full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1043-1053 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1052in south China. International Journal <strong>of</strong>System Evolution Microbiology 54: 2085–2089.9. Xu, C., Wang, L., Cui, Q., Huang, Y., Liu,Z., Zheng, G., <strong>and</strong> Goodfellow, M. (2006).Neutrotolerant acidophilic Streptomycesspecies isolated from acidic soils in China:Streptomyces gu<strong>and</strong>uensis sp. nov.,Streptomyces paucisporeus sp. nov.,Streptomyces rubidus sp. nov. <strong>and</strong>Streptomyces yanglinensis sp. nov.International Journal <strong>of</strong> System EvolutionMicrobiology 56: 1109–1115.10. Newman, D.J., Cragg, G.M. <strong>and</strong> Snader,K.M. (2003). Natural products as a source<strong>of</strong> new drugs over the period 1981-2002. Adetailed analysis <strong>and</strong> description <strong>of</strong> currentnatural product derived therapeutic agents.Journal National Prod. 66: 1002-1037.11. Williams, S.T. <strong>and</strong> Davies, F.L. (1965) Use<strong>of</strong> antibiotics for selective isolation <strong>and</strong>enumeration <strong>of</strong> Actinomycetes in soil.Journal <strong>of</strong> General Microbiology 38: 251-261.12. Madigan, M.T., Martinko, J.M. <strong>and</strong> Parker,J. (1997) Antibiotics: isolation <strong>and</strong>characterization. In:Brock Biology <strong>of</strong>Microorganisms, 8th (eds), Prentice-HallInternational Inc. New Jersey, pp: 440-442.13. Grammer, A. (1976) Antibiotic sensitivity <strong>and</strong>assay test. In: Collins, C.H. <strong>and</strong> P.N. Lyne,editors. Microbiological Methods. London:Butterworths 23514. Shirling, E.B., <strong>and</strong> Gottieb, D. (1966)Methods, classification, identification <strong>and</strong>description <strong>of</strong> genera <strong>and</strong> species. TheWilliams <strong>and</strong> Wilkins Company, Baltimore,2: 61-292.15. Becker, B., Lechevalier, M.P., Gordon, R.E.<strong>and</strong> Lechevalier, H.A. (1964) Rapiddifferentiation between Nocardia <strong>and</strong>streptomyces by paper chromatographywhole cell hydrolysates. AppliedMicrobiology 12: 421-423.16. Williams, S.T. Goodfellow, M. Alderson,G., Wellington, E.M., Sneath, P.H. <strong>and</strong>Sackin, M.J. (1983) Numericalclassification <strong>of</strong> Streptomyces <strong>and</strong> relatedgenera. Journal <strong>of</strong> General Microbiology129: 1743-1813.17. Moncheva, P., Tishkov, S., Dimitrova, N.<strong>and</strong> Chipeva, V. (2002) Characteristics <strong>of</strong>soil actinomycetes from Antarctica. Journal<strong>of</strong> Culture Collection 3: 3-14.18. Augustine, S.K., Bhavasar, S.P. <strong>and</strong>Kapadnis, B.P. (2005) Production <strong>of</strong> growthdependent metabolite active againstdermatophytes by Streptomyces rouchi AK39. Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Medical Research 121:164-70.19. Mustafa, S.A., Tamer, U.A. <strong>and</strong> Azer, C.(2004) Antibacterial activity <strong>of</strong> someactinomycetes isolated from farming soil <strong>of</strong>turkey. African Journal <strong>Biotechnology</strong> 3:441-446.20. Thakur, D., Mazumadar, S., Gogoi, D.K.<strong>and</strong> Bora, T.C. (2003) Isolation <strong>and</strong>screening for biologically active metabolites.In: Bora, R.C. Unni, B. G. Deka, P. C. (Eds.),Bioprospecting <strong>of</strong> commercially importantplants. Proceedings National Symposium.ISAB-JC., 202-206.21. Jensen, P.R., Mincer, T.J. <strong>and</strong> Finical, W.(2003) The true potential <strong>of</strong> the marinemicroorganisms. Current Drug Discovery17-19.22. Gerding, D.N., Larson, T.A. <strong>and</strong> Hughes,R.A. (1991). Aminoglycoside resistance<strong>and</strong> aminoglycoside usage: ten year <strong>of</strong>Singh <strong>and</strong> Rai

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