the public prosecutorsubmitted pursuant to Article 244 paragraph 6 of this Code or on the request made bythe president of the chamber in connection with that indictment (Article 281), or when itrules in connection with the objections the president of the chamber of first instance hasto the indictment of the subsidiary prosecutor or private prosecutor in the cases referredto in Article 268 paragraph 1, or paragraph 2 of that Article, the chamber shall dismissthe indictment or private prosecution by a ruling, if it determines the existence of reasonsreferred to in Article 274 paragraph 1 items 1) and 2) of this Code, and whereinvestigatory actions have been conducted - also the reasons specified in item 3) ofparagraph 1 of Article 274.(2) If an investigation (Article 273 paragraph 2) has been conducted in connection withthe objections against the indictment of the public prosecutor referred to in paragraph 1of this Article or at the request of the president of the chamber in connection with thatindictment (Article 281) and after the investigation the chamber finds the existence of thereasons referred to in Article 274 paragraph 1 of this Code, it shall issue a rulingproclaiming the indictment inadmissible and discontinuing the criminal proceedings.Article 276In rendering the ruling referred to in Article 273 paragraph 3 and Articles 274 and 275 ofthis Code, the chamber is not bound by the legal qualification of the offence given in thein the indictment by the prosecutor.Article 277(1) If it issues none of the rulings referred to in Articles 273, 274 and 275 of this Code,the chamber shall dismiss the objection as unfounded.(2) In the same ruling the chamber shall also rule on motions to join proceedings or toseparate proceedings.Article 278If in a group of accused only some submit objections against the indictment, and thereasons due to which the court determines that the indictment is inadmissible are also ofbenefit to some of those accused who have not submitted objections, the chamber shallact as if they had submitted objections.Article 279All decisions of the chamber issued in connection with objections against the indictmentmust be substantiated, but in such a way that this does not prejudice the resolution ofthe issues which will be discussed at the trial.

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