“Bosch today” brochure (PDF) - Bosch-Career

“Bosch today” brochure (PDF) - Bosch-Career

“Bosch today” brochure (PDF) - Bosch-Career

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UnternehmensbereichThe <strong>Bosch</strong> VisionKraftfahrzeugtechnikCreating value – sharing valuesAs a leading technology and services company, we takeadvantage of our global opportunities for a strong andmeaningful development. Our ambition is to enhance thequality of life with solutions that are both innovative andbeneficial. We focus on our core competencies in automotiveand industrial technologies as well as in productsand services for professional and private use.We strive for sustained economic success and a leadingmarket position in all that we do. Entrepreneurial freedomand financial independence allow our actions to beguided by a long-term perspective. In the spirit of ourfounder, we particularly demonstrate social and environmentalresponsibility – wherever we do business.Our customers choose us for our innovative strength andefficiency, for our reliability and quality of work. Our organizationalstructures, processes, and leadership toolsare clear and effective, and support the require ments ofour various businesses. We act according to commonprinciples. We are strongly determined to jointly achievethe goals we have agreed upon.As associates worldwide, we feel a special bond in thevalues we live by – day for day. The diversity of our culturesis a source of additional strength. We experienceour task as challenging, we are dedicated to our work,and we are proud to be part of <strong>Bosch</strong>.

Contents<strong>Bosch</strong> today3 | 34 The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group at a Glance5 Key Data6 The Business Year 201010 Innovation18 Automotive Technology24 Industrial Technology28 Consumer Goods andBuilding Technology32 Our Responsibility38 Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftung40 The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group in Germany42 The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group in Europeoutside Germany44 The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group outside Europe46 Milestones in Product History48 Milestones in Company History50 Management51 How to Contact Us

The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group at a GlanceShareholders of Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbH3 Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftung GmbH | 92 % share of equity | no voting rights3 <strong>Bosch</strong> family | 7 % share of equity | 7 % voting rights3 Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Industrietreuhand KG | 93 % voting rights3 Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbH | 1 % share of equity | no voting rightsThe <strong>Bosch</strong> Group is a leading global supplier of technology andservices. In the areas of automotive and industrial technology,consumer goods, and building technology, some 285,000 associatesgenerated sales of 47.3 billion euros in fiscal 2010. The <strong>Bosch</strong>Group comprises Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbH and its more than 350 subsidiariesand regional companies in over 60 countries. If its salesand service partners are included, then <strong>Bosch</strong> is represented inroughly 150 countries. This worldwide development, manufacturing,and sales network is the foundation for further growth. <strong>Bosch</strong>spent 3.8 billion euros for research and development in 2010, andapplied for over 3,800 patents worldwide. With all its productsand services, <strong>Bosch</strong> enhances the quality of life by providing solutionswhich are both innovative and beneficial.<strong>Bosch</strong> is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2011. The companywas set up in Stuttgart in 1886 by Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> (1861–1942) as“Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering.”The special ownership structure of Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbH guaranteesthe entrepreneurial freedom of the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group, making itpossible for the company to plan over the long term and to undertakesignificant up-front investments in the safeguarding of itsfuture. Ninety-two percent of the share capital of Robert <strong>Bosch</strong>GmbH is held by Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftung GmbH, a charitable foundation.The majority of voting rights are held by Robert <strong>Bosch</strong>Industrietreuhand KG, an industrial trust. The entrepreneurialownership functions are carried out by the trust. The remainingshares are held by the <strong>Bosch</strong> family and by Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbH.

Key Data<strong>Bosch</strong> today 4 | 5<strong>Bosch</strong> Group 2009 2010Sales revenue 38,174 47,259percentage change fromprevious year –15 + 24percentage share of sales revenuegenerated outside Germany 76 77Associates 1 270,687 283,507located in Germany 111,710 113,557located outside Germany 158,977 169,950Capital expenditure 1,892 2,379as a percentage of sales revenue 5.0 5.0Research and development cost 3,603 3,810as a percentage of sales revenue 9.4 8.1Profit before tax – 1,197 3,485Profit after tax – 1,214 2,489Currency figures in millions of euros1 As per January 1, 2010 | 2011Additional information is available online at:www.bosch.com

The Business Year 2010The year 2010 brought a strong recovery for the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group,with sales surpassing the pre-crisis level of 2007 far earlierthan anticipated. Having sustained the greatest losses duringthe economic crisis, the Automotive Technology and IndustrialTechnology business sectors came back particularly strongly.The Consumer Goods and Building Technology business sectorcontinued to record steady growth. Result was also significantlybetter than originally forecast. The rapid recovery was drivenprimarily by the greatly improved global economic conditions.<strong>Bosch</strong> Engineering GmbH (BEG) combines custom solutions with theadvantages of proven large-scale series production. It runs a state-of-the-artperformance test bench at the <strong>Bosch</strong> location in Abstatt, Germany.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today6 | 7Business in Asia drives growthDespite the economic crisis, we continued to expand ourpresence in the rapidly growing emerging markets of Asia,and this worked to our benefit. We were able to improve<strong>Bosch</strong> Group sales in Asia Pacific by 43 percent to 11 billioneuros. Even after adjusting for currency effects, the salesincrease was still 31 percent. For the first time, sales in thisregion climbed to 23 percent of total <strong>Bosch</strong> Group sales(previous year: 20 percent).Clear growth in all business sectorsThe Automotive Technology business sector increasedits sales by 29 percent, to 28.1 billion euros (24 percentincrease after adjusting for currency effects). Despite thesale of its foundation brakes business in North America,therefore, its sales nearly regained their pre-crisis levelof 2007. From mid-2010, a strong recovery also began togather pace in the capital goods industry. In 2010, sales ofthe Industrial Technology business sector rose by 30 percent(26 percent after adjusting for currency effects) to6.7 billion euros. All the divisions of the Consumer Goodsand Building Technology business sector improved theirsales, particularly in consumer-related areas. All in all,sales of consumer goods and building technology rose by10 percent to 12.5 billion euros. After adjusting for currencyeffects, the increase was 6.4 percent.Result once again within target corridorThe strong growth in sales was one of the main reasons figureswere significantly better than originally expected.We disclose a pre-tax profit of 3.5 billion euros, compared

