Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

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1.5.2 Types of financial productsFinancial products are grouped in the various product categories and subcategories.Below examples of financial products:Financial producta) Securities and instruments, including:(i) shares in a company other thana “share block company” asdefined in the Share BlocksControl Act, 1980 (Act No. 59 of1980);(ii) debentures and securitiseddebt;(iii) any money-market instrument.(iv) any warrant, certificate, andother instrumentacknowledging, conferring orcreating rights to subscribe to,acquire, dispose of, or convertsecurities and instrumentsreferred to in subparagraphs (i),(ii) and (iii);(v) any “securities” as defined inSection 1 of the SecuritiesServices Act, 2002.b) A participatory interest in one or morecollective investment schemesc) A long-term or a short-term insurancecontract or policy, referred to in theLong-term Insurance Act 4 , and theShort-term Insurance Act 5 , respectivelyd) A benefit provided by:(i) a pension fund organisation asdefined in Section 1(1) of theExampleShares in a company suchas Absa bank.An example of a debentureis an unsecured bond.Money market instrumentsare short-term financialinstruments such asbankers‟ acceptances,certificates of deposit.Securities include shares,stocks and depositoryreceipts in publiccompanies.Money market fundsmanaged by a fundmanagerCredit life insurance as anexample of Long-TermInsurance Category BBenefits include payout ofmoney accumulated in apension fund, for the4 Act No. 52 of 19985 Act No. 53 of 199814 © <strong>INSETA</strong> - Section 1 12a

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