Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

Arts Plan 2012-2016 - Offaly County Council

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OFFALYCOUNTYCOUNCILartsplan<strong>2012</strong>- <strong>2016</strong>

OFFALYCOUNTYCOUNCIL1arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>artsplan<strong>2012</strong>- <strong>2016</strong>Copyright © <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Contact details<strong>Arts</strong> Office, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Áras an Chontae,Charleville Road, Tullamore, Co. <strong>Offaly</strong>Tel 057 9357400 fax 057 9346868arts@offalycoco.iewww.offaly.ie<strong>Arts</strong> Staff:<strong>Arts</strong> Officer Sinéad O’ReillyClerical Officer: Clare Dunne

2offaly county councilBirr Vintage Weekand <strong>Arts</strong> Festival 2007

Contents PagePage NoForeword 5Introduction 6ContextGeographic 7Economic 8Demographic 8Statutory 9Who is this plan for? 10Mission 15Guiding values 16Monitoring and Evaluation 16Intention 18The <strong>Arts</strong> Service in <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 19In partnership with the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 22In partnership with the Department of <strong>Arts</strong>, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 23Strategic areas 25Economic value 26The creative community 31Young people and the arts 33The creative individual 36Spaces and places 39Festivals 48Public Art 51Film<strong>Offaly</strong> 52Acknowledgements 54Appendix 1: List of arts organisations in <strong>Offaly</strong> 553arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

4offaly county councilGrand Canal Tullamore,see page 45

ForewordOn behalf of the members and staff of <strong>Offaly</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> we are delighted to introduce thissecond published arts plan for the county for theyears <strong>2012</strong> to <strong>2016</strong>.<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> recognises the importanceof the arts in developing vibrant and creativecommunities. It believes the best way to achievethis is to empower, support and resourceindividuals, groups and organisations to achievetheir best potential, so that their continuedachievements are sustainable into the future. Weinvest in the arts because we believe in the powerof cultural engagement to support civicparticipation.We know that there is a growing energy in the<strong>Offaly</strong> arts community, one which is both resilientand progressive. We also know that there is agrowing audience for arts events that aremeaningful, exciting and original. We knowthat those who have participated on a communitylevel feel invigorated and proud with a renewedsense of belonging. We know this because wehave witnessed it across the county, fromcommunity concerts to festivals and from booklaunches to workshops and theatre.Despite the difficult financial environment, <strong>Offaly</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> remains committed to protectinginvestments to date, albeit in varying and newdirections. It is intended that this plan will chartthe way for an effective use of combinedresources, coupled with the commitment ofindividuals, organisations and agencies.In the same way that we are proud of how thearts have developed over the course of our last<strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, we very much look forward to the visionthat this plan offers for the people of <strong>Offaly</strong> overthe next five years and to supporting itsimplementation.5arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Cllr. Danny OwensCathaoirleachPat Gallagher<strong>County</strong> Manager

Introduction6Culture and the <strong>Arts</strong> has become one of <strong>Offaly</strong>’s greatest assets in recent years.From a time of uncertainty in the arts, it has grown in confidence and leadershipto punch confidently above its weight in areas such as film, arts and health andcontemporary dance.offaly county council<strong>Offaly</strong> has shown its capacity to assertively hostnational events such as the Fleadh Cheoil nahÉireann and to boldly generate innovative newfestival events such as the I.F.O.N.L.Y. DanceFestival and the OFFline Film Festival.It has become a haven for artists with over 300professional artists working in the county, manyof whom are proactive citizens in thecommunity at the fore of cultural andcommunity development. <strong>Offaly</strong> is a place ofrich histories and proud communities. There isa wealth of collective and individual creativeactivity contributing to the vitality of the county 1Our challenge and intention through this plan, isto manage our resources so that this recentcultural growth is not just sustained, but isencouraged further to enable all citizens andcommunities to find new ways to realise theirpreferred contribution to society and write thefuture cultural legacies of this county.Our priority in a challenging financialenvironment is to invest in innovative projectsand events that support excellence in artspractice, cultural tourism, social inclusion andincreased access to the arts. The strategicdirections outlined in this plan, are inevitablyflexible to our changing circumstances.1. See Appendix 1 on page 55 for a list of cultural organisations in the county

ContextGEOGRAPHIC<strong>Offaly</strong> is one of four Midland counties. The northeastern part of the county is situated within thecommuter belt of Dublin with the southern andwestern parts bordering the Slieve BloomMountains and the Shannon River. The commutertown of Edenderry in the north east and garrisontown of Birr in the south are largely isolated fromeach other. Tullamore, the county town, is alargely a commercial centre; it forms an integralpart of the NSS Linked Gateway Initiative with theother Midland towns of Athlone and Mullingar.More recently concerted investments are beingmade to enhance Tullamore’s cultural andcommunity potential with a recently developedtown park, new library, a community arts centre, arefurbished heritage centre and canal amenities.The Grand Canal intersects the county fromEdenderry to Shannon Harbour and is animportant characteristic of the county, with thepotential to be developed into a ‘cultural corridor’of national significance. Peatlands visiblydominate the landscape from Clonbullogue toCloghan, and the regenerated Lough BooraParklands is a significant natural resource with asculpture park, fishing lakes, bird sanctuary, walkand cycle ways.<strong>Offaly</strong>’s unique landscape and built heritagehas informed much of the cultural developmentof the county, such as Sculpture in the Parklands,the Slieve Bloom Storytelling Festival andBelmont Mills Artists Studios. Birr Theatre and<strong>Arts</strong> Centre has been the thriving hub of culturalactivity since 2000.7arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

8offaly county councilECONOMICThe economic context in which this plan isbeing delivered is unprecedented incomparison to the previous plan. We are in thethroes of a recession with measures of austerityin public finances and service delivery set tocontinue over the majority of this plan. Howlocal authorities will continue to support localcultural development is uncertain. However, wedo know that much has been highlighted interms of the significance of supporting the artsduring this time, for its multiple values acrosscultural tourism, the creative industries, nationalreputation and community development. Wealso know that arts and culture is credited tocontributing to a growth in innovation 2 and thatthe estimated turnover for investment in the artsis approx 120%. 3With this in mind, we have focussed a chapteron Economic Value as one of our StrategicAreas, which highlights the value ofconcentrating strategically on culturaldevelopment.DEMOGRAPHICThe population of <strong>Offaly</strong> is 76,806 and ofTullamore is 14, 409 with Tullamore predicted tohold a quarter of the county population by<strong>2016</strong> 4 . The Midlands (<strong>Offaly</strong>, Laois, Longford,and Westmeath) boasts the biggest percentagepopulation increase in the country. Its currentpopulation of 251,664 represents a 12.1%increase on previous figures.Predicted population growths for <strong>Offaly</strong>; 82,114by <strong>2016</strong> and 86,771 by 20222. Innovation Ireland - The Smart Economy. Report of the Innovation Taskforce, March 2010 www.innovationtaskforce.ie3. Total funding committed by the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to organisations and individuals amounted to 60.3 million in 2010. The estimatedturnover of the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> funded organisations and individuals in 2010 as stated, was 135m – Source <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Assessmentof the Economic Impact of the <strong>Arts</strong> in Ireland’ Indecon Report 2011.4. <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> 2009 to 2015