with a loss of 1.2 billion euros in the previous year. Apartfrom cutbacks and growth in sales, important factors inthis marked improvement included improvements in anumber of areas requiring restructuring measures. Theseoperational improvements more than offset the effects ofthe significantly higher raw materials prices that accompaniedthe upturn.Renewed upward trend in headcountIn the course of the year, the number of associates worldwiderose by 12,800 – or nearly 5 percent – to 283,500. Thisgrowth was centered primarily on Asia Pacific, where morethan 63,000 associates now work for the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group.Headcount in China increased by some 5,000 to 26,200,while in India it rose by 2,200 to its current total of 20,800.However, headcount also grew in other regions. In Germany,it rose to 113,600, compared with 111,700 one yearpreviously.Enhancing capacity to innovateIn 2010, having also maintained a high level of spendingon research and development throughout the economiccrisis, we increased R&D expenditure by some 6 percent,to 3.8 billion euros. At the end of the year, approximately34,000 associates were working in this area worldwide.We further strengthened our global research networkby opening an additional research center in Singapore,with operations in Shanghai and Tokyo. And in order topool our research, advance engineering, and processengineering activities, we also acquired a substantial areaof land close to Stuttgart.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today8 | 9The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group operates in the following fields:3 Automotive technology3 Automation technology3 Packaging technology3 Solar energy3 Power tools3 Heating technology3 Household appliances3 Security systemsNo changes to strategic frameworkThe business policy principles and measures that we appliedto help us through the crisis paid off. These included comprehensivecutbacks, a strategy of safeguarding liquidityby putting in place systematic inventory management, anddeliberate limits on capital expenditure and acquisi tions.However, our long-term business strategy meant that it wasalso extremely important for us to keep our core team onboard and preserve our innovative strength. Even duringthe crisis, we further expanded our presence in the AsiaPacific growth region. In this way, we ensured that we willbe able to take full advantage of our future opportunities.Having come through the recession quickly and returnedto the positive trend of the pre-crisis period, we can nowrefocus on our company’s long-term development.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today 10 | 11Solar cell developmentA solar module manufactured by <strong>Bosch</strong> Solar Energy AGcontains up to 60 cells. Their efficiency determines theoutput of the modules – and hence the competitivenessof photovoltaic technology. The people who develop ourcrystalline solar cells are systematically working on newcell generations. The next solar cell generation is due toenter pilot fabrication in early 2011.CalLab, the independent photovoltaic calibration laboratoryat the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems(ISE), has confirmed efficiency values of 18.9 percent for ournew cells. This equates to a one percentage-point increasecompared with today’s standard cells. Latest results in thelaboratory have already reached values of 19.5 percent.Telehealth<strong>Bosch</strong> has developed an innovative solution for the remotemonitoring of patients who suffer from chronic conditions.In addition to involving the routine recording of medicaldata such as blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, and oxygensaturation, the <strong>Bosch</strong> Telehealth Plus concept also askspatients a series of questions on a daily basis, and collatestheir answers.This comprehensive <strong>Bosch</strong> package has already demonstratedits practical worth. For instance, <strong>Bosch</strong> cooperateswith the Veterans Health Administration in the UnitedStates. In Germany, it has been responsible for the technicalside of the “Partnership for the Heart” consortiumsince 2006.

ElectromobilityFor the next 20 years, the internal-combustion engine willremain the powertrain of choice. Per kilogram of energystorage, and as technological developments stand at present,a car equipped with such an engine can drive roughly40 times farther than an electric vehicle. And there is stillpotential to further reduce the consumption and emissionsof internal-combustion engines. In the long term, however,electric motors will play an important role. <strong>Bosch</strong> has basedits strategy on these considerations, fine-tuning diesel andgasoline engines while at the same time investing majoreffort in the electrification of the powertrain. <strong>Bosch</strong> alreadyhas a full product portfolio for hybrid and electric powertrains.With all these products, plus the lithium-ion batteriesfrom the SB LiMotive joint venture set up with the Koreancompany Samsung SDI, <strong>Bosch</strong> is in a position to supplythe entire electrical powertrain – from the energy-storagemedium to the electric motor.Pilot project in Singapore<strong>Bosch</strong> has successfully bid for a pilot project in Singapore.It involves a software-based service platform for electromobilityas well as the requisite charging and communicationinfrastructure. The <strong>Bosch</strong> eMobility Solution platformenables drivers of electric vehicles to quickly find a vacantcharge spot, and if necessary to reserve it in advance. TheeMobility Solution is designed to be open and flexible, so thatadditional business models and value-added services can beintegrated, such as the option for drivers to reserve powerfrom renewable sources at the corresponding “eco-rates” orplan routes including alternative forms of transportation.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today 12 | 13<strong>Bosch</strong> has set up a new manufacturing facility for electric motors inHildesheim, Germany.Engineers in close-upFranz Lärmer and Andrea Urban have known and respectedeach other for a long time. Working in the Research andAdvance Engineering corporate sector in the early nineties,Lärmer’s task seemed to be an insurmountable one. Whenhis work nonetheless started to show initial signs of progress,<strong>Bosch</strong> allowed him to take on another associate. Togetherwith his new colleague Andrea Urban, Lärmer cut theGordian knot: the two managed to develop a process forthe mass production of microsensors, including highlysensitive yaw-rate sensors. Yaw-rate sensors are at theheart of the ESP® electronic stability program, the highly

successful safety system <strong>Bosch</strong> supplies to the automotiveindustry.Throughout their scientific (ad)venture, the associatesknew that they could always count on support from <strong>Bosch</strong>.Research is regarded as one of the pillars underpinning thecompany’s future success. Even in times of crisis, it remainsvirtually non-negotiable. In 2007, the solution to microsensormanufacturing also earned the duo the title “Inventor ofthe Year” from the European Patent Office. Today, both arestill diligently adding to their extensive patent collections.The European Patent Office named Dr. Franz Lärmer (50) and Andrea Urban(43) the “Inventors of the Year” in 2007.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today14 | 15“Research is like running a marathon,” says Franz Lärmer.“Only those at the top of their game reach the finish line.”Electronic sensory organsSince production started in 1995, <strong>Bosch</strong> has manufacturedwell over 1.5 billion microelectromechanical (MEMS) sensors.This makes <strong>Bosch</strong> the uncontested world market leader.Sensors are electronic sensory organs that enable machinesto detect their environment. MEMS sensors featuremechanical components such as springs, beams, weights,and membranes, all in the form of delicate silicon structuresonly thousandths of a millimeter thick. They accuratelyand reliably measure physical parameters such as pressure,acceleration, yaw rate, and flow rate. For the consumersector, it is not sufficient simply to deliver reliability androbustness. While this is enough for automotive engineeringapplications, the consumer sector needs sensors to beeconomical, as well as ever smaller in size. <strong>Bosch</strong> makes theworld’s smallest MEMS acceleration sensors. Measuring just2 x 2 x 0.95 millimeters, their power consumption in standbymode is lower than the battery’s self-discharge rate.Motorcycle ABS can save livesIt was an achievement worthy of special recognition: in2010, the new <strong>Bosch</strong> motorcycle ABS garnered the coveted“Gelber Engel” (yellow angel) innovation prize from theADAC, Europe’s largest automobile association. The previouslyavailable systems had all been derived from passenger-cartechnology and were appropriate mainly for largemotorcycles with 250 cc displacement or more. But theywere simply too heavy for smaller classes. That was the

