full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1073-1082 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)The Protective role <strong>of</strong> Luffa acutangula fruit MethanolicFraction against t-BHP Induced Oxidative damage in HumanErythrocytesBoreddy Purushotham Reddy*, S. Venkata Mohan <strong>and</strong> P. N. SarmaBioengineering <strong>and</strong> Environmental Centre, Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> ChemicalTechnology Hyderabad 500 607, India*For correspondence - poory_boreddy@yahoo.com1073AbstractThe present study was designed to examinethe ability <strong>of</strong> partially purified fractions <strong>of</strong> Luffaacutangula (Cucurbitaceae) fruit, to attenuatet-BHP induced oxidative damage in humanerythrocyte as an in vitro model. Initially, weinvestigated the antioxidant property <strong>of</strong> thehexane, methanolic <strong>and</strong> aqueous extracts (FHE,FME <strong>and</strong> FAE, respectively) by DPPH freeradical method <strong>and</strong> found that fruit methanolicextract was showing higher antioxidant activity(71.4±4.46% at 1 mg/ml) compared to otherextracts (FHE&FAE were 13.93±1.3 <strong>and</strong>51.84±3.76%, respectively). Hence, this extractwas further partially purified chromatographically<strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> these fractions (F1, F2, F3, F4, F2-1,F2-2, F2 -3 <strong>and</strong> F2-4) F2-3 showed significantantioxidant activity (73.96±6.4% at 25 µg/ml). Thisfraction was further tested for its effect on lipidperoxidation, superoxide dismutase, catalase <strong>and</strong>glutathione in t-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP)treated-erythrocytes. Pretreatment with fractionF2-3 significantly inhibited lipid peroxidation in adose <strong>and</strong> time dependent manner compared tocontrol (40.6±3.2, 27.9±2.4 <strong>and</strong> 75.5±5.2 nmolMDA/gHb, at 30, 90 min <strong>and</strong> control,respectively). Catalase, SOD <strong>and</strong> GSH levelswere also brought up in a dose <strong>and</strong> time dependantmanner compared to control (treated <strong>and</strong> controlwere CAT: 100.7±4.7 <strong>and</strong> 51.3±3.2 µMH 2O 2/gHb/min, SOD: 9.68±0.87 <strong>and</strong> 1.15±0.12 IU/gHb, GSH: 21.3±1.23 <strong>and</strong> 6.0±0.91 µM/g Hb,respectively). These results establish that L.acutangula fruit aqueous fraction F2-3 possessesbeneficial role in mitigating t-BHP inducedoxidative stress in erythrocyte.Key words: Fruit methanolic extract; Reactiveoxygen species , Superoxide anion, Hydroxylradical; Malondialdehyde; Superoxide dismutaseIntroductionHydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2), organoperoxide, superoxide anion (O 2·-) <strong>and</strong> hydroxylradical (·OH), etc. are reactive oxygen species(ROS) generated by aerobic metabolism inbiological system <strong>and</strong> also by exogenous sourcessuch as drugs, ultra violet light, ionizing radiation<strong>and</strong> pollution. Under normal conditions, generatedROS are neutralized by inbuilt <strong>and</strong> defaultantioxidant enzymes present in the body such ascatalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathioneperoxidase, etc. (1, 2). Non-enzymatic antioxidantmolecules such as ascorbic acid, glutathione <strong>and</strong>uric acid also play a key role in detoxifying thefree radicals (3). Antioxidants are a type <strong>of</strong>complex compounds found in our diet that act asa protective shield for our body against severalacute diseases (4). Increased oxygen fluxconditions (i.e. exercise) or failure <strong>of</strong> antioxidantRole <strong>of</strong> Luffa acutangula in Oxidative damage

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