Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

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Film<strong>Offaly</strong>52offaly county councilSince the last plan, where investigating a filmcommission was merely an objective, this hasbecome one of the biggest growth areas in thearts in <strong>Offaly</strong>. Film<strong>Offaly</strong> was launched in 2008as a project of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and it hassince become one of the leading regional filmcommissions in Ireland and the only one in acounty which is landlocked. This has openedthe film industry to our diverse and uniquelandscape, a varied and distinctive builtenvironment and a range of enthusiastic skilledproduction companies and film crew.nationally. The study highlighted the centrallocation, building film profile and niche angle ofparticipation alongside viewing, as being therecommended features of a successful festival,and in 2010 the OFFline Film Festival waslaunched. The committee currently includestwo members of Film<strong>Offaly</strong>, not just for theirexpertise, but also for their interest in thefestival as a strategic objective toward filmdevelopment in the county. The festival is runas an independent organisation and is basedin Birr.The potential economic impact of encouragingthis development is also recognised, thereforeand active approach has been ourmethodology. The introduction of the Film<strong>Offaly</strong>Award in partnership with Filmbase in 2009,resulted in a selection of multi award winningshort films being made here and a reinforceddeclaration that <strong>Offaly</strong> was open for businessfor filmmakers.Since 2008 four feature films have been made,(Becoming Jane, Eden, His and Hers, The OtherSide of Sleep) two RTE TV drama series (PureMule and Hide and Seek) and numerous shortfilms (such as the award winning shorts Noreen,the Moment and As the Light Leaks In)In 2009, funding was received from ShannonDevelopment to carry out a feasibility study intothe potential of <strong>Offaly</strong> to host a film festival thatwould be unique to other established onesThe following objectives are aimed at buildingupon the surge of growth in this art form overthe past four years.Objectives1. In light of current resources, and the impactthat increased investment could yield, wewill identify the best way to maintain thecurrent administrative capacity ofFilm<strong>Offaly</strong> alongside improved financialopportunities, both internally and externally.2. Continue to work in partnership with theIrish Film Board and Filmbase and identifyother partnerships which would createmutually beneficial and effectiveopportunities to increase the profile of<strong>Offaly</strong> as a film friendly county, such as theFilm<strong>Offaly</strong> Award.

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