challenge the engineers at the <strong>Bosch</strong> motorcycle ABS competencecenter in Yokohama, Japan, decided to tackle. They createdthe new-generation “ABS 9 base” – at 0.7 kilograms, muchlighter and just half the size of its predecessor. Experts regardthe motorcycle ABS as a huge boost to safety.Drives for e-bikes<strong>Bosch</strong> has entered the expanding market for electric drivesfor pedelecs. At the heart of the e-bike drive is the drive unit,an electric motor with a control unit and sensors. The firstbikes featuring <strong>Bosch</strong> drives premiered at the Eurobike tradeshow in Friedrichshafen, Germany, in September 2010.Saving fuel with start-stop systemsToo much fuel is wasted when engines are left running at redlights or in traffic jams. This is where the <strong>Bosch</strong> start-stopsystem comes in. It automatically stops the engine at a redlight or when the vehicle comes to a standstill in traffic, andit restarts the engine as soon as the clutch is engaged and thecar is shifted into first gear. The system makes it possible toreduce fuel consumption by up to 8 percent in urban driving.Since series production started in 2007, <strong>Bosch</strong> has equippedsome 2.5 million vehicles with economical start-stop systems.Tapping into stored energy<strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth’s HRB hydrostatic regenerative braking systemsaves fuel, protects the environment, and reduces the operatingcosts of heavy-duty trucks that frequently have to stop andmove off again. Instead of the kinetic energy that is generatedduring braking being wasted as unused heat, it is converted intohydraulic energy and stored in special pressure accumulators.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today 16 | 17During the next acceleration cycle, the stored energy is fedback into the propulsion system to reduce the load on theinternal-combustion engine. It lowers fuel consumption andhence CO ²emissions by up to 25 percent, and brake wear byas much as 50 percent. Following a successful test phase, theHRB system went into series production in October 2010.Drill/driver with cult statusThe Ixo, the world’s most successful cordless drill/driver,has now achieved cult status. Today, some ten million of thesmall, versatile drill/drivers are being used by do-it-yourselfersaround the world. No other power tool has ever setsuch a record. As the world’s first tool to feature lithium-ionbattery technology, the Ixo created a new market in 2003.Smart washing machinesBrand new on the market: a <strong>Bosch</strong> washing machine that canfigure out by itself how much detergent to use. Depending onhow much laundry you have, how soiled it is, and how hardyour water is, the machine automatically releases the rightamount of liquid detergent and softener, which flow from itsreserve tank into the water. This precise dispensing systemreduces the amount of detergent used in the washer by upto 30 percent compared with conventional appliances. Thenew Logixx 8 washers are equipped with special sensors thatcan recognize fabric types and how dirty the laundry is, andadjust the amount of water pumped in, the number of rinsecycles, and the spin speed accordingly.Additional information about Corporate Research isavailable online at: www.research.bosch.com

Automotive TechnologyThe year 2010 saw the automotive market recover far more quicklythan expected. At 76 million vehicles, global vehicle productionwas 23 percent up on 2009, and even exceeded its 2007 level.Our Automotive Technology business sector benefited significantlyfrom the positive market developments, in particular due to oursubstantial presence in major growth economies such as Chinaand India. Sales grew strongly to over 28 billion euros, 29 percentup on the previous year.Our new motorcycle ABS was developed entirely in Japan. It was awardedthe “Gelber Engel” (yellow angel) in early 2010 by the ADAC, the Germanautomobile association. The picture shows <strong>Bosch</strong> engineers carrying outapplication work after a field test.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today18 | 19Key data 2010Associates 167,040Sales revenue 28,097Capital expenditure 1,556R & D cost 3,004Currency figures in millions of eurosAutomotive Technology is the largest <strong>Bosch</strong> business sector.It generates some 59 percent of total group sales. Theseven largest business areas are: fuel-injection systemsfor internal-combustion engines, peripheral devices forpower train control, alternative drive concepts, active andpassive vehicle safety systems, driver-assistance and otherguidance functions, in-car information and communicationsystems, and a range of after-sales, engineering-support,and service concepts for the automotive aftermarket.The future belongs to alternative powertrain conceptsTechnical and environmental issues returned to dominatediscussion in the automotive sector during the upturn in2010. Focal points included energy efficiency, resourceconservation, future powertrain concepts, and systemsand functions designed to improve safety and comfort.We offer automakers across the globe a wide range of solutionsin all these areas. And despite the difficult economicclimate of the past two years, we have fully maintained ourR&D expenditure for areas with a promising future. Thisstrategy has paid off, enabling us to gain an edge over ourcompetitors in many areas.

In <strong>Bosch</strong>’s view, electromobility has a promising future forindividual transportation over the long term. That is whywe invest some 400 million euros annually in this businessfield, working on powertrain electrification and developingsystems solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles. In2010, we started series production of a parallel full hybridin two premium models. Starting in 2011, a further automakerwill be marketing diesel vehicles that incorporate<strong>Bosch</strong> hybrid technology.The biggest technical challenge in electromobility is energystorage – the battery, in other words. It needs to bepowerful, durable, robust, and cost-effective. In a jointventure with Samsung SDI, <strong>Bosch</strong> has been developingsuch batteries since 2008. This joint venture, SB LiMotiveLtd., supplies battery cells and systems, and gained newmajor customers in 2010. In November 2010, series productionstarted at the joint venture’s manufacturing facilityin Ulsan, Korea.<strong>Bosch</strong> manufactures automotive technologyat 122 locations in 29 countries.Divisions3 Gasoline Systems3 Diesel Systems3 Chassis Systems Brakes3 Chassis Systems Control3 Electrical Drives3 Starter Motors and Generators3 Car Multimedia3 Automotive Electronics3 Automotive Aftermarket3 Steering Systems 11 ZF Lenksysteme GmbH (50 % <strong>Bosch</strong>-owned)

<strong>Bosch</strong> today20 | 21Associates at our <strong>Bosch</strong> Software Innovations systems unit with the prototypeof a charge spot for electric cars. In Singapore, <strong>Bosch</strong> has won a bidto create a software-based service platform for electromobility.Also in the electromobility field, our subsidiary <strong>Bosch</strong>Software Innovations GmbH has successfully bid for a pilotproject in Singapore that comprises a software-based serviceplatform for e-mobility, as well as the necessary chargingand communication infrastructure to go with it.Internal-combustion engines – still plenty of potentialInternal-combustion engines will remain the dominantdrive system in passenger cars for at least another20 years, and in commercial vehicles for much longer.

