Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

Subject Title - INSETA

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Requirements.the existence of a specific exemption applicable to the FSP withregard to any matter covered by the Act.Specific disclosure requirements of the Code of conduct for authorised FSPsand their representatives involved in forex investment business 58The name and address of the foreign forex services provider orclearing firm used, if applicable.The name and address of the foreign Regulator regulating the foreignforex services provider or clearing firm, and whether such provider orfirm is approved or registered by such regulator.The name and address of the foreign regulator under whosejurisdiction the dealing activity falls.Whether the foreign forex service provider or clearing firm, whichholds investments on behalf of clients, has insurance cover to coverthe risk of losses due to fraud, dishonesty and negligence by theforeign forex services provider or clearing firm and the extent of suchcover.8.2.2 Disclosures of commissionGeneral commission disclosures 59Clients must be advised of the commission payable in respect of a financialproduct or service in rand value/amounts where possible:The nature, extent and frequency of any incentive, remuneration,consideration, commission, fee or brokerages (“valuableconsideration”), which will or may become payable to the provider,directly or indirectly, by any product supplier or any person otherthan the client.Fees or commissions for which the provider may become eligible, asa result of rendering of the financial service.The identity of the product supplier or other person providing oroffering the valuable consideration.If the maximum amount or rate of the valuable consideration isprescribed by law, the provider may disclose the actual amount in58 Section 3(n)(i) to (iv) of the Forex Code59 (Section 7(1)(c)(vi) & 8(1)(d)((ix) of the General Code140 © <strong>INSETA</strong> - Section 1 12a

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