Camiguin - LGRC DILG 10

Camiguin - LGRC DILG 10

Camiguin - LGRC DILG 10

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THE STATE OF LOCAL GOVERNANCE REPORTEXECUTIVE MESSAGEAs it was hoped for, <strong>Camiguin</strong> is very much improved during my administration. Itcannot be gainsaid by what can be seen around the island that the province is trulymoving forward progressing in tourism, agriculture, social welfare services, deliveryof quality health services, infrastructures, economic enterprises and the excellentpeace and order. Though our province is classified as fifth class province, we werenot constrained by our minimal income, and this in fact challenged us to do more andproduce more substantial projects and developments.The combined efforts of all the provincial officials, department heads andemployees, with the cooperation and coordination from the national and other localgovernment offices and the non-government organizations, <strong>Camiguin</strong> is evidentlyleading towards the right track of development perspective.It is our vision that <strong>Camiguin</strong> province will continue to improve, and that allleaders shall become more dedicated to public service – true to their sworn dutiesand responsibilities and mindful of what is beneficial to the great number of thepopulace.Let me assure you that what we have presented in this report are trueaccomplishment of our target programs and projects. It is the real picture of ourpersevering efforts to attain a desired condition for <strong>Camiguin</strong> today and tomorrow.Guided by the Great Architect of the Universe, I take pride with what we havedone to enhance our performance, productivity and state of development. Briefly,allow me to enumerate what I consider as our major achievements last year.1

On GovernanceA) Legislation‣ Twenty (20) committees in legislative oversight functions‣ Ten (<strong>10</strong>) consultations with Sangguniang Bayan‣ Four (4) legislative authorization like Annual Budget; AnnualInvestment Plan; supplemental Budget and Memorandum ofAgreement.‣ Four (4) legislative reviewed & approval such Municipal Ordinancesan Resolution; Municipal Budget; Municipal Supplemental; Budget& Municipal Public Investment Plan‣ Seventy four (74) resolutions passed and approved of the differentsectors‣ Ten (<strong>10</strong>) Ordinances approved and implemented such asRevenue; Agriculture/Fisheries; Personnel Development.; RescueOperation and Peace and Order.B.) Transparency‣ Effective mechanism for having information is available to thepublic.‣ Accessibility of implementation about LGUs operation is availableat all times to the public/citizens.C.) Participation‣ Effective participation of different sector to the local governanceand development is highly recognized‣ Presence of feedbacks mechanism to the public is generated‣ Presence of local Gov’t. assigned desk for public assistance.2

On AdministrationA.) Development Planning‣ Local Development Council structure was created in accordanceto Sec. <strong>10</strong>7 of the Local Government Code of 1991‣ Formulation of Development Plans, programs and projects arewidely participated.‣ Adequacy of database to support Local Development Planning‣ Quality of CDP‣ Quality of PPFP‣ Quality of Gender & Development PlanningB.) Revenue Generation‣ Presence of Comprehensive Revenue Generation PlanC.) Resource Allocation and Utilization‣ Effective budgeting & accounting system‣ Effective allocation and optimum utilization of resourcesD.) Financial Accountability‣ Quality of Internal Control System‣ Effectiveness of the Financial Management System‣ Government Procurement Report Act or RA No. 9184 is createdand implementedE.) Customer Service‣ Fast track in response to client queries written or verbal thrucommunication system such as telephone, short messages viafax machine, radio system and the like to be processed within anhour or less.3

‣ Other official transactions are processed on time.F.) Human Resources‣ Recruitment, evaluation, promotion and grievance system is just,transparent and in accordance with existing guidelines or lawsimplemented to the personnel.‣ Fast and effective of GSIS loan application thru GWAPStechnology.‣ Gender sensitivity is being observed‣ Competent and effective local government personnel‣ Implement Executive Orders issuedOn Social DevelopmentA.) Health and Nutrition‣ Effective composition of Local Special Bodies “(Local Health &School Board)” mandated under Sec.98 & <strong>10</strong>2 of the Localgovernment Code of 1991‣ Operationalized 66 day care centers and provided 66 Day Careworkers of their monthly honorarium.‣ Supplemental Feeding Program benefited 3 municipalities namelyCatarman, Mahinog & Mambajao‣ Implementation of Early Childhood Care & Development Program(ECCD) Program & 30 outlets of Tindahan ng Bayan establishedlast October 19, 2006.‣ Implementation of Kalahi CIDDS Program in the amount of Php3,075,<strong>10</strong>0 for the rehabilitation of water system of brgy. Butayand dike construction in brgy. South Poblacion all in themunicipality of Guinsiliban .‣ Effectiveness IEC campaign to sustain various Health programs inthe province.‣ <strong>Camiguin</strong> General Hospital was also a Regional Winner for the4