That is why we are working closely with automakers toenhance the efficiency of such engines. We believe that thepotential exists to further reduce fuel consumption in dieseland gasoline engines by some 30 percent over the nextfew years. Such a reduction will also allow them to complywith the CO ²fleet limits that will come into force in the future.Moreover, we have developed injection systems thatwill make it possible to use natural gas or fuels producedeither synthetically or from renewable raw materials.The Electrical Drives division develops and manufactures low-power electricalmotors for use in the automotive industry. More than 72 million motors aremanufactured at the <strong>Bosch</strong> plant in Bühl, Germany, each year.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today22 | 23Engines with direct injection and turbocharging are thekey to lower consumption. Both systems are already standardfor diesel engines, and a growing number of gasolineengines are also being fitted with them. Efficiency can beimproved still further by reducing displacement whilekeeping performance constant – a process known as downsizing.More and more engines, particularly in Europe, arebeing downsized. We offer injection systems for each typeof engine – for gasoline engines we have second-generationdirect injection systems, and for diesel engines we havesystems that use solenoid and piezo valves and generateinjection pressures of over 2,000 bar. <strong>Bosch</strong> Mahle TurboSystems GmbH & Co. KG, a joint venture founded in 2008,supplies turbochargers for both gasoline and diesel engines.Series production will start in late 2011.When equipped with exhaust-gas treatment systems, dieselengines can satisfy the most stringent environmentalstandards. We supply the Denoxtronic urea-metering systemfor use in passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Inconjunction with an SCR catalytic converter, this systemhelps lower nitrogen-oxide emissions considerably andalso offers additional potential for cutting consumption.For use in commercial vehicles, we supply Departronic, asystem that injects diesel fuel into the exhaust-gas flow andthus helps to regenerate the particulate filter.Additional information about Automotive Technology isavailable online at: www.bosch-kraftfahrzeugtechnik.de

Industrial TechnologyIt was not until the second half of 2010 that business in theIndustrial Technology business sector picked up, ultimatelygenerating sales of 6.7 billion euros for the year as a whole, animprovement of 30 percent on the previous year. Operationsat <strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth AG and in our Packaging Technology divisionwere boosted by strong growth in markets such as Asia Pacificand South America. Our subsidiaries <strong>Bosch</strong> Solar Energy AGand aleo solar AG benefited from a boom in the German photovoltaicsmarket.We have developed a completely new conveyor system for packaging delicatefoodstuffs and confectionery. The compact system ensures that the items tobe packaged are moved quickly and spaced evenly as they move toward thepoint of packaging.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today24 | 25Key data 2010Associates 43,415Sales revenue 6,660Capital expenditure 386R & D cost 334Currency figures in millions of euros<strong>Bosch</strong>’s activities in the Industrial Technology businesssector comprise automation technology, packaging technology,and photovoltaics. The <strong>Bosch</strong> subsidiary <strong>Bosch</strong>Rexroth offers a complete range of drive, control, andactuation solutions based on hydraulic, electric, mechanical,and pneumatic technologies. In packaging technology,<strong>Bosch</strong> has become a specialist supplier of processing andpackaging lines for the pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, andconfectionery industries.Market environment has changedThe crisis has rapidly and lastingly changed the marketenvironment for our drive and control products. AsiaPacific now offers by far the greatest growth potentialfor us, and there is now growing demand for solutionsthat combine multiple technologies. Accordingly, <strong>Bosch</strong>Rexroth has repositioned itself in the market. The MobileApplications unit offers components, modules, and systemssolutions for mobile machinery, primarily for use in constructionand agriculture. The new Industrial Applicationsunit supplies the general mechanical and industrialengineering sector with our comprehensive portfolio ofdrive and control technologies. The Renewable Energies

unit combines the gearbox and drive solutions we havedeveloped for plants that harness wind power and otherrenewable energy sources.Packaging technology grows in AsiaOver the course of the year, the core business of ourPackaging Technology division benefited from growth inthe global economy, with orders from the pharmaceuticalssector playing a crucial role. This was particularly truein China, where we succeeded in expanding our strongmarket position. At our Hangzhou location, we doubledproduction capacity. In India, we took the first stepstoward the construction of a new plant in Verna.Photovoltaics boomGlobal demand for photovoltaics increased again in 2010.The cause for the demand increase in Germany was the<strong>Bosch</strong> manufactures industrial technology at 97 locations in 25 countries.Divisions3 Drive and Control Technology 1– Mobile applications– Industrial applications– Renewable energies3 Packaging Technology– Process technology– Packaging technology– Systems solutions3 Solar Energy– Ingots– Wafers– Solar cells– Crystalline solar modules– Thin-film solar modules– Solar power stations1 <strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth AG (100 % <strong>Bosch</strong>-owned)

<strong>Bosch</strong> today26 | 27Research laboratory for the production of organic photovoltaic cells atour southeast Asian headquarters in Singaporeannouncement of further cuts to the electricity feed-intariff. This news triggered a boom for photovoltaicsystems, although it also brought increased price pressure.Our subsidiaries <strong>Bosch</strong> Solar Energy AG and aleosolar AG benefited from the rise in demand and achievedimpressive growth. By 2012, we will have tripled ourmanufacturing capacity for crystalline solar cells.Additional information is available online as follows:Drive and Control Technology www.boschrexroth.comPackaging Technology www.boschpackaging.comSolar Energy www.bosch-solarenergy.de

Consumer Goods andBuilding TechnologyThe demand for consumer goods across the globe rose again in2010. Recovery in the construction industry was much slowerto set in. Nonetheless, sales of power tools, heating technology,security systems, and household appliances increased by10 percent to 12.5 billion euros. The stimuli for this growthcame from Asia, while development was stable in Europe andweak in North America. We see considerable growth opportunitiesin the emerging markets.We have greatly expanded our production facilities in Wettringen, Germany,where we manufacture solar collectors that are used to heat water and supportheating systems. We also have production facilities in Aveiro, Portugal.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today28 | 29Key data 2010Associates 63,792Sales revenue 12,480Capital expenditure 395R & D cost 468Currency figures in millions of euros<strong>Bosch</strong>’s activities in the Consumer Goods and BuildingTechnology business sector include power tools, heatingtechnology, and security systems. They also include thehousehold appliances made by the fifty-fifty joint ventureBSH <strong>Bosch</strong> und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH.Power toolsFollowing the major downturns of the previous year, 2010saw a recovery in the global market for power tools. Wesucceeded in outperforming market growth in all our corebusiness segments. Innovative tools and accessories havebrought us great success among do-it-yourselfers and professionalsalike. The Asia Pacific growth region was a focalpoint for our strategy in 2010. In the past, our operations inthis region have focused primarily on tools for professionalend users. In addition to measuring technology and accessories,we also want to grow in the garden tools segment.We entered the Indian market with our power tools in 2010.Heating technologyDuring 2010, our heating technology business recoveredwell, primarily outside Germany. Some 70 percent of salesin our heating technology operations were generated

