AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

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<strong>AOS</strong> <strong>News</strong> Volume 25 Number 1 2011Make <strong>The</strong> Most of Your Connection<strong>The</strong> <strong>Optical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> of America is your inside track to the optics and photonics community and your linkto an international network of more than 12,000 optical scientists, engineers, and technicians in some 50countries. This connection, combined with OSA’s strong programs and services, makes OSA membershipa valuable resource for you. Join now!Connect toColleagues• Employment and CareerServices• Technical groups• Monthly magazine,Optics & Photonics <strong>News</strong>• Major conferencesand specialised topicalmeetingsConnect to TechnicalInformation• Technical exhibits• Affiliation with theAmerican Institute ofPhysics (AIP)• Electronic products andservices• Technical books• Peer-reviewed journals,incl:JOSA AJOSABOptics LettersAppliedOpticsJournal ofLightwave TechOSATranslation journalsConnect to Savingsand Value• Reduced meetingregistration fees (CLEO,OFC, and others)• As an OSA member,you are also a memberof AIP. You’ll receivethe monthly magazine,Physics Today, plusdiscounts on other AIPpublications• Substantial discounts onjournal subscriptions andpublications• Join up to 5 OSAtechnical groups and 2application areas, free• Membership discount to<strong>AOS</strong> members<strong>Optical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> of AmericaFAX: +1 202 416-6120 WEB: http://www.osa.org2010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036 USA4

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