Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

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2. Manage the building programme withinbudget and to a high standard.3. Develop and implement a sustainablebusiness model in which to operate thecentre4. Put in place a Board of Management tooversee the staffing, finance, marketing andprogramming of the centre when it is open.5. Develop a relationship and partnership withthe <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and other agencies todevelop the centres programming capacity.6. Ensure that the staff is welcoming,enthusiastic, highly qualified and committedto the centre.7. Work to support programming that isconsistent, accessible, inclusive, stimulatingand of a high standard.It is council’s policy, having particularregard to Tullamore’s Gateway status andprojected growth, to facilitate thedevelopment of a dedicated multipurposearts centre in the town as resources permit.Tullamore Town and EnvironsDevelopment <strong>Plan</strong> 2010-<strong>2016</strong>TTEP 11-14SCULPTURE IN THEPARKLANDSOver the course of the last plan, Sculpture inthe Parklands has advanced significantly interms of the quality and calibre of artworkscommissioned, its international profile and itslinks with agencies and educational instructionsnationally and internationally. This is entirely dueto the vision and commitment of Kevin O’Dwyerwho has managed the project since inception in2002 up to 2011 with huge dedication.41arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>8. Closely monitor audience engagement anddevelopment and where necessary proposeinitiatives that will expand participation.9. Work in collaboration with other culturalinfrastructure within the county, particularlyBirr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre, to developinitiatives, share resources, increaseaudiences and participation and raise theprofile of <strong>Offaly</strong> nationally.In entering this new planning phase, the future ofSculpture in the Parklands lies very much withproject partners of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> andBord na Móna who wish to protect theconsiderable investment both have made in theproject since it began. Both recognise the valuethe project has in terms of cultural tourism to thecounty, but crucially understand the value of thehigh standard of artistic integrity which haselevated the project’s international profile.

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