Who is this plan for?This plan is inclusive of all people of all cultures and social standing in <strong>Offaly</strong>,from pre-school to our most senior of citizens.10offaly county council<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>So that <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> canauthoritatively and persuasively present itsvision for the arts to its local and nationalreaders and can demonstrate how it will behavemost effectively in its own operations and indeveloping and consolidating relationships withkey local and national organisations.This will impact on:Professional ArtistsProfessional or semi-professional artists: thosewhose careers are entirely in the arts and thosewho also augment their income with anotheractivity related to the arts, (e.g. tutors) Theseare cornerstones of a creative and vibrantcommunity. Without artists in our community toprovide stimulation and inspiration, the qualityof our lives would be greatly diminished.<strong>Arts</strong> organisations, managers and projectinitiatorsThese sectors are the most active in developingthe arts in Co. <strong>Offaly</strong> mostly on a voluntary level.Their contribution to the growth of the arts in thecounty is fundamental and we recognise,support and encourage their endeavours inways that will help sustain existing initiativesand promote new ones.Community, Amateur and Voluntary GroupsThere are 181 groups registered with theCommunity Forum in the county, most of whichrun projects and events to foster communitygrowth and the spirit of volunteerism.Participation in the arts is been increasinglyused in aspects of this work.

11arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Irish Midlands YouthOrchestra

12offaly county councilThe general public as an audience and aparticipatorMany people who may claim to have no interestin the arts are in fact already participating inartistic activity. They may be avid readers,cinema buffs, festival goers, music fans orperformers or parents of a children participatingin a workshops. This plan is also for them. Theyare the audience, the appreciators and theparticipants and the plan will affect the qualityand accessibility of the arts in their lives atwhatever level interests them.Young peopleChildren have the most fertile of imaginationsand have no fear of expressing themselves. Toooften this is not promoted and encouragedenough into older childhood and teens andyoung people’s interest in being creative petersout. This is evident in the low take up in <strong>Offaly</strong>of creative career choices in third leveleducation. This plan aims to encourage andvalidate creative interest and self-expression inour youth.Senior citizensSenior citizens represent a growing proportionof our population and while many may beexperiencing the arts for the first time (as aresult of programmes supported by <strong>Offaly</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office), many others havealready demonstrated creative skills which canbe passed on to new generations. By providingopportunities for them we can create new waysfor older people to develop personally andcontribute to the community.

13arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Touching Distance, Legitimate Bodies Dance Company

14offaly county councilThinking outside the Box,a primary schools project forEngage with Architecture <strong>2012</strong>

Misson<strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities – <strong>Arts</strong> & Culture Mission Statement“<strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities aim to provide leadership in quality, inclusive and innovativeexperiences of the arts for all and to demonstrate through best practice and partnership thevalue and benefits of increased access to and involvement in the arts for all our citizens.”The purpose of this plan is■ To provide a structure for the <strong>Arts</strong> Office in <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to deliver its service within theoverall framework and policies of the local authority■ To articulate <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s priorities for the arts for <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2016</strong>15arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>“To improve the quality of life forpeople in <strong>Offaly</strong> “Strategic Priorities■ Assisting in developing vibrant andcreative communities through theimplementation of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.■ Supporting the development of artsspaces and infrastructure togetherwith provision of supports forcommunity arts activities.<strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities Corporate <strong>Plan</strong>2010 – 2014“To facilitate the creativity, imagination,talent and traditions of all people in<strong>Offaly</strong>, and the modes through whichthey are expressed”“That all people in <strong>Offaly</strong> will enjoy equalopportunity and a good quality of life-thatthey will look forward to the future withconfidence while cherishing the past”A strategy for Economic, Social andCultural Development 2002-<strong>2012</strong>-<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board

Our Guiding Values16offaly county councilQualityWe aim to encourage and promote standardsof excellence in artistic endeavour through oursupport for existing and new arts initiatives andthrough the provision of a varied and inclusiveprogramme for the arts throughout the county.InclusionWe aim to afford the widest possible access toand inclusion in all artistic endeavours withinthe county to all members of the community.CapacityWe aim to build the capacity of artists, artsorganisations and community groups to leadhigh quality arts initiatives. We see this as astrategic investment leading to activecitizenship, social profit and communitydevelopment.Monitoring and EvaluationAccountability and transparency are essentialelements of local authority service provision.The <strong>Arts</strong> Office will carry out the objectives andactions in this plan over a five-year period. Thiswill be implemented through annual service plansand the Office will monitor and evaluate eachprogramme element on an ongoing basis.Annual service indicators will be the measure ofthe <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s success as well as a completeand independent evaluation of this plan inpreparation for the next.

17arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Legitimate Bodies Dance Company

Our Intention18offaly county councilBased on the contexts laid out earlier, ourguiding values and our recognition of theimportance of promoting, enabling anddeveloping a rich cultural environment, it is ourintention to:■ Enable, promote and be a catalyst for thegrowth of culture and the arts in the county.■ Foster and encourage increased access toand participation in the arts by all sectors ofthe community.■ Recognise the importance of the artist in thecommunity and to make <strong>Offaly</strong> animaginative and supportive environment forartists.■ Further develop the skills and capacity of thelocal arts sector and to support increasedprofessional standards.■ Consolidate existing partnerships anddevelop new ones in the provision of artsactivity in the county■ Encourage the development of audiences forand awareness and appreciation of the arts.■ Utilise funding for the arts through thegovernment per cent for arts schemeand create an imaginative, innovativeand co-ordinated public art programme.■ Facilitate the development of and supportthe cultural infrastructure of the county to bestrategic in their operations andprogramming.

