full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1038-1042 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1042Table 2. Calculated energy values <strong>of</strong> antimicrobial agents <strong>of</strong> C. sativum with Vlife MDS algorithms.S.NoCompound Bond energy Angle energy Torsion energy vwd energy No. <strong>of</strong> TotalID (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) iterations energy(Pubchem)(kcal/mol)Initial final Initial final Initial final Initial final Initial Final1 534429 2.960 1.442 2.429 1.121 0.060 0.031 6.204 5.522 10 11.654 8.11782 16476 3.884 4.144 8.187 2.741 1.154 1.163 16.191 15.353 25 29.416 23.4103 20661 3.810 4.317 7.655 3.322 1.132 1.117 20.007 15.255 48 32.609 24.0204 20654 3.818 4.370 6.047 3.309 1.184 1.223 20.647 15.395 44 31.698 24.3025 20656 3.329 3.702 4.638 2.717 1.135 1.162 20.105 15.901 29 29.210 23.4866 537071 50.293 3.088 0.000 1.946 0.000 0.020 29.732 22.484 6 80.024 27.5397 75778 58.497 3.343 0.000 2.827 0.000 0.023 32.077 24.780 15 90.574 30.972AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to Dr. D. Y. PatilVidyapeeth, Pune, India for financial assistance<strong>and</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> the investigation.References1. Brad Spellberg, John, H., Powers,Eric, P., Brass, Loren, G., Miller, John, E.<strong>and</strong> Edwards Jr. (2004). Trends inAntimicrobial Drug Development:Implications for the Future. Clinical InfectiousDiseases 38: 1279–1286.2 Mishra, P., Lukose, T. <strong>and</strong> Kashaw, S. K.(2007). Synthesis <strong>and</strong> antimicrobial evaluation<strong>of</strong> some novel 2-imino-3-(4'-carboxamidopyridyl)-5-arylidene-4-thiazolidinones <strong>and</strong>their brominated derivatives. Indian J PharmSci 69: 665-668.3. Marjorie, M. C. (1999). Plant products as antimicrobialagents. Clin Microbiol Rev. 12: 564-582.4. French G. L (2008). What’s new <strong>and</strong> not sonew on the antimicrobial horizon? ClinicalMicrobiology <strong>and</strong> Infection, 14: 19 – 29.5. Cox, P. <strong>and</strong> Balick, M. J. (1994). Theethanobotanical approach to drug discovery.Sci American.270 (1): 82 -87.6. Pongsak, R. <strong>and</strong> Parichat, P. (2010). Potential<strong>of</strong> Cori<strong>and</strong>er (Cori<strong>and</strong>rum sativum) oil as anatural antimicrobial compound in controllingCampylobacter jejuni in raw meat. Bioscien.Biotechnol Biochem 74 9 (1): 31-35.7. Binshan Yi-Zhong Cai, John. D. Brooks, <strong>and</strong>Harold Corke (2007). The in vitroantibacterialactivity <strong>of</strong> dietary spice <strong>and</strong>medicinal herbs extracts.Int. <strong>of</strong> FoodMicrobiology 117:112-119.8. Venkatesh, S., Sailaxmi, K., Reddy, B. M. <strong>and</strong>Ramesh, M. (2007) Antimicrobial activity <strong>of</strong>Helicteres isora root. Indian J Pharm Sci 69:687-689.9. Saeed, S. <strong>and</strong> Tariq P. (2007) Antibacterialactivities <strong>of</strong> Emblica <strong>of</strong>ficinails <strong>and</strong>Cori<strong>and</strong>rum sativum against Gram negative<strong>and</strong> positive urinary pathogens.Pak J.Pharmacol Vol 20 (1): 32-35.10. Nair, R <strong>and</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>a, S. (2007). In-vitroantimicrobial activity <strong>of</strong> Psidium guajavaleaf extracts against clinically importantpathogenic microbial strains Braz.J.Microbiol. 38 (3):452-458.11. Rappe, A, K., Casewit, C J., Colwell, K.S, Goddard III, W. A. <strong>and</strong> Skiff, W. M.(1992). UFF, a <strong>full</strong> periodic table force fieldfor molecular mechanics <strong>and</strong> moleculardynamics simulations. Am. Chem. Soc. 114(25),pp 10024–10035.12. Elizabeth, A., Mazzio, Karam, F. A. <strong>and</strong>Soliman. (2009). In Vitro screening for thetumoricidal properties <strong>of</strong> internainal medicinalherbs. Phytother Res. 23 (3): 385-398.Molecular Modeling <strong>of</strong> Antimicrobial Agents from Cori<strong>and</strong>rum sativum

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