Jolliffe I. Principal Component Analysis (2ed., Springer, 2002)(518s)

Jolliffe I. Principal Component Analysis (2ed., Springer, 2002)(518s) Jolliffe I. Principal Component Analysis (2ed., Springer, 2002)(518s)
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14.5. Three-Mode, Multiway and Multiple Group PCA 399procedures can be extended to more than two groups. For example, Casin(2001) reviews a number of techniques for dealing with K sets of variables,most of which involve a PCA of the data arranged in one way or another.He briefly compares these various methods with his own ‘generalization’ ofPCA, which is now described.Suppose that X k is an (n × p k ) data matrix consisting of measurementsof p k variables on n individuals, k =1, 2,...,K. The same individuals areobserved for each k. The first step in Casin’s (2001) procedure is a PCAbased on the correlation matrix obtained from the (n × p) supermatrixX =(X 1 X 2 ... X K ),where p = ∑ Kk=1 p k. The first PC, z (1) , thus derived is then projected ontothe subspaces spanned by the columns of X k , k =1, 2,...,K, to give afor each X k . To obtain a second component, residualmatrices X (2)kare calculated. The jth column of X (2)kconsists of residualsfrom a regression of the jth column of X k on z (1)k. A covariance matrixPCA is then performed for the supermatrix‘first component’ z (1)kX (2) =(X (2)1 X (2)2 ... X (2)K ).The first PC from this analysis is next projected onto the subspaces spannedby the columns of X (2)k,k=1, 2,...,K to give a second component z(2)kforX k . This is called a ‘second auxiliary’ by Casin (2001). Residuals from regressionsof the columns of X (2)kon z (2)kgive matrices X (3)k, and a covariancematrix PCA is carried out on the supermatrix formed from these matrices.From this, third auxiliaries z (3)kare calculated, and so on. Unlike an ordinaryPCA of X, which produces p PCs, the number of auxiliaries for thekth group of variables is only p k . Casin (2001) claims that this procedure isa sensible compromise between separate PCAs for each X k , which concentrateon within-group relationships, and extensions of canonical correlationanalysis, which emphasize relationships between groups.Van de Geer (1984) reviews the possible ways in which linear relationshipsbetween two groups of variables can be quantified, and then discusseshow each might be generalized to more than two groups (see also van deGeer (1986)). One of the properties considered by van de Geer (1984) inhis review is the extent to which within-group, as well as between-group,structure is considered. When within-group variability is taken into accountthere are links to PCA, and one of van de Geer’s (1984) generalizations isequivalent to a PCA of all the variables in the K groups, as in extendedEOF analysis. Lafosse and Hanafi (1987) extend Tucker’s inter-batterymodel, which was discussed in Section 9.3.3, to more than two groups.

400 14. Generalizations and Adaptations of Principal Component Analysis14.6 MiscellaneaThis penultimate section discusses briefly some topics involving PCA thatdo not fit very naturally into any of the other sections of the book.14.6.1 Principal Components and Neural NetworksThis subject is sufficiently large to have a book devoted to it (Diamantarasand Kung, 1996). The use of neural networks to provide non-linearextensions of PCA is discussed in Section 14.1.3 and computational aspectsare revisited in Appendix A1. A few other related topics are notedhere, drawing mainly on Diamantaras and Kung (1996), to which the interestedreader is referred for further details. Much of the work in thisarea is concerned with constructing efficient algorithms, based on neuralnetworks, for deriving PCs. There are variations depending on whether asingle PC or several PCs are required, whether the first or last PCs areof interest, and whether the chosen PCs are found simultaneously or sequentially.The advantage of neural network algorithms is greatest whendata arrive sequentially, so that the PCs need to be continually updated.In some algorithms the transformation to PCs is treated as deterministic;in others noise is introduced (Diamantaras and Kung, 1996, Chapter 5). Inthis latter case, the components are written asy = B ′ x + e,and the original variables are approximated byˆx = Cy = CB ′ x + Ce,where B, C are (p × q) matrices and e is a noise term. When e = 0, minimizingE[(ˆx − x) ′ (ˆx − x)] with respect to B and C leads to PCA (thisfollows from Property A5 of Section 2.1), but the problem is complicatedby the presence of the term Ce in the expression for ˆx. Diamantaras andKung (1996, Chapter 5) describe solutions to a number of formulations ofthe problem of finding optimal B and C. Some constraints on B and/or Care necessary to make the problem well-defined, and the different formulationscorrespond to different constraints. All solutions have the commonfeature that they involve combinations of the eigenvectors of the covariancematrix of x with the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of e. As withother signal/noise problems noted in Sections 12.4.3 and 14.2.2, there isthe necessity either to know the covariance matrix of e or to be able toestimate it separately from that of x.Networks that implement extensions of PCA are described in Diamantarasand Kung (1996, Chapters 6 and 7). Most have links to techniquesdeveloped independently in other disciplines. As well as non-linearextensions, the following analysis methods are discussed:

14.5. Three-Mode, Multiway and Multiple Group PCA 399procedures can be extended to more than two groups. For example, Casin(2001) reviews a number of techniques for dealing with K sets of variables,most of which involve a PCA of the data arranged in one way or another.He briefly compares these various methods with his own ‘generalization’ ofPCA, which is now described.Suppose that X k is an (n × p k ) data matrix consisting of measurementsof p k variables on n individuals, k =1, 2,...,K. The same individuals areobserved for each k. The first step in Casin’s (2001) procedure is a PCAbased on the correlation matrix obtained from the (n × p) supermatrixX =(X 1 X 2 ... X K ),where p = ∑ Kk=1 p k. The first PC, z (1) , thus derived is then projected ontothe subspaces spanned by the columns of X k , k =1, 2,...,K, to give afor each X k . To obtain a second component, residualmatrices X (2)kare calculated. The jth column of X (2)kconsists of residualsfrom a regression of the jth column of X k on z (1)k. A covariance matrixPCA is then performed for the supermatrix‘first component’ z (1)kX (2) =(X (2)1 X (2)2 ... X (2)K ).The first PC from this analysis is next projected onto the subspaces spannedby the columns of X (2)k,k=1, 2,...,K to give a second component z(2)kforX k . This is called a ‘second auxiliary’ by Casin (2001). Residuals from regressionsof the columns of X (2)kon z (2)kgive matrices X (3)k, and a covariancematrix PCA is carried out on the supermatrix formed from these matrices.From this, third auxiliaries z (3)kare calculated, and so on. Unlike an ordinaryPCA of X, which produces p PCs, the number of auxiliaries for thekth group of variables is only p k . Casin (2001) claims that this procedure isa sensible compromise between separate PCAs for each X k , which concentrateon within-group relationships, and extensions of canonical correlationanalysis, which emphasize relationships between groups.Van de Geer (1984) reviews the possible ways in which linear relationshipsbetween two groups of variables can be quantified, and then discusseshow each might be generalized to more than two groups (see also van deGeer (1986)). One of the properties considered by van de Geer (1984) inhis review is the extent to which within-group, as well as between-group,structure is considered. When within-group variability is taken into accountthere are links to PCA, and one of van de Geer’s (1984) generalizations isequivalent to a PCA of all the variables in the K groups, as in extendedEOF analysis. Lafosse and Hanafi (1987) extend Tucker’s inter-batterymodel, which was discussed in Section 9.3.3, to more than two groups.

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