The <strong>Arts</strong> ServiceThe first <strong>Arts</strong> Officer employed by <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Council</strong> was in 1996. A two-year arts plan wasdeveloped in 1997. That plan, while available tothe public on request was not published.Between 2000 and 2004, the <strong>Arts</strong> Service hadexperienced some inconsistency due to a highturnover of personnel and consequent gaps inthe service. Since 2005, the service and thereforethe local arts sector and broader communityhave benefited from the stability and strength of astrategic approach and its first five year plan2007-2011.The <strong>Arts</strong> Office is staffed by one full time <strong>Arts</strong>Officer and one full time Clerical Officer and ispart of the Housing Corporate and CulturalDirectorate. It has an integral role in the HousingSocial and Cultural Strategic Policy Committeewhose function is to develop strategic policies toreflect the evolving commitments and contexts ofthe <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.In <strong>Offaly</strong> the role of the arts service has beendefined as:■ A developmental and advisory role to promotethe growth of the arts in the county.■ Formulating local policy and plans andintegrating national policy into best practiceprinciples for the development of the arts on alocal level.■ Supporting and advising on fundingopportunities for individual artists and groups,(professional amateur and voluntary) of alldisciplines.19arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

20offaly county councilOpen Submission Exhibition,Drawings, Áras an Chontae 2008

■ Identifying areas of developmental need, andimplementing strategic projects/partnershipsto achieve those requirements■ Advising Management Team and Membersof scope for activity, opportunities fordevelopment and the cultural, social andeconomic impact of investment in the arts inthe county.■ Facilitating the development of aninfrastructure across the county of places andspaces where people can have access to andparticipate in the arts.■ Implementing the percent for art schemeunder the auspices of <strong>Offaly</strong> Local AuthoritiesPublic Art Working Group■ To work across all service areas of <strong>Offaly</strong>Local Authorities, such as architecture,community and enterprise, corporateservices, heritage, libraries and planning towork in partnership with, assist, inform andenhance the wider functions of the council.■ Developing ways to provide accessibleinformation on the arts in the county.■ Consolidating existing partnerships anddeveloping new ones for the provision of astrategic arts programme in the county.21arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

In partnershipwith the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>22offaly county council“The <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has a responsibility to take anoverview of the needs of the arts, to identifychanges needed and champion these robustly,rigorously and in partnership with the artscommunity” (<strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Partnership for the<strong>Arts</strong> 2006-10)The <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is a national organisationlinked to central government and is the mainpolicy maker and funder of the arts nationally. Itcarries out research and publishes informationon best practice methods and provides adviceand information to arts organisations.The role of the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in <strong>Offaly</strong> is one ofpartnership with <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. Itprovides programme funding through the<strong>County</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office in line with annual serviceplans and in the context of the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><strong>Plan</strong>. The <strong>Arts</strong> Office makes an annualapplication to the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> for funding forplanned programmes. Funding is then grantedin line with common strategic objectives.The <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> also provides separate grantsto individual artists and arts organisationsthrough its own funding schemes. The <strong>Arts</strong><strong>Council</strong> is committed to working towardsdeveloping its relationship and partnership with<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office aims to workwith the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to extend and enhancepeople’s experience of the arts in the countyand to support the provision of an effective artsinfrastructure.As access and participation are central to our mission, our partnership with local authoritiesacross the country is key. Our strategic focus in 2011-2013 will include engagement with localauthorities in relation to arts provision within their areas so as to maximise coherence ofplanning and provision. The partnership will be based on a dialogue that respects the localremit and distinctive concerns of local authorities and the national remitand arts development concerns of the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Developing the <strong>Arts</strong> in Ireland, 2011-2013

In partnership with theDepartment of <strong>Arts</strong>,Heritage and the Gaeltacht23<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will work collaborativelywith the Department of <strong>Arts</strong>, Heritage and theGaeltacht to source capital funding forinfrastructural projects and to participate instrategic national cultural events such as CultureNight and other activities as they arise.In addition, during the planning process for thisplan and over its lifetime, we will engage with theDepartment’s Interactive Strategy for <strong>Arts</strong> andCulture, to pilot a continuous process of listingand disseminating information, of inviting publicinput on an ongoing basis to inform policy andrespond to opportunities. This interactive strategyarose out of and extremely challenging financialclimate where arts and culture must besupported in ways that may often be outside offinancial support. We will liaise with theDepartment to ensure that we participate in waysthat are beneficial to our local context.arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

24offaly county councilAt home in the world, a public art projectat Killane, Edenderry, by Ceara Conway, 2011

I suggest that creativity is not only socially defined but that it is at its most powerful whenlocated in culture and evaluated in terms of its contribution to citizenship.Michael D Higgins, Creativity in Solidarity, Economy and InstitutionsStrategic AreasThe following chapters are based on the needs 1. Economic Valuewe have identified through extensive research, 2. The creative communityevaluation and discussion. It takes into3. Young people and the artsconsideration the level of growth in the arts and4. The creative individualin arts provision over the duration of the lastArt <strong>Plan</strong>, the importance of protecting our5. Spaces and placesinvestment to date, the challenges we face to 6. Festivalsmaintain our levels of support and the need to 7. Film<strong>Offaly</strong>support and nurture important new developments8. Public Artas they arise.25arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

Economic Value26offaly county councilThis plan is being written in the grips of aneconomic recession, in a climate whereprioritising support for cultural development ischallenging. The current measures of austerity inpublic finances and service delivery are set tocontinue over the majority of this plan. How wewill maintain our support of local culturaldevelopment is uncertain. However, we do knowthat much has been highlighted in terms of thesignificance of supporting the arts during thistime, from:■ The first Global Irish Economic Forum atFarmleigh in September 2009 placed a newstrategic priority on culture as a unique longtermstrength and door-opener for economicrecovery.■ The arts continue to be a major employer andcontributor to Irish economic output; in 2010the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s annual funding from theExchequer supported over 2,600 jobs which inturn generated an annual turnover of €135million with tax revenues (in the form ofPAYE/income tax, PRSI and VAT), to the IrishExchequer of €41 million.■ The arts sector supports 21,328 jobs andcontributes €306.8 million in taxes.■ The arts too impact on the wider creativeindustry contributing €4.7 billion to theeconomy and supporting 79,000 jobs■ Imagine Ireland was Culture Ireland’s yearlongcelebration of Irish arts in the UnitedStates in 2011, to reshape and reinvigoratenotions of Ireland, what it means to be Irishand the potential for Ireland into the future.The second Global Economic Forum at DublinCastle in October 2011, invited cultural figures ofinternational standing to participate whichresulted in a proposal to boost cultural tourism bycreating a global Irish homecoming in 2013.While these are national and internationalstatistics and initiatives, there is much we canachieve on a local level to support growththrough cultural development, and these areoutlined further in the following strategic areas.The arts are a significant economic contributor and employer in their own right, but they are alsoimportant building blocks for those economic policies the Government has identified as crucialfor our economic recovery. The arts underpin policies in attracting foreign direct investment, inthe creation of an imaginative labour force, in establishing an innovative environment in whichthe creative and cultural industries can thrive and in cultural tourism. By focusing on the arts asan element of social and economic renewal, we are playing to our strengths.Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for <strong>Arts</strong>, Heritage and the Gaeltacht - 16 Nov 2011In recent years we have been challenged to realize the economic importanceof the arts. In 2010 the direct and indirect value of the creative sector was€11.8bn - if they were never important for economy, they were alwaysimportant in their own right.Mary Hanafin TD Minister for Tourism Cultureand Sport, Douglas Hyde Conference, 15 Oct. 2010

27arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Asian Hush II, oil on canvas, Louise O’Brien

28offaly county council

29arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Architects impression of the new TullamoreCommunity <strong>Arts</strong> Centre, A2 Architects

30offaly county councilGrove Street TV, a public art project by Michael Fortunewww.grovestreet.tv, 2011

The creative communityCreativity in society is everywhere. From bookand film clubs, town and youth bands, to dramaand choral groups, knitting clubs and dancetroupes, there is an imperative in society to cometogether and share and participate in somethingcreative. People experience opportunities ingreater and lesser degrees, according to theirlevel of interest and work, study and familycommitments. Nonetheless, it is this activity thatdistinguishes us.This section refers to arts activity which engagescommunities in a variety of creative andinnovative ways and it reflects one of the largestgrowth areas in this plan. Typically this activityprovides opportunities for artists to create and/orfacilitate projects; it includes festivals, communityevents and arts in context such as arts andhealth. <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> acknowledges theimmense voluntary commitment to developingmuch of this activity and the importance ofencouraging and protecting these endeavours,both for community development and the localeconomy.The objectives and actions below will consolidatethe existing activity and support newprojects/events that will forge communities,enhance community participation, create a prideof place and sense of identity.Objectives1. Encourage and support quality artsprogramming in events to increase theircapacity to attract and increase audiencenumbers and participation.2. Continue to find ways to publish anddisseminate information about the diversityand extent of arts activity in the countythough local media, online information andsocial media including the Midlands <strong>Arts</strong> andCulture Magazine.3. Advise on the quality of presentation andpromotion of cultural events both locally andnationally.4. Further incorporate arts and cultural activitiesinto county development and local areaplans and budgets.5. Encourage the establishment of new artsevents and activity around the county andprovide advice and support to the voluntaryeffort in the host communities.6. Develop ways to measure the impact ofcultural activity in order to track itsdevelopment and make the case foradditional support and identify areas fordevelopment.31arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

7. Facilitate the creation of clear brandingguidelines to acknowledge the support of<strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities to events andprojects.13. Promote the work of and support thedevelopment of local drama groups,musical societies, choral groups and townbands.32offaly county council8. Develop a greater awareness andanticipation of the diversity of the arts inTullamore in advance of the new TullamoreCommunity <strong>Arts</strong> Centre.9. Assist the development of a cultural actiongroup in Edenderry to create moreopportunities for the development of andengagement with the arts.10. Maintain support to Anam Beo, the artsand health programme in their mission toprovide non-judgemental process led artworkshops within a safe health care andsociable environment.11. Continue to facilitate a county wideprogramme for Bealtaine, the nationalfestival which advocates creativity aswe age.12. Manage the <strong>Arts</strong> Act Grants as a reservedfunction of the members of the council toprovide support for arts activity in thecommunity which will stimulate publicinterest in the arts, promote the knowledge,appreciation and practice of the arts, andassist in improving the standards of the arts.14. Source financial support to continue todevelop the cross departmental project,Engage with Architecture.15. Work with other agencies to find ways tointegrate, support and include newercommunities and cultures in arts activitiesin the county.16. Networking and the sharing of resourcesamong drama and musical societies hasproved fruitful in some parts of the countyand this could be encouraged more.17. Participate in national coordinated eventssuch as Culture Night, National Music Day,National Poetry Day and other nationalevents as resources allow.18. Work closely with <strong>Offaly</strong>’s Library Service todeliver community arts events/projects in<strong>Offaly</strong>’s libraries

Young People and the <strong>Arts</strong>In this plan we are focussing specific attention onarticulating policy and strategic areas for howyoung people participate in the arts; from thosewho are already engaging and those who are yetto engage with the arts. This is reflective of therecent development in a number of accessible,high quality and structured arts projects, whichallow for young people to shine individually andas ensembles, and to be the source of their owningenuity and creativity. We believe thatfacilitating projects in which young people canfreely and safely be expressive, is investment intotheir capacity to be confident independent andinnovative thinkers.<strong>Offaly</strong> Youth Theatre, <strong>Offaly</strong> Youth DanceCompany and Hullabaloo! have to date engagedhundreds of young people, who have publishedanthologies, performed nationally and enteredcreative adventures never before imagined.Objectives1. Continue to work to develop Hullabaloo!<strong>Offaly</strong>’s Children’s <strong>Arts</strong> Festival withcommunities in Birr and Clara and to seekopportunities to expand the festival intoanother town.2. Establish the Hullabaloo Children’s Choir asan outreach and year round project forprimary schools by the annual HullabalooChildren’s <strong>Arts</strong> Festival.3. Find ways in which to continue to engageprimary and secondary schools with qualityarts projects.4. Work with the <strong>Offaly</strong> Westmeath MusicEducation Partnership to develop highquality, inclusive and accessible musiceducation programme in the two countiesthrough the Music Generation Scheme orother means.33arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

34offaly county councilLegitimate Bodies Dance Company and St. Brendan’sNational School, Birr in a performance of Pinocchio, 2009

5. Support <strong>Offaly</strong> Youth Theatre, a neworganisation with chapters in Birr, Banagherand Tullamore, to establish itself further,participate in opportunities presented by theNational Association of Youth Drama andexpand into the north of the county.6. Encourage the growth of <strong>Offaly</strong> Youth Danceto expand its points of access across thecounty and opportunities to performnationally.7. Evaluate previous youth literature projectsand establish a process in which to provideyoung people with access to the skills andknowledge of professional writers.8. Assess the existing Kindermusic project withthe VEC and through this identify whatsupports will best maintain and develop theproject.9. Provide opportunities for artist facilitators toaccess Child Protection Training.10. Work with organisations, such as PoetryIreland, which has an existing nationaleducation programme, in order to supportschool visits by professional writers11. Collaborate with OFFline Film Festival tofacilitate means for young people to makefilms and have them shown in a professionalplatform.12. Encourage community festivals to developfocussed and strategic youth arts projectsand opportunities leading up to or duringtheir events.13. Support the Irish Midlands Youth Orchestrato develop their own strategy fordevelopment and assist in raising the profileof the organisation in the Midlands andnationally.35arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

The creative individual36offaly county councilThe creative individual in this context is theprofessional arts practitioner, such as visualartists, musicians, filmmakers, theatrepractitioners, writers, performers, dancers; asindividuals, collaboratives or companies.Supporting their practice underpins all othercreativity in the county. Many artists teach,facilitate, volunteer and are at the fore of culturaldevelopment in the county and participateenergetically in communities.In our last arts plan we laid down clear supportsto enable artists to expand and develop theirpractice, which has led to the sector becomingmore professional, confident, articulate andopen to broadening their practice. We need toacknowledge the concern of some artists thattheir work is being funded for the prestige of anorganisation or a region and not appreciated inits own right. As a public body we seek qualityand integrity in arts production, and recognisethat a formulaic approach or a ‘safe bet’ is ofneither benefit to artists or to patrons.Funding for the arts has to date used thelanguage of ‘grants’ or ‘support’, denoting thatthe arts are still periphery and that artists arereceiving ‘hand-outs’. We need to recognisewhat it means to ‘invest’ in the arts; investingdenotes faith, belief, hope, optimism and value.Therefore we acknowledge that by investing inthe arts or the artist, there may be risk takingand unpredictable outcomes, but this is thespace where exciting and innovative creativitywill emerge, not just a predeterminedoutcome/policy.

