full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1011-1020 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1018the virus described here from coastal farms <strong>of</strong>Gujarat is very similar to white spot syndromevirus. This is believed to be the first report <strong>of</strong>systematic study <strong>of</strong> identification <strong>of</strong> WSSV fromthe cultured shrimps <strong>of</strong> South Gujarat region.AcknowledgementDuring the present investigation, the secondauthor DC was supported by a meritoriousfellowship from UGC New Delhi, India. Wegrate<strong>full</strong>y acknowledge the co-operation from theOffice <strong>of</strong> Assistant Director <strong>of</strong> Fisheries,Government <strong>of</strong> Gujarat, An<strong>and</strong>, as well as fromthe fish farmer Shree Girishbhai <strong>and</strong> Shree SushilMahanti from Olapad, Surat District.References1. Wang, C.S., Tang, K.F.J., Kou, G.H. <strong>and</strong>Chen, S.N. (1997). Light <strong>and</strong> electronmicroscopic evidence <strong>of</strong> white spot diseasein the giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon(Fabricius), <strong>and</strong> the kuruma shrimp,Penaeus japonicus (Bate), cultured inTaiwan. J Fish Dis., 20: 323-331.2. Rajendran, K.V., Vijayan, K.K., Santiago,T.C. <strong>and</strong> Rajan, J.J.S. (2005). White spotsyndrome virus (WSSV) infection in tigershrimp Penaeus monodon: A non-lethalhistopathological rapid diagnostic methodusing paraffin <strong>and</strong> frozen sections. AquacultInt., 13: 341-349.3. Escobedo-Bonilla, C.M., Alday-Sanz, V.,Wille, M., Sorgeloos, P., Pensaert, M.B. <strong>and</strong>Nauwynck, H.J. (2008). A review on themorphology, molecular characterization,morphogenesis <strong>and</strong> pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> whitespot syndrome virus. J Fish Dis., 31: 1-18.4. McColl, K.A., Slater, J., Jeyasekaran, G.,Hyatt, A.D. <strong>and</strong> Crane, M.S.T.J. (2004).Detection <strong>of</strong> White Spot Syndrome virus <strong>and</strong>Yellow head virus in prawns imported intoAustralia. Aust. Vet. J., 82: 69-74.5. Ramasamy, P. (1995). Diseases <strong>of</strong> shrimpin aquaculture systems; Diagnosis <strong>and</strong>therapeutic measures. Vanitha Publications,(Eds.) Madras, Chennai, India, pp. 1-99.6. Sahul Hameed, A.S., Xavier Charles, M.,Anilkumar, M. (2000). Tolerance <strong>of</strong>Macrobrachium rosenbergii to white spotsyndrome virus. Aquaculture, 183: 207-213.7. Sahul Hameed, A.S., Yogan<strong>and</strong>han, K.,Sathish, S., Murugan, V., Rasheed, M., <strong>and</strong>Kunthala, J. (2001). Experimentalpathogenicity <strong>of</strong> white spot syndrome virus(WSSV) in two freshwater crabs(Partelphusa hydrodomous <strong>and</strong> P.pulvinata). Aquaculture, 201: 179-186.8. Chou, H.Y., Huang, C.Y., Wang, C.H.,Chiang, H.C. <strong>and</strong> Chu-Fang, Lo (1995).Pathogenicity <strong>of</strong> a baculovirus infectioncausing white spot syndrome in culturedpenaied shrimp in Taiwan. Dis Aquat Org.,23: 165-173.9. Lightner, D.V. (1996). A H<strong>and</strong>book <strong>of</strong>Shrimp Pathology <strong>and</strong> DiagnosticProcedures for Diseases <strong>of</strong> CulturedPenaeid Shrimp. World Aquaculture Society,Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA, p.304.10. Chang, P.S., Chu-Fang, Lo, Wang, Y.C. <strong>and</strong>Kou, G.H. (1996). Identification <strong>of</strong> whitespot syndrome associated baculovirus(WSBV) target organs in shrimp, Penaeusmonodon, by in situ hybridization. DisAquat Org., 27: 131-139.11. Nadala, Jr. E.C.B., <strong>and</strong> Loh, P.C. (2000).Dot-blot nitrocellulose enzyme immunoassayfor the detection <strong>of</strong> white-spot virus <strong>and</strong>yellow head virus <strong>of</strong> penaeid shrimp. J VirolMethods, 84: 175-179.Bhatt et al

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