full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (1) 1064-1072 January 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1071metabolism, <strong>and</strong> effect on subcellularorganelles. Plant Physiology, 77: 978-983.12. Fern<strong>and</strong>ez-Checa, J.C., Kaplowitz, M.D.,Colell, A. <strong>and</strong> Garcia-Ruiz, C. (1997)Oxidative stress <strong>and</strong> alcoholic liverdisease. Alcohol Health & ResearchWorld, 21: 321-324.13. Clements, D.I., Forman, A., Jerrells, T.R.,Sorrell, M.F. <strong>and</strong> Tuma, D.J. (2002)Relationship between acetaldehydelevels <strong>and</strong> cell survival in ethanolmetabolizing hepatoma cells.Hepatology, 35: 1196-1204.14. Tadge, M., Bucher, M., Stahli, W., Suter,M., Dupuis, I. <strong>and</strong> Kuhlemeier, C. (1998)Activation <strong>of</strong> plant defense responses<strong>and</strong> sugar efflux by expression <strong>of</strong>pyruvate decorboxylase in potato leaves.Plant J., 16: 661-671.15. Ball, L., Accotto, G.P. <strong>and</strong> Bechtold, U.(2004). Evidence for a direct linkbetween glutathione biosynthesis <strong>and</strong>stress defense gene expression inArabidopsis. Plant Cell, 16: 2448-2462.16. Rentel, M.C. <strong>and</strong> Knight, M.R. (2004).Oxidative stress-induced calciumsignaling in Arabidopsis. PlantPhysiology, 135: 1471-1479.17. Foyer, C.H. <strong>and</strong> Noctor, G. (2005).Redox homeostatis <strong>and</strong> antioxidantsignaling: a metabolic interface betweenstress perception <strong>and</strong> physiologicalresponses. Plant Cell, 17: 1866-1875.18. Smirn<strong>of</strong>f, N. (1995). Antioxidantsystems <strong>and</strong> plant response to theenvironment. Environment <strong>and</strong> Plantmetabolism: Flexibility <strong>and</strong> Acclimation.(N. Smirn<strong>of</strong>f ed), Bios Scientific, Oxford,217-243.19. Gossett, D.R., Banks, S.W., Millhollon,E.P. <strong>and</strong> Lucas, M.C. (1996). Antioxidantresponse to NaCl stress in a control <strong>and</strong>a NaCl-tolerant cotton cell line grown inthe presence <strong>of</strong> paraquat, buthioninesulfoximine, <strong>and</strong> exogenous glutathione.Plant Physiology, 112: 803-809.20. Kiddle, G., Pastori, G.M., Bernard, S.,Pignocchi, C., Antoniw, J., Verrier, P.J.<strong>and</strong> Foyer, C.H. (2003) Effects <strong>of</strong> leafascorbate content on defense <strong>and</strong>photosynthesis gene expression inArabidopsis thaliana. Antioxid. RedoxSignal, 5: 23-32.21. Kanwischer, M., Porfirova, S.,Bergmuller, E. <strong>and</strong> Dormann, P. (2005)Alteration in tocopherol cyclase activityin transgenic <strong>and</strong> mutant plantsArabidopsis affect tocopherol content,tocopherol composition, <strong>and</strong> oxidativestress. Plant Physiology, 137: 713-723.22. Allan, A.C. <strong>and</strong> Fluhr, R. (1997) Twodistinct sources <strong>of</strong> elicited reactiveoxygen species in tobacco epidermalcells. Plant Cell, 9: 1559-1572.23. Scheel, D. (2002) Oxidative burst <strong>and</strong>the role <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen species inplant-pathogen interactions. In OxidativeStress in Plants (eds D. Inze & M. VanMontagu), pp. 137-153. Taylor &Francis, London, UK.24. Noctor, G. <strong>and</strong> Foyer, C.H. (1998)Ascorbate <strong>and</strong> Glutathione: keepingactive oxygen under control. Annu. RevPlant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 49: 249-279.25. Collakova, E. <strong>and</strong> DellaPenna, D. (2003).The role <strong>of</strong> homogentistate phytyltransferase<strong>and</strong> other tocopherol pathwayenzymes in the regulation <strong>of</strong> tocopherolGunjan, SK et al

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