Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

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2.2 APPROVAL OF KEY INDIVIDUALS2.2.1 Requirements for approvalThe FSP applies to the Registrar for approval of a key individual. The onus ison the applicant (when it is a partnership, a trust or a corporate orunincorporated body) to "satisfy" the Registrar that a key individual meetsthe fit and proper requirements in respect of honesty and integrity, as well ascompetence and operational abilities. (We discuss these requirements in thenext section.)If the applicant's qualification is not on the recognised qualification list, andthe applicant thinks the qualification is indeed relevant and applicable to therole, application for recognition (to the Registrar in the prescribed manner) ofthe qualification must be made prior to submitting the application form.Let‟s look at the administrative requirements for the approval of keyindividuals.Submitting documentsKey individuals and sole proprietors (FSP which is a natural person) mustcomplete a specific application form (Form FSP4). The following is a summaryof what is required in completing the application form.A description of what best describes the applicant's (FSPs)Rolerole in the organisation is required. Questions relating to honesty and integrity must becompleted (refer the discussion on honesty andFit and properintegrity above).requirements Details about qualifications must be completed andcertified copies of qualifications must be attached.© <strong>INSETA</strong> - Section 1 12a 25

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