MacroModel Reference Manual - ISP

MacroModel Reference Manual - ISP

MacroModel Reference Manual - ISP

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Appendix D: Force-Field File FormatVan der Waals1 7,11-Lennard-Jones equation; Eps, R as defined in AMBER2 6,12-Lennard Jones Equation; Eps, R as defined in AMBER3 MM3 Hill Equation; Eps, R4 MM2 Hill Equation; Eps, R5 Lennard Jones Equation; Eps, R as defined in OPLS6 Lennard Jones Equation; Alpha, R, N as defined in CHARMM7 MMFF buffered 7,14 potentialCoulombic0 Turned off1 Constant-dielectric electrostatics2 Distance-dependent (R) dielectric electrostatics3 MMFF buffered constant dielectric constant4 MMFF buffered, distance-dependent dielectric constantHydrogen-bonding0 6,12-Lennard Jones for hydrogen bonds1 10,12-Lennard Jones hydrogen bonds2 10,12 Lennard-Jones with angular dependenceSpecial Treatment of 1–4 Interactions0 Skip all 1,4 electrostatics and van der Waals1 Scale 1,4 van der Waals terms by factor given2 Scale 1,4 Coulombic terms by factor given3 Scale both 1,4 van der Waals and electrostatics by factor given4 Do not scale 1,4 nonbonded interactions<strong>MacroModel</strong> 9.7 <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 193

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