Best Secondary Hospital in Region <strong>10</strong>.‣ High coverage (98.5%) of Provincial Indigency Program.B.) Housing and Basic Utilities‣ Provision of quality Socialized Housing Project and awarded 64dwelling units to the beneficiaries.‣C.) Peace, Security & Disaster Risk Management‣ Provincial Peace and Order Council was organized pursuant toE.O.309, series of 1988.‣ Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council was reorganized pursuantto E.O. 004, series of 2001.‣ Regional Winner CY 2006 Rescue Olympic‣ Regional winner CY 2006 for the Best Provincial DisasterCoordinating Council and nominated for National Search for BestProvincial Disaster Coordinating Council‣ PDCC-TWG Members in coordination with other line agenciesconduct info drive on disaster mitigation measures to identifiedrisk areas.On Economic DevelopmentA.) Agriculture and Fisheries Development‣ Presence of local government policies that is supportive tosustainable agriculture.‣ Provincial Nursery propagated and distributed 72,329 assortedplanting materials and seedlings to 445 local farmers and 12groups or institution‣ Plant Now Pay Later Program releases a total loan of Php 381,270to 24 seldas.‣ Construction of MPDP and CIP, this project were implemented to5

complement the post harvest facilities and improve theconveyance system of irrigation.B.) Entrepreneurship, Business and Industry Promotion‣ Investment generated for the period totaled to Php175.7<strong>10</strong>M‣ Generated an employment of 685 individuals‣ Total export value for the year 2006 generated from our cococharcoalproduct amounted to US$0.123 million with a totalvolume of 650.14 MT of coco-charcoal granules to Japan.On Environmental ManagementA.) Natural Resource Management‣ Care and maintenance of 72 ha. of Agro-forestry projects and 5.4ha. Mangrove rehabilitation.‣ Establishment and rehabilitation of Fish Sanctuaries/Marinereserve.B.) Waste Management and Pollution Control‣ Organized the Solid Waste Management Board‣ Conduct site selection for Sanitary Controlled Dumpsite incoordination with the DENR-MGB <strong>10</strong>.6

Executive SummaryPerformance, productivity and development indices for Calendar Year 2006are summed up as follows:Performance Area Performance ProductivityState ofDevelopmentGovernance 4.17 (High) 4.25 (High)Administration 4.75 (High) 4.11 (High)Social Services 4.9 (High) 4.33 (High) 3.39 (Medium)EconomicDevelopmentEnvironmentalManagement5.0 (Very High) 4.0 (High) 1.4 (Very Low)4.67 (High) 3.0 (Medium) 2.46 (Low)What appear to be the major areas for attention and action are:On performance, or further building on overall administrative capacities, allthe indicated performance area is very satisfactory.Insofar as local productivity is concerned, priority for action shall be theperformance on Environmental Management and service areas in naturalresources management.State Development by MunicipalityMunicipalities SocialDevelopmentEconomicDevelopmentEnvironmentalManagementCatarman 3.4 0.8 3.25Guinsiliban 3.27 1.17 1.75Mahinog 3.6 2.2 2.25Mambajao 3.25 0.83 2.33Sagay 3.47 2.00 2.75Province Average 3.39 1.4 2.467