Objectives1. Evaluate the current support schemes forartists in the light of budget restrictions, inorder to identify how to resourcefully andappropriately respond to the developmentneeds of individuals, collaboratives andorganisations and publish the results.2. Facilitate a new writers group in the countywhich would broaden participation andprovide a supportive environment for theprofessional development of both emergingand established writers3. Support the development of theatre in thecounty by encouraging a professionaltheatre company to become established andopportunities for new writing for the theatreto emerge.4. Identify and create opportunities for theprofessional development of all artistpractitioners including drama groups andmusical societies.5. Work with visual artists to create a culture of“open studio” occasions as a way ofincreasing exchange and networkingopportunities and raising the public profileand audiences for professional visual artspractice.6. Encourage and support the importance ofartist-led networking and a co-operativeapproach to information and resourcesharing7. Facilitate the importance of increased criticalplatforms and the value of professionaldocumentation of arts practice, includingthose in collaborative and communitycontexts.8. Promote a culture of professional practicethat is based on resource sharing rather thanbeing predominantly resource dependent.9. Recognise and support where artists wouldlike to expand out into the community toshare their practice and skills and also bereciprocally informed through a collaborativeprocess.10. Recognise that a thriving creative communitywill survive through the promotion ofexcellence, both through professionalpractice and by generating a greater profilenationally and internationally of <strong>Offaly</strong>’svibrant cultural activity.11. Support Legitimate Bodies as professionaldance production and touring company in<strong>Offaly</strong> who also provide youth andcommunity access to contemporary dance.37arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

38offaly county councilSpectre, Mairead Dunne, Áras an Chontae, 2009

Spaces and PlacesSpaces and places refers to infrastructure acrossthe county where artists and audiences accessand participate in the arts and includes venues,galleries and studios. Along with festivals theyrepresent a growth area for Cultural Tourism andprovide a focal point for the arts and a platformfrom which audiences can have access to adiverse range of quality national, internationaland local arts experiences.<strong>Offaly</strong>’s cultural infrastructure is unique, from oneof the older theatres in the country to a restoredmill and expansive sculpture park; the fullpotential of all these developments has yet to bereached, both individually and as a collective.Over the lifetime of this plan <strong>Offaly</strong>’s culturalinfrastructure will develop and evolve significantlywith the advancement of new arts centre forTullamore. This proposed development willinfluence all other infrastructural projects and it isour intention to ensure that this influence willpositively shape, inspire and be a catalyst for agreater participation and increase profile for thearts in <strong>Offaly</strong>.The recent trend of pop up shops being used forartistic, cultural and educational uses hasmaterialised in <strong>Offaly</strong>, albeit in a more ad hocway, however this could be further exploited.BIRR THEATRE AND ARTS CENTREBirr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre has been the homeof the arts in <strong>Offaly</strong>, since 2000. It provides avenue for local, national and internationalproductions and concerts, but also initiates manyoutreach, community and youth projects. Thishas firmly established the centre as pivotal to thecultural life of Birr and also the whole county.At a time when many venues nationally areexperiencing difficulties with audience numbers,Birr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre has managed toincrease its attendance between 2009 and 2011.Over the course of this plan, TullamoreCommunity <strong>Arts</strong> Centre is intended and this isinevitably a cause for concern for theManagement and Staff. <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> willbe mindful of this concern and further, beinstrumental in encouraging a mutuallysupportive relationship between both venues.Objectives1. Work with the board and staff to findinnovative and effective methods andsolutions to sustain both the managementand programming of the centre in afinancially unstable climate.2. Recognise and alleviate the concern that anew arts centre in Tullamore could be anegative influence by encouraging arelationship that is mutually beneficial and39arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

40offaly county councilprogressive in working towards a greatercultural participation locally and nationalprofile for <strong>Offaly</strong>.3. Continue to work in partnership to sustainrecent collaborative projects and identifynew areas for development.4. Support the identified need for anadditional building within the town in whichto expand and provide services such as arehearsal, workshop, meeting or dancespace.5. Work in an advisory capacity to develop itsoutreach and community arts projects.6. Encourage and support initiatives toexpand audiences on a local, regional andnational level7. Advocate for an advanced economicimpact study of the centre on the town.TULLAMORE COMMUNITYARTS CENTREAt the publishing of this plan, a design forTullamore Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre has beenchosen and design contracts have beensigned. This centre is much anticipated in thetown and an intensive and ambitiouscommunity fundraising campaign is underway.In addition, <strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities are currentlyrefurbishing Tullamore Library, Grand Canalamenities and facilitating the redevelopment ofTullamore Heritage Centre to significantly investin the town’s community, cultural and tourismpotential.This development is being delivered byTullamore Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre Ltd., apartnership company between <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong>and Tullamore Town <strong>Council</strong>s and the localcommunity. The objectives in this plan arereflective of this partnership.The council acknowledges that theprovision of an arts centre would be avaluable contribution for the people ofTullamore; the council also acknowledgesthe contribution of Birr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong>Centre and will support same.<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>2009-2015 P11-12Objectives1. Continue to work with the Department of<strong>Arts</strong>, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on thecapital award allocated under the ACCESSII scheme

2. Manage the building programme withinbudget and to a high standard.3. Develop and implement a sustainablebusiness model in which to operate thecentre4. Put in place a Board of Management tooversee the staffing, finance, marketing andprogramming of the centre when it is open.5. Develop a relationship and partnership withthe <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and other agencies todevelop the centres programming capacity.6. Ensure that the staff is welcoming,enthusiastic, highly qualified and committedto the centre.7. Work to support programming that isconsistent, accessible, inclusive, stimulatingand of a high standard.It is council’s policy, having particularregard to Tullamore’s Gateway status andprojected growth, to facilitate thedevelopment of a dedicated multipurposearts centre in the town as resources permit.Tullamore Town and EnvironsDevelopment <strong>Plan</strong> 2010-<strong>2016</strong>TTEP 11-14SCULPTURE IN THEPARKLANDSOver the course of the last plan, Sculpture inthe Parklands has advanced significantly interms of the quality and calibre of artworkscommissioned, its international profile and itslinks with agencies and educational instructionsnationally and internationally. This is entirely dueto the vision and commitment of Kevin O’Dwyerwho has managed the project since inception in2002 up to 2011 with huge dedication.41arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>8. Closely monitor audience engagement anddevelopment and where necessary proposeinitiatives that will expand participation.9. Work in collaboration with other culturalinfrastructure within the county, particularlyBirr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre, to developinitiatives, share resources, increaseaudiences and participation and raise theprofile of <strong>Offaly</strong> nationally.In entering this new planning phase, the future ofSculpture in the Parklands lies very much withproject partners of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> andBord na Móna who wish to protect theconsiderable investment both have made in theproject since it began. Both recognise the valuethe project has in terms of cultural tourism to thecounty, but crucially understand the value of thehigh standard of artistic integrity which haselevated the project’s international profile.

