Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

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PurposeThe application process for an FSP licence was discussed in Chapter 5. TheRegistrar will include certain conditions on every FSP licence and it is part ofthe management function of a key individual to ensure that these conditionsare met.Chapter 10 looks at these conditions and unpacks the requirements that arecontained in typical conditions. You will also gain an understanding of theeffect and meaning of suspensions, withdrawals and reinstatements of theauthorisation to carry on business as an FSP.The various offences as defined in the FAIS Act, as well as the civil remediesand anti-money-laundering controls are also discussed.It is important to know how the FAIS levies are calculated.10.1 LICENSING CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS10.1.1 The impact of licensing conditions on an FSPA FSP FAIS licence also carries conditions.There are standard conditions and there are conditions specifically applicableto the FSP licence. Specific conditions include reference to the categories forwhich the FSP is authorised, as well as any other applicable conditions aboutthe fit and proper status of the key individuals who need to obtain certainqualifications within a certain period of time from the date of licensing theFSP. The licensing conditions may also include exemptions applicable to theFSP.FSPs must adhere to the conditions and must also ensure that there areadequate systems and processes in the business to ensure compliance withthe conditions. Where representatives (and key individuals) work acrossvarious (sub) products and Licence Categories, there must be internalcontrols to ensure that the financial service (or management and oversight)they provide correspond with the specific licence conditions and restrictions.192 © <strong>INSETA</strong> - Section 1 12a

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