Mambajao: Economic priorities are more on agriculture services, 42.7% oftotal economic budget Php 4,698,628.72 and 57.3% on the operation andmaintenance of the engineering office.Catarman: Low rating on Econonmic Development is attributed to poordevelopment o f irrigated area, very low weighted average of crop yield and low fishcatch 22% of total estimated fish catch. Overarching to these factors is the absenceof local Entrepreneurship Development Plan of the Municipality.Guinsiliban: A low Economic Development Rate of 1.17% is attributed mainlyon ; less completion rate of school age children , consequently less qualification toland a job more so, there is less job opportunity in the municipality. These data isbased from the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS).Development Condition by Municipality (in Performance)Municipalities SocialDevelopmentEconomicDevelopmentEnvironmentalManagementCatarman 4.27 3.6 3.6Guinsiliban 4.25 3.8 3.6Mahinog 4.11 3.2 3.6Mambajao 4.33 4.5 4.5Sagay 4.54 3.0 3.20Province Average 4.3 3.62 3.5On the other hand, obtaining development conditions in EconomicDevelopment and Environmental Management for the municipalities of Sagay,Catarman, Guinsiliban, and Mahinog should be given full and immediate attention. Ithas to be underscored that investments or interventions have to be done made ordone not on the condition per se but rather on the factors or circumstances that havehelped engender such a state of development.The level of effort which brought about desirable performance or condition onthe areas of Social Development in all municipalities and Economic Developmentand Environmental Management particularly in the municipality of Mambajao has tobe sustained.8

The Municipality of Mahinog should focus to address their problems ofEconomic Development in the service areas on entrepreneurship, business andindustry promotion and Environmental Management in the service of naturalresources management that shows low marks in performance.Problematic areas have to be given full consideration. Otherwise, the pace ofdevelopment and change will be hindered by such problems.9

Part 1.The State of PerformancePreliminary StatementAs understood in this report, State of Performance refers to the underlyingcapacity of a local government. In the thinking of the Provincial Government of<strong>Camiguin</strong>, organizational structure, policies, managerial and technical competencies,internal administrative systems, tools such as equipment and facilities, and financialresources are key essentials of capacity.Local Government Capacity in CY 2006For the profile year under review, the obtaining capacity level of the ProvincialGovernment of <strong>Camiguin</strong> was:GovernanceAdministrationSocial ServicesPerformance AreaPerformance Index &Adjectival Equivalent4.17 (High)4.75 (High)4.9 (High)Economic DevelopmentEnvironmental ManagementOverall Performance Index5.0 (Very High)4.67 (High)4.72 (High)The Provincial Government of <strong>Camiguin</strong> has higher capacity levels in Governance,Administration, Social Services, Economic Development and EnvironmentalManagement.<strong>10</strong>

Fig. 1 Performance Index by Municipality5Performance Index432<strong>10</strong>Catarman Guinsiliban Mahinog Mambajao SagayBased on Performance Index by municipality, it appears that capacities of twoLGU’s, Guinsiliban and Mahinog, need to be further enhanced.Guinsiliban:‣ Administration Inadequacy of database to support local development planning. Absence of a comprehensive Revenue Generation Plan. Ineffective Financial Management System. Ineffective customer service due to the absence of inquiry deskand a system to track all customer inquiries. Civil Application Processes not streamlined.‣ Economic Development Functionality of the Solid Waste Management Board. Quality of the Solid Waste Management Plan.‣ Environmental Management Effectiveness of Enterprise, Business and Industry Promotion Financial Infrastructure such as banks. Extension and on-site research service facilities for agriculture11

Mahinog:‣ Economic Development Absence of Local Entrepreneurship Development Plan and aneffective Investment and Incentive CodeCapacity-Ensuringand Reinforcing Factors‣ A close monitoring in these aspects may be exercised. Financial Capacity ofthese municipalities may be an aspect of low mark. Priority programs may bein need for reassessment. This governance’s program includes among othersa thorough conference of LGU’s to determine the causes of their low marks.Capacity-Hindering Factors‣ The people’s attitude towards any government projects undertaken plays amajor role to realize the goals. This administration aims to convince theconstituents their active participation of any program of the government.Priority Areas for Action‣ It is the goal of this governance that in every project/program undertaken, theeconomic issue of the constituents will effect to enhance. Financial capacity isalmost the major cause of failure and drawback therefore; the ProvincialGovernment ensures that our programs will be in congruence with the NationalAdministration’s issues on Economic Development.12

