full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1004-1010 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1009shoot regeneration ability from the callus t<strong>issue</strong>swhen the medium was supplemented with morethan 2%. Higher sucrose (4%) in the mediumalong with 0.1 mg/l NAA + 2.5 mg/l BAP showed85% frequency <strong>of</strong> shoot regeneration in thepresent study. But, 6% sucrose drasticallyreduced the shoot forming ability. So, inParthenium, the concentration <strong>of</strong> glutamine <strong>and</strong>sucrose in the medium greatly affected the shootregenerating ability. Increase in the age <strong>of</strong> thecallus decreased the percent frequency <strong>of</strong> shootregeneration.Zavala et al (23) reported the formation<strong>of</strong> roots from callus cultures on a solid mediumcontaining inositol (1-2 mg/l) or inositol <strong>and</strong> caseinhydrolysate (1 mg/l), <strong>and</strong> different concentrations<strong>of</strong> 2,4-D, KN or NAA. Differentiation <strong>of</strong> rootswas also shown from callus t<strong>issue</strong>s grown on MSmedium containing 0.1 mg/l each <strong>of</strong> 2,4-D, BAP<strong>and</strong> kinetin or 2,4-D <strong>and</strong> 6-dimethylallylaminopurine (24). In the present study, MS mediumcontaining 0.5 mg/l IAA or NAA was the bestfor root initiation <strong>of</strong> shoots grown in dark <strong>and</strong>increase in the concentration <strong>of</strong> 2,4-D from 0.02mg/l to 0.08 mg/l, increased the percentage <strong>of</strong>cultures rooting at the cut ends.References1. Foster, M.A., Flower, J.L., Kleine, L.G.,Grote, M.M. <strong>and</strong> Puppala, N. (2002).Performance <strong>of</strong> direct seeded <strong>and</strong>transplanted guayule. Ind Crops Prod., 15:23-31.2. Foster, M.A. <strong>and</strong> C<strong>of</strong>felet, T. (2005).Guayule agronomics: Establishment irrigatedproduction <strong>and</strong> weed control. Ind CropsProd., 22: 27-40.3. Veatch, M.E., Ray, D.T., Mau, C.J.D. <strong>and</strong>Cornish, K. (2005). Growth, rubber <strong>and</strong> resinevaluation <strong>of</strong> two-year-old transgenicguayule. Ind Crops Prod., 22: 65-74.4. Y Kema, R.E. <strong>and</strong> Stutz, J.C. (1991).Isolation, identification, <strong>and</strong> pathogenecity <strong>of</strong>Fusarium Spp. from guayule in Arizona.Plant Disease. 75: 736–738.5. Maren, E., Veatch –Blohm, Dennis Ray, T.<strong>and</strong> William Mc Closkey, B. (2006). Water– stress – induced changes in resin <strong>and</strong>rubber concentration <strong>and</strong> distribution ingreen house – grown guayule. Agron J., 98:766-773.6. Nishimura, M.S., Emerson, R., Hata, T.,Kageyama, A., (1944). The propagation <strong>of</strong>guayule from cuttings. American Journal <strong>of</strong>Botany. 31: 412-419.7. Archer, B.L., Audley , B.G., (1973). InPhytochemistry (Nord, F., <strong>and</strong> Miller, L.,Eds) Vol 2, pp. 310-343, Van Nostr<strong>and</strong> ReinHold, New York.8. Backhaus, R.A. (1985). Rubber formationin plants: a mini review. Isr J Bot, 34: 283-293.9. Zhiqiang Pan, Francis Durst, Daniele WreckReichhart, Harold Gardner, W., BilalCamara, Katrina Cornish <strong>and</strong> RalphBackhaus, A. (1995). The major protein <strong>of</strong>guayule rubber particles is a cytochromeP450: Characterization based on cDNAcloning <strong>and</strong> spectroscopic analysis <strong>of</strong> thesolubilized enzyme <strong>and</strong> its reaction products.The Journal <strong>of</strong> Biological Chemistry. 270:8487–8494.10. Gomez, J.B. (1975). In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> theInternational Rubber Conference. Vol. 2. pp.143-164, Rubber research institute <strong>of</strong>Malaya, Kualampur.11. Jeong Kim, Stephen B. Ryu., Yeon SigKwak., Hunseung Kang., (2004). A novelcDNA from Parthenium argentatum Grayenhances the rubber biosynthetic activity inMaruthi Rao et al

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