AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

AOS News - The Australian Optical Society - Macquarie University

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<strong>AOS</strong> <strong>News</strong> Volume 25 Number 1 2011www.oemarket.comOpto-Electronics Fiber Optics Fiber Connection Test EquipmentErbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) for DWDM Systems – Support 16, 32or 64 DWDM channels, in-line amplifier for long haul or metro optical networks;booster amplifier for optical interconnects; two-stage amplifier for opticaldispersion compensation modules or add/drop modules. Excellent opticalperformance, network control interface, low NF, highly reliable.40 Channel 100GHz AWG Module – This is an arrayed waveguide gratings modulefor DWDM mux/demux applications. It has a unique athermal package thatcompensates the temperature change passively without the requirement of electricalcontrol.850nm Single Mode Coupler, 980nm Single Mode Coupler – 1x2, 2x2, 1/99to 50/50 coupling ratios, Corning HI780 or HI1060 fiber5GHz PIN Photodetctor – With 3dB bandwidth of 5GHz, this low-cost photodiodeis ideal for high speed or wide bandwidth optical signal detection. It covers 1100nmto 1650nm, with three-pin miniature coaxial package. Single mode or multimodefiber pigtail can be provided.980nm Pump Laser Diode Protection Filter – This filter provides protection toexpensive 980nm high power laser diode, by filtering out optical power at1020~1100nm or 1520~1620nm. It is a low cost solution for high power fiberlaser systems at 1064nm or C band. Single mode or PM fiber pigtails areavailable.PM Tap Coupler and Power Monitor – This device combines a polarizationmaintaining tap coupler and a pigtailed photodiode together. It provides an easyway to monitor the power in optical connection where polarization maintaining isrequired. 1% or 5% PM tap coupler, 1550nm.16Fiber <strong>Optical</strong> Products for the IndustryBitline System Pty. Ltd.Web: www.oemarket.comEmail: sales@oemarket.comTel: 02 9871 0878 Fax: 02 9871 0261

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