Part 2.The State of ProductivityPreliminary StatementAgain, it is to be understood that in this report, State of Productivity refers tothe reach and quality of essential public services delivered. The ProvincialGovernment of <strong>Camiguin</strong> recognizes the fact that at the core of its mandates is socioeconomicdevelopment and environmental management. This is the very reason forthe existence of a local government.Local Government Productivityin CY 2006For the year that passed, local government productivity is summarized, thus:GovernanceAdministrationSocial ServicesPerformance AreaProductivity Index andAdjectival Equivalent4.25 (High)4.11 (High)4.33 (High)Economic DevelopmentEnvironmental ManagementOverall Productivity Index4.0 (High)3.0 (Medium)4.11 (High)It appears that the Provincial Government has higher productivity levels inSocial Services, Governance, Administration and Economic Development. On theother hand, productivity in the areas of Environmental Management has to beimproved.13

Productivity-Ensuringand Reinforcing FactorsGovernance‣ Presence of Legislative agenda that complements the Executive agenda‣ Compilation of all ordinances and resolutions since the enactment of theLocal Government Code‣ Presence of the Code namely: Local Code for Children, Revenue Codeand Local investment Code‣ 81% local government projects funded out of the 20% and implemented inpartnership with local CSO and or PSOAdministration‣ Effectiveness of the Local Development Council‣ Formulation of CDP and PPFP is participatory‣ Presence of approved PPFP‣ Presence of Comprehensive Revenue Generation Plan‣ Formulation of Annual Budget is participatory‣ Effectiveness Financial management system‣ Effectiveness of customer service‣ Presence of effective and competent local government personnelSocial Services‣ Effective of Local Health Board‣ Composition of Local School Board is in accordance with Sec.98 of theLocal Government Code‣ Presence of Socialized Housing Project‣ Effective Local Peace and Order Council‣ Effective Local Disaster Coordinating Council‣ Massive IEC campaign against domestic violence on women and children‣ Presence of quality Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan14

Economic Development‣ Presence of Local Investment and Incentive Code‣ Presence of Local government policies that are supportive to sustainableagriculture‣ Presence of SME Council‣ Presence of basic infrastructure & facilitiesProductivity-Hindering FactorsEnvironmental Management‣ Ineffective partnership with Local Government and NGOs in themanagement of natural resources.‣ Lack of IEC campaign on Environmental management‣ Low level of productivity with environmental management maybe causedby a collective factor concerning the issue, usually it concerns unrelatedpolicies, insufficient-tools, values and financial support.‣ Slow delivery of important factors relevant of effective implementation ofprogramsPriority areas for attentionEnvironmental Management:The Locals tend to choose immediate needs over long-term environmentalprotection due to financial needs. Government programs too, need financialbacking so as to complement the needs of the local who will be affectedfinancially with these conservation programs.In the development plan project in all levels of LGU’s should include the aspectsof educating the people about the importance of conservation and protection ofnatural resources so that people will exercise their right to protect and policetheir environment against abuse and illegal activities in their areas.15

Part 3.The State of DevelopmentPreliminary StatementAs captured in this report, State of Development refers to the obtaining socioeconomicand environmental conditions in the Local Government Units. It has to bestressed that such conditions manifest the results of actions or neglect of allstakeholders in the locality. I bears to note that the term, stakeholder, brings to mindthree groups. First, those who are capable of influencing policy. Second, those whoare in a position to formulate, implement and control a policy. Third, those who areaffected by a policy but who are not in a position to influence or control it.Overall State of DevelopmentFor the year that passed, development conditions in the Local GovernmentUnits can be briefly described as follows:5DEVELOPMENT INDEX432<strong>10</strong>CatarmanGuinsilibanMahinogMambajaoSagay16