<strong>Bosch</strong> manufactures consumer goods and buildingtechnology at 81 locations in 28 countries.Divisions3 Power Tools– Power tools for the building trade,industry, and the DIY sector– Accessories– Garden tools3 Thermotechnology– Heating units and boilers– Open-loop and closed-loopcontrol systems1 BSH <strong>Bosch</strong> und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH3 Household Appliances 1– Cooking, dishwashing– Washing, drying– Cooling, freezing– Cleaning of floor surfaces– Consumer products3 Security Systems– Product business– Building security– Communication centers(50 % <strong>Bosch</strong>-owned)outside Germany. Our acquisition of the German companyKöhler & Ziegler Anlagentechnik GmbH in March 2010 enabledus to expand our portfolio in the combined heat andpower market. In November 2010, we agreed to increaseour shareholding in RBS Thermotechnology Co. Ltd. – basedin Jiading in Shanghai – from 70 to 100 percent. Acquiringthis company strengthens our presence in China.Security systemsThere was a distinct recovery in the global market forsecurity technology during the latter half of 2010. TheEuropean and North American markets showed initialsigns of improvement, while growth in South America andAsia continued unabated. The recovery was especially

<strong>Bosch</strong> today30 | 31beneficial for our product business, which had been particularlybadly hit by the economic crisis. The situationfor our building technology business was also much improved.Furthermore, we are expanding our comprehensiveservice-provider business internationally by settingup communication centers. For example, we opened newcommunications centers in Manila, Lisbon, and Vienna, aswell as in Joinville in Brazil and in Châlons-en-Champagnein France.Household appliancesIn 2010, BSH <strong>Bosch</strong> und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH significantlyincreased its sales. The backlog in demand generatedby the economic crisis had a positive impact on businessin Europe. BSH also further expanded its presence inChina. The positive development in business also resultedfrom the attractiveness of products that focus on economyand energy efficiency. At BSH, resource efficiency is morethan just a sales pitch. It is a strategic objective. Like theentire <strong>Bosch</strong> Group, BSH regards a business policy thatreconciles environmental and economic interests as thebasis for a corporate strategy that is geared to sustainability.These products secure major advantages for BSH in acompetitive international market.Additional information is available online as follows:Power Tools www.bosch-pt.comThermotechnology www.bosch-thermotechnology.comSecurity Systems www.boschsecurity.comHousehold Appliances www.bosch-home.com

Our ResponsibilityWe are convinced that the sustainable development of ourcompany is indispensable to our long-term success. Within thiscontext, corporate social responsibility means keeping business,technological, social, and environmental interests in balance.Accordingly, the standards we set are particularly high: in termsof how we define leadership, how we deal with associates, howwe treat the environment, and how we engage with society.To boost the number of women in engineering, we offer female universitygraduates a twice-yearly special junior managers program.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today32 | 33LeadershipFor us, securing the successful, sustained development ofour company is the mission Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> handed downin his will. He considered it absolutely vital to remainfinancially independent, autonomous, and “able to takeappropriate action” at all times. And the high standards heset applied not only to his company’s products but also tosocial responsibility.The key to maintaining our independence is our distinctivecorporate constitution – with a charitable foundation andthe <strong>Bosch</strong> family as shareholders, and with an industrialtrust that carries out the entrepreneurial ownership functions.During the difficult times of the economic crisis in2008 and 2009, our independence enabled us to maintaina balance between making the savings that were necessaryon the one hand and keeping our options for the futureopen on the other. It was also important for us to distributethe burden of these measures as evenly as possible. Aswe emerge from the crisis, we now face the challenge ofaccelerated change. Globalization is a major driver of thischange. Added to this, there are the fundamental marketshifts triggered by an ever greater networking of people,things, and services through the internet.In the face of such challenges, an international companylike the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group needs to be guided by a set of basicideals that are shared. In order to provide our associateswith a road map, we published a <strong>brochure</strong> known as theHouse of Orientation, which is based on our corporate culture.The <strong>Bosch</strong> values are a central element of the House

of Orientation: in addition to a clear future and resultfocus, we also commit to responsibility, initiative anddetermination, openness and trust, fairness, and culturaldiversity, as well as to reliability, credibility, and legality.AssociatesOur innovative strength plays a pivotal role in our effortsto meet our long-term growth targets. That is why we havecontinued to invest in expanding research and developmentin particular, hiring highly qualified new associatesin this area. By the end of 2010, <strong>Bosch</strong> had 26,000 associatesworking in research and development in automotivetechnology alone, some 1,000 more than at the beginningof the year. Our R&D workforce showed the strongestgrowth in Asia, where the number of engineers rose fromsome 7,000 to over 8,000. Some of them work in Singapore,where in September we opened our Research and TechnologyCenter Asia Pacific, which also has operations inShanghai and Tokyo.We are boosting our innovative strength in Germany aswell. The year 2011 will see the start of construction workon a new center for research, advance engineering, andprocess engineering near Stuttgart, which will initiallyemploy some 1,200 associates.Diversity and equal opportunity are drivers of innovation.We therefore plan to expand the number of women inexecutive positions from currently just under 10 percent to15 percent by 2012.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today34 | 35<strong>Bosch</strong> CEO Franz Fehrenbach at members’ day for the “KnowledgeFactory,” a network initiative organized by German companies to promoteyoung talent in technology and science. Fehrenbach learned about aschool project devoted to “hands-on economics.” Schoolchildren fromDitzingen, near Stuttgart, presented their business ideas.Environment<strong>Bosch</strong> provides technical solutions to environmentalchallenges. We spend some 45 percent of our research anddevelopment budget on resource-conserving and energysavingtechnologies, and generate nearly 40 percent ofour sales with them. In our production processes, too, wework hard to minimize environmental impact. Our climateprotection goal for 2020 is to reduce carbon dioxide emissionsat all our manufacturing plants by at least 20 percent

compared with 2007 levels. In 2010 we reduced relativeCO ²emissions by 4.4 percent compared with 2007.Our subsidiary <strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth has developed a systematicapproach for unlocking energy efficiency potential atevery stage of a machine’s life cycle. The “Rexroth forEnergy Efficiency” (Rexroth 4EE) program looks at alldrive and control systems and the way they interact.The <strong>Bosch</strong> and Siemens fifty-fifty joint venture BSH <strong>Bosch</strong>und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH won the German FederalEnvironment Ministry’s 2010 “Innovation Prize forOur subsidiary <strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth is taking part in the new “Model Factory forEnergy Productivity” initiative established by the Technical University ofMunich and the management consultants McKinsey & Company.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today36 | 37Climate and Environment” for its zeolite® drying systemfor dishwashers. This system achieves a 20 percent powersaving compared with the most efficient dishwashersavailable to date.SocietyIn 2008, our regional subsidiaries in India established the<strong>Bosch</strong> India Foundation, whose initial capital is supplementedby annual donations from the companies involved.The <strong>Bosch</strong> India Foundation focuses on helping to provideeducation for teenagers in rural areas and health care forunderprivileged children.Last year, for the 25th time in a row, we sponsored andorganized the Baden-Württemberg heat of the Germancompetition for young researchers (“Jugend forscht”).Apprentices from our workshops have been among thecontestants for years, and with resounding success.In 2005, we were among the companies that founded the“Wissensfabrik” (Knowledge Factory) initiative. Workingin tandem with day care centers and schools, we set upprojects that make business and technology accessible tochildren and adolescents. We now maintain nearly onehundred such partnerships throughout Germany and, in2011, our anniversary year, that number will grow to 125.Additional information is available online as follows:Jobs and careers www.bosch-career.comCorporate social responsibility http://csr.bosch.com

Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> StiftungSince 1964, the company’s majority shareholder has beenRobert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftung GmbH, a charitable foundation.This institution carries on the charitable and social endeavorsof the company founder in contemporary form. It sees itselfas a foundation that pursues its objectives both with programsand institutions of its own, as well as by supporting suitableprojects and initiatives proposed by others for tackling theissues faced by society.Tradition and modernity – the Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> House, the former residence ofthe company founder, today is the seat of the Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftung.The neighboring <strong>Bosch</strong> Haus Heidehof serves as a training and conferencecenter for the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group.

<strong>Bosch</strong> today38 | 39In many of the foundation’s projects, solutions for social andsocietal challenges are developed and tested. These includethe integration of minorities, the shaping of demographicchange, education, health, the promotion of civic initiatives,and the sustainable use of our natural resources.Making encounters possibleOn an international level, foundations can also play a partin maintaining constructive dialogue even in difficultsituations. One way of doing this is by making encounterspossible, especially among young people. The followingare just some of the programs established with these goalsin mind – a summit meeting for European citizens, an exchangeprogram for young executives in Europe’s governmentadministrations, and meetings between young Germanand Russian entrepreneurs.Accelerating the pace of reformThe “Deutscher Schulpreis” (German school award) anda large number of other educational programs run by theStiftung are designed to help accelerate the pace of reformin Germany’s education system. The Stiftung is focusingincreasingly on the transition from school to trainingand the workplace, as well as on the future of the workingworld. With regard to aging and demographic change,the central issue is how preconceptions of age must bechanged so that there is greater awareness of the potentialof older people.Additional information about the Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Stiftungis available online at: www.bosch-stiftung.de

UnternehmensbereichThe <strong>Bosch</strong> Group in GermanyKraftfahrzeugtechnikCorporate HeadquartersGerlingen near StuttgartResearch and DevelopmentLocationsAbstatt, Bühl/Bühlertal, Crailsheim,Elchingen, Erbach, Gerlingen,Grasbrunn, Hannover, Hildesheim,Horb, Leinfelden, Leonberg, Lohr,Lollar, Plochingen, Reutlingen,Schwieberdingen, Stuttgart,Waiblingen, Wernau, WittenManufacturing Locations –Automotive TechnologyAnsbach, Bamberg, Berlin,Bietigheim, Blaichach/Immenstadt,Breidenbach, Bremen, Bühl/Bühlertal, Eisenach, Göttingen,Herne, Hildesheim, Homburg,Munich, Nuremberg, Plochingen,Reutlingen, Rutesheim, Salzgitter,Schwäbisch Gmünd, Stuttgart,Tamm, WaiblingenTechnical Sales Offices forAutomotive Original EquipmentBerlin, Braunschweig, Cologne,Frankfurt am Main, Munich,WaiblingenManufacturing Locations –Industrial TechnologyArnstadt, Augsfeld, Brandenburga. d. Havel, Chemnitz, Crailsheim,Elchingen, Erbach, Erfurt, Fellbach,Hannover, Homburg, Horb, Ketsch,Lohr, Nuremberg, Oberramstadt,Prenzlau, Remshalden, Schweinfurt,Stuttgart, Viersen, Volkach,Waiblingen, WittenManufacturing Locations –Consumer Goods and BuildingTechnologyBad Neustadt, Berlin, Bretten,Dillingen, Eibelshausen, Giengen,Gunzenhausen, Leinfelden, Lollar,Murrhardt, Nauen, Neukirchen,Ravensburg, Regensburg, Sebnitz,Straubing, Traunreut, Wernau,WettringenSales and Service CentersBerlin, Bochum, Cologne, Ditzingen,Düsseldorf, Essen, Fellbach,Frankfurt am Main, Fürth, Hamburg,Hannover, Ichtershausen, Karlsruhe,Leipzig, Magdeburg, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Munich, Nuremberg,Oldenburg, Ratingen, Rodgau,Stuttgart, Wetzlar, WillershausenOtherImmenstaadThis list includes locations with 100or more associates, as well aslocations of non-consolidatedsubsidiaries.

The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group in Europeoutside GermanyAustria 2,500 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand industrial technology; development;sales; locations: Hallein,Linz, Pasching, Ternitz, ViennaBelgium 1,720 associatesManufacture of automotive technology;sales; locations: Aartselaar,Brussels, TienenCzech Republic 8,000 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand heating technology; development;sales; locations: Albrechtice,Brno, České Budějovice, Jihlava,Krnov, PragueDenmark 780 associatesManufacture of automotive andindustrial technology; sales; locations:Ballerup, Esbjerg, SandvedFinland 210 associatesSales; location: VantaaFrance 8,390 associatesManufacture of automotivetechnology, industrial technology,thermotechnology, and householdappliances; development; sales;locations: Angers, Bonneville,Drancy, Lipsheim, Mondeville,Moulins, Rodez, Saint-Ouen,St.-Thégonnec, Tremblay, Vendôme,VénissieuxGreece 500 associatesManufacture of household appliances;sales; location: AthensHungary 6,280 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, andpower tools; development; sales;locations: Budapest, Eger, Hatvan,MiskolcItaly 5,410 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, andpower tools; development; sales;locations: Bari, Brembate, Cernusco,Correggio, Milan, Modena, Modugno,Nonantolo, Offanengo, Pavullo,Reggio Emilia, Turin, UdineNetherlands 3,660 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, powertools, heating systems, and securitysystems; development; sales;locations: Amsterdam, Boxtel, Breda,Deventer, Eindhoven, Hoevelaken,Nimwegen, Schiedam, Tilburg, WeertNorway 210 associatesSales; location: SkiPoland 2,200 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand household appliances; sales;locations: Lodz, Warsaw, WroclawPortugal 3,500 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,heating systems, and securitysystems; sales; locations: Abrantes,Aveiro, Braga, Lisbon, Ovar

