Package 'metagenomeSeq' - Bioconductor

Package 'metagenomeSeq' - Bioconductor

Package 'metagenomeSeq' - Bioconductor

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cumNorm 7ArgumentsValueobjmethodalternativenormlogparallelcoresoverrideA MRexperiment object or count matrix.One of ’pearson’,’spearman’, or ’kendall’.Indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of ’two.sided’, ’greater’(positive) or ’less’(negative). You can specify just the initial letter.Whether to aggregate normalized counts or not - if MRexperiment object.Whether or not to log2 transform the counts - if MRexperiment object.Parallelize the correlation testing?Number of cores to make use of if parallel == TRUE.If the number of rows to test is over a thousand the test will not commence(unless override==TRUE).... Extra settings for mclapply.A matrix of size choose(number of rows, 2) by 2. The first column corresponds to the correlationvalue. The second column the p-value.Examplesdata(mouseData)cors = correlationTest(mouseData[1:10,],norm=FALSE,log=FALSE)head(cors)cumNormCumulative sum scaling factors.DescriptionCalculates each column’s quantile and calculates the sum up to and including that quantile.UsagecumNorm(obj, p = cumNormStatFast(obj))ArgumentsobjpAn MRexperiment object.The pth quantile.ValueVector of the sum up to and including a sample’s pth quantile

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