full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) i-vii January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)the need for undertaking a programme for properdocumentation <strong>of</strong> the state’s rich biodiversity, thepresident said: “It is also important that theuniversity creates certain awareness <strong>of</strong> theadverse impact <strong>of</strong> climate change <strong>and</strong>encourages people to adopt energy efficient <strong>and</strong>eco-friendly measures.”Meira Kumar proposes University forartisansLok Sabha Speaker <strong>of</strong> India, Meira Kumarhas proposed the UPA government to come upwith a University that would cater to the “workingclass” <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer courses for artisans <strong>and</strong>craftsmen so that they can obtain formal degrees.Meira Kumar is pitching for the establishment <strong>of</strong>the University as it would be able to <strong>of</strong>fer formaldegrees ranging from Bachelors to Doctoratesto artisans <strong>and</strong> craftsmen that would show fortheir skills. According to Kumar, such a “LaborUniversity” would also help in saving traditionalknowledge <strong>and</strong> skills which might soon be extinctas India undergoes development. The universitywould be catering to the section <strong>of</strong> the societythat have a vast variety <strong>of</strong> skills but cannot obtainregular university degrees.Sibal discuss educational ties with FrenchEducation ministerHuman Resource Development MinisterKapil Sibal meets Higher Education <strong>and</strong> ResearchSCIENTIFIC NEWSIIIMinister Valerie Pecresse in order to discuss thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> educational ties between the twonations as they both go through similar educationalreforms <strong>and</strong> face similar challenges. The Frencheducation <strong>and</strong> research minister wasaccompanied by French president NicholasSarkozy during his three-day visit to India. Therewas no discussion <strong>of</strong> government-to-governmentdeals on the agenda. Instead, the meeting betweenthe two ministers was <strong>of</strong> importance because <strong>of</strong>the similarities between the higher educationalreforms that are being prioritized by thegovernments <strong>of</strong> the both India <strong>and</strong> France. AFrench <strong>of</strong>ficial has said that France is a countrythat despite being developed, is still undergoingchallenges to the administration <strong>of</strong> highereducation in their country which is similar to theones being faced by India. “It is our belief thatIndia <strong>and</strong> France have much to learn from eachother regarding strategies <strong>and</strong> experiences,” hesaid. The higher educational institutions in France,similar to Indian higher educational institutions,lack autonomy <strong>and</strong> are mostly governed by thestate. They are almost completely funded by thegovernment <strong>and</strong> require sanctioning beforechanging the fee structure, introducing orchanging courses or hiking salaries <strong>of</strong> teachers.Higher educational reforms have been made acore component <strong>of</strong> Nicholas Sarkozy’s politicalagenda, similar to how it has been done in Indiaby Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.Twin Nanoparticle Shown Effective atTargeting, Killing Breast Cancer CellsBreast cancer patients face many horrors,including those that arise when fighting the canceritself. Medications given during chemotherapycan have wicked side effects, including vomiting,dizziness, anemia <strong>and</strong> hair loss. These side effectsoccur because medications released into the bodytarget healthy cells as well as tumor cells. Thetrick becomes how to deliver cancer-fighting drugsdirectly to the tumor cells. Brown University

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