full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1043-1053 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1051compounds were practically proved as success<strong>full</strong>ead compounds <strong>and</strong> are continues to provide newbioactive products that lead to the discovery <strong>of</strong>many novel strains that produce useful secondarymetabolites. There is a broad range <strong>of</strong>actinomycetes products such as antibiotics likestreptomycin <strong>and</strong> novobiocin are firmly cementedthese chemically prolific bacteria in the centrestage <strong>of</strong> natural products drug discovery research(21). The perspective <strong>of</strong> rapid emergence <strong>of</strong> drugresistance among bacterial pathogens shows thatthe potencies <strong>of</strong> prevalent antibiotics aredecreasing steadily, leading to reduced usefulperiod <strong>of</strong> drugs. This condition creates a dem<strong>and</strong>for the investigation <strong>of</strong> new, safe <strong>and</strong> effectiveantimicrobial compounds for replacement withexisting antimicrobials or use in antibiotic rotationprograms (22,23,24). In present studyStreptomyces represent a major portion <strong>of</strong>actinomycetes in soil <strong>of</strong> Durg District <strong>of</strong>Chhattisgarh with significant biological activity.These isolates which show the both antibacterial<strong>and</strong> antifungal activity, may be produced either abroad spectrum antimicrobial compound or severalcompound with multitude <strong>of</strong> activity. The presentfinding highlighted the importance <strong>of</strong> work forfurther investigation towards the goal <strong>of</strong> obtaininga reliable methodology to isolate rare <strong>and</strong> unusualactinomycetes, to reduce the re-isolation <strong>of</strong> strainsproducing known bioactive compounds <strong>and</strong> toimprove the quality <strong>of</strong> natural products screenedisolated from Durg District <strong>of</strong> Chhattisgarh.INDIA.AcknowledgementAuthors are thankful to the School <strong>of</strong>Studies in Life Sciences, Pt. Ravishankar ShuklaUniversity, Raipur, for providing lab facilities <strong>and</strong>financial support to carry out this work.References1. Kim, H.J., Lee, S.C. <strong>and</strong> Hwang, B.K.(2006) Streptomyces cheonanensis sp.nov., a novel Streptomycete with antifungalactivity. International Journal SystemEvolution Microbiology 56: 471-475.2. Watve, M.G., Tickoo, R., Jog, M.M. <strong>and</strong>Bhole, B.D. (2001). How many antibioticsare produced by the genus Streptomyces?Archives Microbiology 176: 386-390.3. Lakshmipathy, D. <strong>and</strong> Kannabriran, K.(2010) Isolation <strong>and</strong> characterization <strong>of</strong>antagonistic Actinomycetes from marinesoil. Journal <strong>of</strong> Microbial BiochemicalTechnology 2(1): 1-6.4. Labeda, D.P., Lechevalier, M.P. <strong>and</strong> Testa,R.T. (1997) Streptomyces stramineus sp.nov., a new species <strong>of</strong> the verticillateStreptomycetes. Integral Journal SystemBacteriology 47: 747–753.5. Dietera, A., Hamm, A., Fiedler, H.P., Muller,W.E.G., Brun, R., Beil, W., Kim, S.B. <strong>and</strong>Goodfellow, M. (2002) Streptomycesavermitilis sp. nov., nom. rev., a taxonomichome for the avermectin-producingStreptomycetes. International Journal <strong>of</strong>System Evolution Microbiology 52: 2011–2014.6. Berdy, J. (2005) Bioactive microbialmetabolites. Journal <strong>of</strong> Antibiotics (Tokyo)58: 1–26.7. Saintpierre, D., Amir, H., Pineau, R.,Sembiring, L. <strong>and</strong> Goodfellow, M. (2003)Streptomyces yatensis sp. nov., a novelbioactive streptomycete isolated from aNew-Caledonian ultramafic soil. Antonievan Leeuwenhoek 83: 21–26.8. Huang, Y., Li, W., Wang, L., Lanoot, B.,Vancanneyt, M., Rodriguez, C., Liu, Z.,Swings, J. <strong>and</strong> Goodfellow, M. (2004)Streptomyces glauciniger sp. nov., a novelmesophilic streptomycete isolated from soilIsolation <strong>and</strong> Characterization <strong>of</strong> Streptomyces sp.

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