<strong>Bosch</strong> today43 42 | 43Romania 1,150 associatesManufacture of industrial technology;sales; locations: Blaj, Bucharest,TimişoaraRussian Federation 2,430 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,power tools, and householdappliances; sales; locations: Engels,Moscow, St. PetersburgSlovakia 740 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand household appliances; sales;locations: Bernolakova, MichalovceSlovenia 850 associatesManufacture of industrial technologyand household appliances; sales;locations: Nazarje, Skofja LokaSpain 6,790 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, andhousehold appliances; sales; locations:Aranjuez, Barcelona, Buelna,Castellet, Esquiroz, La Cartuja, Lliça,Madrid, Montañana, San Sebastian,Santander, Treto, Vigo, Vitoria,ZaragozaSweden 1,710 associatesManufacture of industrial technologyand heating systems; sales;locations: Mellansel, Stockholm,Tranås, VagnhäradSwitzerland 3,290 associatesManufacture of industrial technologyand power tools; development;sales; locations: Beringen, Buttikon,Ecublens, Frauenfeld, Geroldswil,Solothurn, St. NiklausTurkey 9,000 associatesManufacture of automotivetechnology, heating technology, andhousehold appliances; development;sales; locations: Bursa, Cerkezköy,Istanbul, ManisaUkraine 330 associatesManufacture of automotive technology;sales; locations: Kiev, KrakovetsUnited Kingdom 4,560 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, powertools, and heating systems; sales;locations: Alfreton, Cardiff, Cirencester,Clay Cross, Denham, Glenrothes,Greetland, Milton Keynes, St. Neots,Stowmarket, WorcesterAs per January 1, 2011This list includes countries and locationswith 100 or more associates, as well aslocations of non-consolidated subsidiaries.Further companies operate in Belarus,Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Serbia.

The <strong>Bosch</strong> Group outside EuropeArgentina 790 associatesSales; location: Buenos AiresAustralia 1,870 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, andpower tools; development; sales;locations: Clayton, Melbourne,Rowville, SydneyBrazil 11,400 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, powertools, and household appliances;development; sales; locations:Alphaville, Aratú, Atibaia, Belo Horizonte,Campinas, Curitiba, Joinville,Pomerode, São PauloCanada 560 associatesManufacture of indsutrial technologyand security systems; sales; locations:Mississauga, WellandChina 29,330 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, powertools, heating systems, securitysystems, and household appliances;development; sales; locations:Beijing, Changsha, Chuzhou,Dalian, Dongguan City, Gaomi City,Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hong Kong,Jinan, Nanjing, Ningbo, Shanghai,Shenzhen, Suzhou, Wu Jin, Wuxi,Xian, ZhuhaiIndia 21,970 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, andpower tools; development; sales;creation of software; locations:Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bommanahalli,Chakan, Chennai, Coimbatore,Jaipur, Jalgaon, Koramangala,Manesar, Mumbai, Naganathapura,Nalagarh, Nashik, TumkurJapan 7,510 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand industrial technology; development;sales; locations: Funabashi,Higashi-Matsuyama, Misato, Musashi,Odawara City, Ota-City, Takasaki,Tochigi, Tokyo, Tomioka, Tsuchiura,Yokohama, YoriiKorea 2,050 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand industrial technology;development; sales; locations:Buyong, Daejeon, Gunpo-Si, Yongin

<strong>Bosch</strong> today45 44 | 45Malaysia 2,290 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand power tools; development;sales; locations: Penang, PetalingJaya, Shah AlamMexico 7,860 associatesManufacture of automotive technologyand power tools; development;sales; locations: Aguascalientes,Hermosillo, Juarez, Mexicali, MéxicoDF, Saltillo, San Luis Potosí, TolucaPeru 130 associatesManufacture of household appliances;sales; location: CallaoPhilippines 110 associatesSales; location: ManilaSingapore 600 associatesSales; location: SingaporeSouth Africa 700 associatesManufacture of automotive technology;sales; locations: Brits, MidrandUSA 13,740 associatesManufacture of automotive technology,industrial technology, powertools, heating technology, securitysystems, and household appliances;development; sales; around 90locations, including Anderson/SC, Bethlehem/PA, Broadview/IL, Burnsville/MN, Charleston/SC,Farmington Hills/MI, Fayetteville/NC, Fort Lauderdale/FL, FountainInn/SC, Hebron/KY, HuntingtonBeach/CA, Kentwood/MI, Lancaster/PA, Lexington/KY, Lincoln/NE,Lincolnton/NC, Mount Prospect/IL, New Bern/NC, New Richmond/WI, Plymouth/MI, South Bend/IN, St.Joseph/MIVietnam 340 associatesManufacture of automotive technology;sales; locations: Hai Duong City,Ho Chi Minh CityTaiwan 190 associatesManufacture of industrial technology;sales; location: Taipei HsienThailand 770 associatesManufacture of automotive technology;sales; locations: Amata City,Bangkok, RayongAs per January 1, 2011This list includes countries and locationswith 100 or more associates, as well aslocations of non-consolidated subsidiaries.Further companies operate in Chile,Columbia, Indonesia, Israel, Kazakhstan,New Zealand, Panama, Saudi Arabia, theUnited Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

Milestones in Product History1887Construction of the first <strong>Bosch</strong>low-voltage magneto for stationaryinternal-combustion engines1897First installation of an ignition devicein a motor vehicle1902Delivery of the first spark plugsand the first high-voltage magnetoignition system1927Series production of <strong>Bosch</strong> fuelinjection pumps for diesel engines1928First <strong>Bosch</strong> power tool1932First car radio1933<strong>Bosch</strong> refrigerator marks the start ofhousehold-appliance manufacture1951Rollout of gasoline injection pumpsfor vehicle engines1958The first <strong>Bosch</strong> washing machinesare manufactured1964The <strong>Bosch</strong> dishwasher is launched1967<strong>Bosch</strong> Jetronic electronic gasolineinjectionsystem goes into seriesproduction1974Introduction of the ARI trafficinformation system1976Production of lambda sensorsDevelopment of the world’s firstswivel-arm industrial robot1978Market launch of ABS, the world’sfirst digital antilock braking systemfor all four wheels1979Series production of <strong>Bosch</strong> Motronic(digital system to control gasolineinjection and ignition)1986Series production of traction controlsystem (TCS)Market launch of electronic dieselcontrol (EDC)1989Market launch of the TravelPilotnavigation system (from 1995 withsatellite-assisted navigation, routeplanning, and speech output)

