full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 982-992 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)983pentose sugars fermenting yeast, Pichia stipitishas shown promise for industrial application forethanol production due to its ability to fermentwider range <strong>of</strong> sugars rapidly with a high ethanolyield <strong>and</strong> apparently produces no xylitol (8).In this communication, enzymatic hydrolysis<strong>of</strong> NaOH delignified GS was carried out usingcellulases derived from Aspergillus sp. RCAL-5 for the recovery <strong>of</strong> fermentable carbohydrates.The fermentation <strong>of</strong> GS enzymatic hydrolysatewas undertaken for ethanol production from P.stipitis NCIM3498 under batch conditions using10 l capacity fermenter.Materials <strong>and</strong> MethodsRaw MaterialGS were collected from Chagalamarri,Kurnool Dt. Andhra Pradesh. The material wasfurther processed in a laboratory disintegrator toattain a particular size between 4-10 mm followedby washing with tap water until the washings wereclear <strong>and</strong> colorless <strong>and</strong> then gently dried at 40 °Cfor overnight. This material was used throughoutall the experiments.Delignification750 g <strong>of</strong> dry GS pulverized material wassuspended in 1 N NaOH solution (1:10 ratio) <strong>and</strong>autoclaved at 121 °C for 30 min. The contentswere filtered with two layers <strong>of</strong> muslin cloth <strong>and</strong>the solid residue was repeatedly washed withwater until the pH <strong>of</strong> the filtrate became neutral.The residue was dried at 40 °C for overnight <strong>and</strong>subsequently used for enzymatic hydrolysisexperiments.Microorganisms <strong>and</strong> mediaP. stipitis NCIM3498 was procured fromNational Collection <strong>of</strong> Industrial Microorganisms(NCIM), NCL, Pune, India. It was revived <strong>and</strong>maintained on MGYP (Malt extract 0.5%,glucose1%, Yeast extract 0.5% <strong>and</strong> Peptone0.5%, Agar 2%) slants at 30 o C. The culturecultivation conditions <strong>of</strong> P. stipitis NCIM3498were followed as described by Nigam (9).Aspergillus sp. RCAL-5 showing cellulaseactivity on 2% CMC agar (Figure 1a, 1b) wasisolated from the discarded lemon feedstock froma local vegetable market <strong>and</strong> maintained on PotatoDextrose Agar medium, subcultured at monthly<strong>and</strong> kept at 4 o C.Fig. 1 (a). Aspergillus sp. RCAL-5, a novel isolatefrom natural resources grown on Potato Dextrose AgarmediumFig. 1(b). Culture supernatant showing Cellulaseactivity on 2%CMC agar <strong>and</strong> control without anycellulase activity.Ch<strong>and</strong>ra Sekhar et al

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