42offaly county councilObjectives1. Establish a partnership organisation inwhich to continue to deliver a programmeand commission artwork.2. Build on the learning and evaluationsachieved by the project to date.3. Through a consultative process, prepareand publish a 5 year strategy for the periodof <strong>2012</strong> to <strong>2016</strong>.4. Facilitate regular opportunities for allpartners to convene and discuss strategicactions, concerns and opportunities.5. Consider the implications of andopportunities in rebranding the project TheNational Sculpture Park at Lough BooraParklandsBELMONT MILLBelmont Mill Artists Studios has grownorganically and slowly over the past 6 years toestablish its reputation as an excellent space forcreative work, acknowledged from the manytestimonies from artists. This venue is privatelyowned and the proprietors have opened itsdoors for artists, tourists and community eventsat no capital cost to the local authority. Throughan annual grant to the Mill, the owners havebeen able to attract visiting artists into <strong>Offaly</strong>,who largely have gone on to promote thecounty as they exhibit nationally andinternationally. Further their exhibition, lectureseries and community events are attracting newaudiences annually into the venue. Alongsidethis, the complex also contains a fully restoredmill and museum, which is open to the publicseasonally.6. Work closely with the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong> onmaximising its potential through ongoingdialogue and avail of funding opportunitiesas they arise.7. Balance the provision of new commissionswith an dynamic programme of activities.Belmont Mill has become important for <strong>Offaly</strong>’sCultural Tourism capability and much morecould be achieved to maximize this potential.Over the course of this plan we will work withthe owners to raise the profile of Belmont Millnationally, to promote it as a destination forartists and as an important hub for creativity inthe community.

43arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Rualie Buaile by Patrick Dougherty, 2008Sculpture in the Parklands

44offaly county councilObjectives1. Enable financial support to continue to fundbursaries for visiting artists2. Identify long term tenants at the studioswho will enhance the Mill’s artistic andcommunity programme and subsidize thebursaries.3. Find a way to re establish bursaries tocollege graduates, as a way of supportingemerging artists and developing links withart colleges nationally.4. Establish a direct funding relationship withthe <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, through the Artist inCommunity Scheme and Project Awards.5. Continue to host Bealtaine events andparticipate in other community, educationaland national arts events such as CultureNight.A CIVIC SPACE IN EDENDERRYEdenderry needs a community and civic spacein which, among other activities, cultural activitycan be appreciated and participated in. We willwork with agencies and the local community toadvocate for a facility such as this, in order for itto become the objective of a partnership ofagencies which can deliver upon it.Objectives1. Enable a strategic cultural action groupwhich will support and promote communityand youth arts activity and raise the profileof existing provision in the town.2. Promote benefit and viability of using ofempty and unused buildings/shops astemporary arts spaces.3. Support the growth of existing and new artsgroups and organisations in the town6. Continue to host a lecture and exhibitionseries alongside community events tobroaden their visitor numbers.4. Advise on how the arts can be facilitatedand integrated into any new civic facility inEdenderry7. Develop exchange opportunities betweenthe Mill and other national culturalinstitutions8. Attract visiting artists of national andinternational standing

THE GRAND CANALIn 1960, the Grand Canal closed to commercialtraffic. Today the Grand Canal is one of <strong>Offaly</strong>’sbest natural resources and it is an artery that wewould like to celebrate further for its historical,cultural and social impact on the county.Through a Public Art Commission in <strong>2012</strong>,we are fostering the idea of the Grand Canalin <strong>Offaly</strong> as a Cultural Corridor; to become anationally visible cultural signature of <strong>Offaly</strong>.By commissioning three artists of differingdisciplines to make artworks in response totheir journey and experiences along the GrandCanal, as a solitary pursuit or by engagingwith communities, we are opening a new andcreative dialogue around the canal and its futureuses. The resulting work will form a collection ofartistic responses to the Grand Canal which willbe documented and displayed nationally andinternationally in various ways over the nextfew years.Objectives:1. Manage a touring exhibition of the artworkover Irish waterways and other venues/festivals nationally and internationally andensure its online presence through a websiteand other new media.2. Work to ensure the Grand Canal in <strong>Offaly</strong>becomes nationally synonymous with artisticexpression and devise an evaluation processto observe how this is developing.3. Consider further commissions/projects ofsignificance along the canal, including thosewith other agencies, which would meetsimilar objectives of creating a CulturalCorridor through <strong>Offaly</strong>.4. Promote the processes and outcomes of thecultural development of the Grand Canalthrough multiple service providers, culturaland tourism agencies.45arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

46offaly county councilNow, Then and Always, Joseph Hillier,Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore 2009

SMALL SPACESThere are a number of independent and privatelyowned working spaces and studios, which fromtime to time are open to the public forworkshops, talks and exhibitions. Studios likethese offer informal opportunities for the public tohave access to and participate in the arts and areimportant local resources in developing anawareness and appreciation of the work of theartist in the community.There is also an opportunity for artists to developa culture of exchange within their own spaces,which has been identified during the consultationprocess in preparing this plan. Artists are alsoeager to use non-art spaces to make, facilitateand perform art works, as a way of expandingtheir practice further into the community.Objectives1. Through the <strong>Arts</strong> Act Grant Scheme providean opportunity to support arts activity inthese spaces, including community activity.2. Investigate and where possible facilitate theopportunity for artists to access non-artspaces for projects that demonstrateexcellence in arts practice and communityengagement.3. Encourage these spaces to become furtherlinked with community and culturaldevelopment as a way to further imbed theirrelevance locally.47arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

