Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

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4.2 SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTSKey individual/FSPSupervisorSupervisee(representative)Responsibilities,dutiesandrequirements Satisfy the Registrar that thebusiness has the operationalability to provide servicesunder supervision. Satisfy the Registrar that Sign-off on advice givento clients. Pre-transaction sign-offby a supervisor whereintermediary services Adhere to therequirements of thesupervision agreement. Provide the supervisorupon request, wherethere is a competent personare rendered.applicable, with anyto act as supervisor. Identify the representativeswho act under supervisionand differentiate betweenrepresentatives who meet all Attend meetings withsupervisee and clientswhere the purpose ofthe meeting is therendering of financialrecords and ordocuments regardingthe advice given and/orintermediary servicesrendered.the requirements and thosewho are working undersupervision in therepresentative register. Place supervisees in correctcategories for services undersupervision. Ensure that the superviseeservices. Do appropriate posttransactionsampling. Make follow-up calls toclients after therendering of financialservices by thesupervisee to confirm Disclose to clients thathe is acting undersupervision. Complete the requiredqualifications within theprescribed time limits. Undertake the relevantproduct training.has a good understanding ofand exposure to thecategories and/orsubcategories in which he isproviding financial service. Observe selected meetingsbetween the supervisee andcustomers (frequency maydiffer). Assess the advice given bythe supervisee forappropriateness in terms ofthe requirements of theGeneral Code. Ensure that the FSP/keyindividual takes thenecessary action to protectthe client where it is foundthat the supervisee's actionsmay not have been in theinterest of the client. Have documented evidence,together with thesupervisee, of the methodcertain aspects of theinteraction with theclient. Any other activity thatenables the supervisorto scrutinise theactivities of thesupervisee in respect offinancial services beingprovided by thesupervisee. Ensure that thesupervisee has a goodunderstanding of andexposure to thecategories and/orsubcategories in whichhe is providing financialservice. Observe selectedmeetings between thesupervisee andcustomers (frequencymay differ). Request guidance fromthe supervisor if indoubt. The supervision periodmust be linked to thecategory or subcategorythe representative isappointed for. Maximum period anyrepresentative can actunder supervision in anycategory or subcategoryis six (6) years fromdate of appointment. Representatives workingin multiple categories orsubcategories can getexperience in all thecategories at the sametime. They remainunder supervision untilthey meet requirementsfor the most onerouscategory.and frequency of thesupervision for the period ofservices under supervision. Assess the advice givenby the supervisee forappropriateness in Must complete RE1 (forthe applicable categoryor subcategory) within90 © <strong>INSETA</strong> - Section 1 12a

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