<strong>Bosch</strong> today47 46 | 471995Launch of electronic stabilityprogram (ESP®)1997Series production of the commonrailhigh-pressure diesel directinjection system2000Series production of adaptive cruisecontrol (ACC)Series production of the DI Motronicgasoline direct injection system2002First series application of electronicbattery management (EBM)Introduction of the Wallscanner(instrument to locate invisible installationsin walls)2003Series production of the thirdgenerationcommon rail system, withpiezo inline injectorsSeries production of the Ixo, the firstpower tool with lithium-ion rechargeablebattery2005Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2005(together with Siemens) for the developmentof piezo-injection technologySeries production of an active systemfor night-vision enhancement in cars2006Series production of a gasoline directinjection system with piezo elements2007Launch of the start-stop system2008Series production of the parkingassistantFirst diesel passenger car to featureDenoxtronic, the <strong>Bosch</strong> exhaust-gastreatment system2010Rollout of the predictive emergencybraking systemSeries production of the parallel fullhybrid drive for passenger cars2011Series production of the e-bike drive2004Series production of the Denoxtronicfuel-metering system for exhaust-gastreatment in commercial vehicles

Milestones in Company History1861Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> born in Albecknear Ulm1886At the age of 25, Robert <strong>Bosch</strong>opens his “Workshop forPrecision Mechanics and ElectricalEngineering” in Stuttgart1898First sales office outside Germanyopens in the U.K.1905First manufacturing site outsideGermany, in France1912First manufacturing site inthe U.S. opens1913Foundation of an independentapprentice training department, withan industrial apprentices’ workshop1919Establishment of the in-housenewspaper “<strong>Bosch</strong>-Zünder”1921Establishment of an after-salesorganization: the first <strong>Bosch</strong> Serviceagents start work1932Acquisition of the naturalgas-fired appliance manufacturerJunkers & Co GmbH1933Acquisition of Ideal-Werke fürdrahtlose Telephonie AG(subsequently Blaupunkt GmbH,now Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> Car MultimediaGmbH)1942Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> dies, aged 801967<strong>Bosch</strong>-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbHjoint venture set up (known since1998 as BSH <strong>Bosch</strong> und SiemensHausgeräte GmbH)1995Five joint ventures set up in China1996Acquisition of the brake operationsof AlliedSignal Inc. in the U.S. andEurope1998Opening of a test center and testtrack in Boxberg, Germany1999Steering systems joint venture set upwith ZF Friedrichshafen AGAcquisition of a majority stake in theJapanese Zexel Corporation (knownsince 2000 as <strong>Bosch</strong> AutomotiveSystems Corporation)2001Acquisition of Detection SystemsInc, Fairport, NY (USA)Industrial leadership of MannesmannRexroth AG, and its merger with theAutomation Technology division toform <strong>Bosch</strong> Rexroth AG2002Acquisition of the subsidiaryCommunication, Security, & Imagingfrom Philips BV, Eindhoven (<strong>Bosch</strong>Security Systems BV since 2003)Establishment of a company pensionscheme for <strong>Bosch</strong> associates

<strong>Bosch</strong> today48 49 | 492003Acquisition of Buderus AG, Wetzlar,Germany2004Opening of the engineering centerin AbstattAcquisition of Sigpack Systems AG,the Swiss packaging machinerymanufacturer2005Acquisition of the Swedish companyIVT Industrier AB, Tranås<strong>Bosch</strong>-Zünder published worldwidein eight languages2006Acquisition of Telex CommunicationsHoldings Inc., Minneapolis, MN,(USA)2007Acquisition of U.S. electric heatpumpmanufacturer FHP ManufacturingCompany in Fort Lauderdale, FLAssumption of industrial leadershipof Pacifica Group Ltd., Melbourne,AustraliaAcquisition of Pharmatec GmbH inDresden, GermanyAcquisition of telehealth solutionsprovider Health Hero Network inPalo Alto, CA (USA)2008Acquisition of majority shareholdingin the photovoltaics manufacturerersol Solar Energy AG, Erfurt, Germany(now <strong>Bosch</strong> Solar Energy AG)Acquisition of majority shareholdingin the abrasives manufacturer siaAbrasives in Frauenfeld, SwitzerlandExhaust-gas turbocharger jointventure with Mahle GmbH, StuttgartAcquisition of Innovations SoftwareTechnology GmbH in Immenstaad,Germany (now <strong>Bosch</strong> SoftwareInnovations GmbH)SB LiMotive joint venture set upwith Samsung SDI to develop andmanufacture lithium-ion batteries forvehiclesAcquisition of the industrial technologyspecialist Hägglunds Drives AB,Mellansel, Sweden2009Acquisition of majority shareholdingsin the German companies aleo solarAG (Prenzlau and Oldenburg) andJohanna Solar Technology GmbH,BrandenburgAcquisition of Freud SpA, Milan, Italy2010New manufacturing facility for eightinchwafers goes into operation inReutlingen, GermanyStart of production of lithium-ionrechargeable batteries for automobilesat SB LiMotive in Ulsan, Korea2011Official opening of the first manufacturingsite in Vietnam

ManagementBoard of managementFranz FehrenbachChairmanDr. Siegfried DaisDeputy ChairmanDr. Bernd BohrDr. Rudolf ColmDr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer(from July 1, 2010)Gerhard Kümmel(until June 30, 2010)Dr. Volkmar DennerDr. Wolfgang MalchowPeter MarksUwe RaschkeWolf-Henning Scheider(from July 1, 2010)Peter TyrollerSupervisory councilProf. Dr.-Ing. Hermann SchollChairmanAlfred LöckleDeputy ChairmanDr. forest. Christof <strong>Bosch</strong>Christian BrunkhorstKlaus Friedrich(from July 1, 2010)Hartwig GeiselHans-Peter GrätherDr.-Ing. Rainer HahnJörg HofmannProf. Lars G. JosefssonDieter KleinProf. Dr. Hermut KormannProf. Dr. Olaf KüblerMatthias Georg MadelungDaniel MüllerDr. Hans-Friedrich von PloetzWolfgang Ries(until June 30, 2010)Urs B. RinderknechtWolf Jürgen RöderTilman TodenhöferHans Wolff

How to Contact Us<strong>Bosch</strong> today50 | 51For articles and lectures by <strong>Bosch</strong>Group associates, contact theInformation Center (C/CTI1).For answers to journalists’questions, contact CorporateCommunications (C/CC) or go towww.bosch-presse.de.For information on career opportunitiesin the <strong>Bosch</strong> Group,contact Human ResourcesManagement (C/HM) or go towww.bosch-career.com.Corporate Headquarters of the<strong>Bosch</strong> Group can be contactedat the following address andnumbers:Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbHPostfach 10 60 5070049 StuttgartGermanyPhone +49 711 811-0Fax + 49 711 811-66 30www.bosch.comFor information on educationalpolicy and change management,contact Human Resources andOrganizational Developmentwith CIP coordination (C/HD).Companies wishing to becomesuppliers to <strong>Bosch</strong> should contactCorporate Sector Purchasingand Logistics (CP) or go tohttp://purchasing.bosch.com.Wood and paper productsbearing the PEFC logo originatefrom responsibly managed forests.For more information visitwww.pefc.org

Robert <strong>Bosch</strong> GmbHPostfach 10 60 5070049 StuttgartGermanywww.bosch.com2011 edition

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