Festivals48offaly county councilFestivals in <strong>Offaly</strong> are one of <strong>Offaly</strong>’s bestassets in terms of our cultural tourism andeconomic potential. We have a highconcentration of festivals and events and newevents appear almost annually. Since the lastarts plan 3 new festivals have become wellestablished (Hullabaloo, IFONLY, OFFline FilmFestival) and newer ones are in developmentsuch as (Bo Leictreach Green Play Festival andTulllamore <strong>Arts</strong> Festival). We greatly appreciatethe mammoth community and voluntary effortthat goes into these events and have outlinedhere ways in which we can support anddevelop this sector.Objectives1. Given <strong>Offaly</strong>’s capacity to attract big eventssuch as the Fleadh Cheoil/NationalPloughing and the annual Tullamore Show,there should be an openness toaccommodate new large events as theyarise, particularly those which areprofessionally organised, culturally uniqueand would place the county on the map.2. Review how festivals and major events aresupported by <strong>Offaly</strong> Local Authorities andother agencies in <strong>Offaly</strong> and those whohave a remit in the county, to ensure astrategic and synchronized approach.3. Provide advice and information to festivalson their arts programming, and encouragethe inclusion of youth arts projects/eventsand arts forms which have not beenexplored such as film, literature or danceas appropriate.4. Create an annual calendar of events for<strong>Offaly</strong> that can be linked to service providers,tourism agencies and shared online.5. Explore with other agencies how to build agreater national profile of the festivals andevents in <strong>Offaly</strong>.6. Develop a new funding scheme for festivalsin <strong>Offaly</strong> that will reward innovative artsprogramming and those who areidentifying new ways to engage audiences.7. Facilitate and encourage festivals to thinkmore strategically about their own planningand development in areas such asgovernance, programming and marketing.8. Find ways in which festivals can develop anaudience with the diaspora of their locality.9. Facilitate potential festival venues,particularly public buildings and amenitiesto participate in the cultural celebration oftheir town, as appropriate.10. Encourage and facilitate festivals andevents to broaden and maximize theirfunding opportunities, such as the <strong>Arts</strong><strong>Council</strong>s’ Small Festival’s Scheme, FailteIreland, <strong>Offaly</strong> Local DevelopmentCompany, and encourage local business tocontribute in kind.11. Encourage festivals to avail of specialistadvice and funding opportunities aimed atthe festival and voluntary, communitysector.

49arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>Birr Vintage Week and <strong>Arts</strong> Festival

50offaly county councilSaints and Scholars, Maurice Harron, Tullamore Bypass, 2009

“Placing art identifies public arts space at community and parish levels, where it reflects andtransforms the best imaginings of local people and artists in ways and places that simplycouldn’t have been imagined before.”Medb Ruane, Foreword, Public Art Strategy, Group Report.Public ArtThe per cent for art scheme is a governmentinitiative established in 1978 and providesopportunities for artists of all disciplines to creatework to exist in the public realm. <strong>Offaly</strong> LocalAuthorities have a responsibility to commissionartworks under central government fundedcapital projects such as roads, water services,housing schemes, libraries and swimming pools.We recognise the resource that the per cent forart scheme offers for creative intervention withcommunities and expanding the county artsprogramme and are currently managing thisopportunity through <strong>Offaly</strong> Local AuthoritiesPublic Art Working Group. We have alreadyadopted a protocol for the use of this scheme,the aims of which include:1. Embed the per cent for art scheme as anintegral part of service provision in the <strong>Offaly</strong>Local Authorities2. Outline our position and priorities in relationto how we use the percent for art scheme in<strong>Offaly</strong>.3. Make best use of available per cent for artfunding in <strong>Offaly</strong> through a creative,imaginative and diverse programme.4. Provide leadership, guidance and advice toother organisations in both the public andprivate sector in their own artisticfeatures/projects.5. Ensure <strong>Offaly</strong> increases its national profile onthe use of the per cent for art scheme6. Enhance public spaces and communities byincreasing accessibility to public artworksand quality art projects7. Improve understanding and knowledge ofthe arts through meaningful engagementwith public art works and art projects8. Ensure all public art commissioners in <strong>Offaly</strong>are informed on best practice use of thescheme9. Review our protocol during the period of this<strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.51arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>

Film<strong>Offaly</strong>52offaly county councilSince the last plan, where investigating a filmcommission was merely an objective, this hasbecome one of the biggest growth areas in thearts in <strong>Offaly</strong>. Film<strong>Offaly</strong> was launched in 2008as a project of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and it hassince become one of the leading regional filmcommissions in Ireland and the only one in acounty which is landlocked. This has openedthe film industry to our diverse and uniquelandscape, a varied and distinctive builtenvironment and a range of enthusiastic skilledproduction companies and film crew.nationally. The study highlighted the centrallocation, building film profile and niche angle ofparticipation alongside viewing, as being therecommended features of a successful festival,and in 2010 the OFFline Film Festival waslaunched. The committee currently includestwo members of Film<strong>Offaly</strong>, not just for theirexpertise, but also for their interest in thefestival as a strategic objective toward filmdevelopment in the county. The festival is runas an independent organisation and is basedin Birr.The potential economic impact of encouragingthis development is also recognised, thereforeand active approach has been ourmethodology. The introduction of the Film<strong>Offaly</strong>Award in partnership with Filmbase in 2009,resulted in a selection of multi award winningshort films being made here and a reinforceddeclaration that <strong>Offaly</strong> was open for businessfor filmmakers.Since 2008 four feature films have been made,(Becoming Jane, Eden, His and Hers, The OtherSide of Sleep) two RTE TV drama series (PureMule and Hide and Seek) and numerous shortfilms (such as the award winning shorts Noreen,the Moment and As the Light Leaks In)In 2009, funding was received from ShannonDevelopment to carry out a feasibility study intothe potential of <strong>Offaly</strong> to host a film festival thatwould be unique to other established onesThe following objectives are aimed at buildingupon the surge of growth in this art form overthe past four years.Objectives1. In light of current resources, and the impactthat increased investment could yield, wewill identify the best way to maintain thecurrent administrative capacity ofFilm<strong>Offaly</strong> alongside improved financialopportunities, both internally and externally.2. Continue to work in partnership with theIrish Film Board and Filmbase and identifyother partnerships which would createmutually beneficial and effectiveopportunities to increase the profile of<strong>Offaly</strong> as a film friendly county, such as theFilm<strong>Offaly</strong> Award.

53arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>On set, Brendan and Brian Gleeson, Noreen, Film<strong>Offaly</strong> Award 2009.3. In partnership with the business community,identify and implement attractive coordinatedfinancial packages which would furtherattract visiting film productions.4. To manage the website and socialnetworking as an active tool in which to raisethe profile of <strong>Offaly</strong> as an attractive location.5. Promptly assist with queries/requests fromthe film industry on locations, resources,access to public buildings, road closures,public services and open calls for casting orlocations.6. Encourage film as an art form in otherfestivals and events in the county.7. Support and collaborate with OFFline FilmFestival to increase it capacity forparticipation, audience development andprofile.8. Continue to build a national profile atindustry events, festivals and seminars.9 Support, encourage and disseminateopportunities to local filmmakers to raisetheir capacity to make film.