Municipalities SocialDevelopmentEconomicDevelopmentEnvironmentalManagementState ofDevelopmentCatarman 3.4 0.8 3.25 2.83Guinsiliban 3.27 1.17 1.75 2.52Mahinog 3.6 2.2 2.25 3.04Mambajao 3.25 0.83 2.33 2.14Sagay 3.47 2.00 2.75 3.00ProvinceAverage 3.39 1.4 2.46It appears that the Province of <strong>Camiguin</strong> does not posses the higher state ofdevelopment index for the year 2006. Economic development is poor while the socialand environmental development is below the higher index of 4-5.State of Social DevelopmentRelative to social development, indices in four service areas are shown below:MunicipalitiesHealth andNutritionEducationHousing andBasicUtilitiesPeace,Security, andDisaster RiskManagementCatarman 3.5 1.66 3.75 5Guinsiliban 4 0.33 3.5 5Mahinog 4.5 0.33 4.00 5Mambajao 3.18 2.56 3.25 5Sagay 4.00 1.33 3.5 5Above table shows that education has the lowest rating in 4 indices, followedby housing and basic utilities, then health and nutrition and peace, security anddisaster risk management has the highest.On education, the absence of data on completion rate in elementary,secondary and tertiary level contributes to the poor social development index.17

The influx of people to the province establishing residence has brought aproblem on various social needs. The LGU’s program on Health and Nutrition,Education, Housing and Basic Utilities, Peace, Security and Disaster RiskManagement needs a supplementary programs on sustainability to realisticallyimplement and achieved its desired target.These deficiencies boil down to the basic needs of a family for a moredependable source of income.State of Economic DevelopmentSagay2Mambajao0.83Mahinog2.2Guinsiliban1.17Catarman0.60 1 2 3 4 5In economic development, indices in two service areas are indicated below:Municipalities Development Index and Adjectival EquivalentAgriculture and FisheriesDevelopmentEntrepreneurship, Businessand Industry PromotionCatarman 1 0.5Guinsiliban 1.5 0.5Mahinog 3 0.5Mambajao 2.78 2.14Sagay 2.75 0.518

The low marks in economic development is brought about the fact of theprogram that we are having in this areas are on its early stage. Somehow, we areconfident that with trust and cooperation this program will take hold and gets anupward lift in the future. The LGU’s concern now is to sustain all programs relative toeconomic development in order to get the upward direction it aims to achieve. Whatis important now is to convince the people that without their cooperation andwillingness to share the responsibilities in all programs of the government will notrealize.State of the Environment5432<strong>10</strong>Catarman Guinsiliban Mahinog Mambajao SagayInsofar as the environment is concerned, service area indices are as follows:MunicipalitiesDevelopment Index and AdjectivalEquivalentNatural Waste Management,Resources Pollution Control and UrbanManagement Land QualityCatarman 3 4Guinsiliban 0.66 5Mahinog 1.33 5Mambajao 2.00 4.25Sagay 2.33 419

Priority Areas for AttentionNatural Resource ManagementThe 5 municipalities all have low marks on these areas. The LGU’sprograms on these aspects are its basic but most of all determined thatthere is not enough. The cooperation and education of the locals shouldbe the best weapon illegal and indiscriminate use of natural resources.The province is now studying programs of both national andinternational scope that may help us in these areas.Waste ManagementOur LGU’s are very much aware of these concerns and somehow ourprogram relative to these area quite sufficient.20

Part 4.Priority Strategies for ImplementationThis governance is directed towards thru infrastructure that aside from itsstructural function would result to endure the creation of jobs, motivates the local toengage in entrepreneurship, develop agriculture, the primary goal is to uplift theeconomic situation of the people.It is the principle of this governance to educate the people that total dependenceto temporary employment in government agencies will not economically help theprovince. Our program will be in congruence to the national issues of uplifting theeconomy of the province to improve the quality of life of our constituents.In a year and a half to a term’s end, thus governance goal is to sustain all theactivities under the programs and projects undertaken to ensure delivery of basicservices. It has been observed that one of the basic services. It has been observedthat one of the major causes of a project’s failure is the inability to sustain activitytowards the program’s calendar. I share with the leadership my principle of balancewellstudied projects will only materialize through hard, dedicated work. This year till2007, assurance is emphasized towards sustainability of all programs and projects ofthe Provincial Government.To affect these programs, the government always includes in all conference withthe constituents their role to be active participants. As end-users of all thegovernment projects it is our responsibility to use them properly, exercise our rightsto defend them from abuse to benefit it of its purpose.21

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