Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

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7. Facilitate the creation of clear brandingguidelines to acknowledge the support of<strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities to events andprojects.13. Promote the work of and support thedevelopment of local drama groups,musical societies, choral groups and townbands.32offaly county council8. Develop a greater awareness andanticipation of the diversity of the arts inTullamore in advance of the new TullamoreCommunity <strong>Arts</strong> Centre.9. Assist the development of a cultural actiongroup in Edenderry to create moreopportunities for the development of andengagement with the arts.10. Maintain support to Anam Beo, the artsand health programme in their mission toprovide non-judgemental process led artworkshops within a safe health care andsociable environment.11. Continue to facilitate a county wideprogramme for Bealtaine, the nationalfestival which advocates creativity aswe age.12. Manage the <strong>Arts</strong> Act Grants as a reservedfunction of the members of the council toprovide support for arts activity in thecommunity which will stimulate publicinterest in the arts, promote the knowledge,appreciation and practice of the arts, andassist in improving the standards of the arts.14. Source financial support to continue todevelop the cross departmental project,Engage with Architecture.15. Work with other agencies to find ways tointegrate, support and include newercommunities and cultures in arts activitiesin the county.16. Networking and the sharing of resourcesamong drama and musical societies hasproved fruitful in some parts of the countyand this could be encouraged more.17. Participate in national coordinated eventssuch as Culture Night, National Music Day,National Poetry Day and other nationalevents as resources allow.18. Work closely with <strong>Offaly</strong>’s Library Service todeliver community arts events/projects in<strong>Offaly</strong>’s libraries

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