THE PROCESS OF PREPARING THIS PLAN54September 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . .Evaluation of previous arts planJan 18 th <strong>2012</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Public meeting, Edenderry (4 attendees)Jan 23 rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Focus on Film Consultation, Tullamore (14 attendees)Jan 24 th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Public Meeting, Birr (26 attendees)Jan 31 st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Artists meeting, Tullamore (15 attendees)Feb 2 nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Focus on Festivals meeting, Tullamore (13 attendees)Feb 3 rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Closing date for written submissions (9 received)Feb 9 th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First draft brought to Housing Social and Cultural Strategic PolicyFeb 20 th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Draft for approval for public consultation at <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meetingFeb 21 st to March 30 th . . . . . . . .Public consultation period and public information meetingsApril 16 th <strong>2012</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> adopted at April monthly meeting of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>offaly county councilACKNOWLEDGEMENTS<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> wishes to acknowledge all those who contributed to and participated in thedevelopment of the <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. In particular we would like to thank the arts community in <strong>Offaly</strong> whoattended meetings, made written submissions and gave generously of their time, experience andexpertise to the development of this plan.Particular thanks to■ Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD■ Barry Cowen TD■ The Elected Members of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>■ The Housing Social and Cultural Strategic Policy Committee■ The Elected members of Birr Town <strong>Council</strong>■ The Elected members of Tullamore Town <strong>Council</strong>■ The Elected members of Edenderry Town <strong>Council</strong>■ The Management Team of <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>■ The <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Council</strong>■ The Board of Birr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre■ The Board of Tullamore Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre Ltd■ <strong>Offaly</strong> Local Development Company<strong>Arts</strong> Officer Sinéad O’Reilly and Administrator Clare Dunne<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore, Co. <strong>Offaly</strong>Phone 057 9346800 | Fax 057 9346868<strong>Arts</strong> Office Phone 057 9357400 | Email arts@offalycoco.iewww.offaly.ie/arts© copyright <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

APPENDIX 1: ARTS ORGANISATIONS IN OFFALY (NON COMMERCIAL)Art Centres CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEBPAGEÁras an Chontae 'Atrium', Tullamore, Exhibition Space <strong>Arts</strong> Office <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 057 9357400 arts@offalycoco.ie www.offaly.ie/artsBirr Theatre and <strong>Arts</strong> Centre, Birr, <strong>Arts</strong> and Theatre Centre Emma Nee 057 9122911 birrtheatre@eircom.net www.birrtheatre.comTullamore Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre, Tullamore, Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre in Progress Desmond Doyle 057 9357400 info@tullamorecommunityartscentre.ie www.tullamorecommunityartscentre.ieArt Groups & AssociationsAnam Beo, Tullamore, Artists working in health centres Julie Spollen anambeoart@gmail.com www.anambeo.com<strong>Offaly</strong> Crafty, <strong>Offaly</strong>, <strong>Arts</strong> & Craft Association Cyril Stanley 0505 47025 info@offalyartsandcrafts.com www.offalyartsandcrafts.comSculpture in the Parklands, Lough Boora, Cloghan <strong>Arts</strong> Office <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 057 9357400 www.sculptureintheparklands.comLast Tuesday Club, Tullamore, Artists Collective <strong>Arts</strong> Office <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 057 9357400 FacebookBirr Art Group, Birr, Voluntary, Art Group Kathleen Gormley 087 6819990 kaygo3@msn.comEden Art Group, Edenderry, Voluntary Art Group Kathleen Nolan 046 9731077Tullamore <strong>Arts</strong> Group, Tullamore, Voluntary Art Group Leonard Geoghegan 086 8320635 lgeogh@offalycoco.ieWet Paint Project, Daingean, Community Art Project Gillian Batty 057 9353977 bunsallaghbat@gmail.com FacebookArtist StudiosBelmont Mill, Belmont, Birr, Studio and Artists Workshops - Offers artists residencies Tom Dolan 090 6457598 tom@belmontmill.com www.belmontmill.comBramber Studio, Shinrone, Birr, Studio and Artists Workshops Hazel Greene 0505 47025 info@bramberstudio.com www.bramberstudio.comBurns Cottage Gallery & Studios, Edenderry, Studio and Artists Workshops Lorenza Mahon Burns 046 9731347Clonmacnoise Pottery, Clonmacnoise, Studio and Artists Workshops Carole Quinlan 090 6454866 clonmacnoisepottery@eircom.net www.clonmacnoisepottery.comCrothu, Birr, Studio and Artists Workshops Jackie Lynch 057 9120151 jlynchcrothustudio@gmail.comEnrica Bertolini Cullen Art Studio, Tullamore, Studio and Artists Workshops Enrica Bertollini 057 9323086 enricaart@gmail.comGlasshammer Design & Studios, Rhode, Studio and Artists Workshops Michelle O'Donnell 046 9739296 info@glasshammer.ie www.glasshammer.ieRushbrook Studios, Edenderry, Studio and Artists Workshops Catherine Mann 046 9632512 rushbrookstudios@gmail.com. www.rushbrookstudios.comTin Jug Studio, Birr, Studio and Artists Workshops Rosalind Fanning 057 9121818 tinjugstudio1@eircom.net www.tinjugstudio.comThe Good Hatchery, Daingean, Studio - Offers Artists Residencies Carl Giffney 086 3391989 thegoodhatchery@gmail.com www.thegoodhatchery.wordpress.com/ChoirsBirr Choral Society Gerry Dolan 057 9120006 info@stbrendansbirr.ieBirr Church Choir Gerry Dolan 057 9120006 info@stbrendansbirr.ieBirr Folk Choir Katrina Ryan 087 9559444 katryan@hotmail.comCantori Choir Michael Moore 057 9352312 mooreschool@eircom.netDurrow Choir Breda Mannion 087 9847575 breda.mannion@hse.ieEden Chorale Anne Conaghan 046 9731988 a.conaghan66@gmail.com;Edenderry Church Choir Breda Slevin 085 1753585Family Mass Choir Marie White 087 2717209 marie_white32@yahoo.comLe Cheile Andrius Kozlovskis 087 7747967 lecheilesingers@yahoo.iePerfect Harmony Brian Shanahan 085 1108614 brianshanahan@ymail.comRua Siobhan Godley 086 1597292 siobhangodley@gmail.comSacred Heart Church Choir Madeline Fox 046 9730055Sacred Heart School Choir Regina McCarthy 057 9332502 clonlost@eircom.netScoil Mhuire Choir Tullamore Majella Killeen 087 6870570 mkilleen1971@gmail.comShalom PJ Smyth 057 9341120 pjdolly@iol.ieSt.Manhhans Choir Boher Majella Killeen 087 6870570 mkilleen1971@gmail.comSt.Mary's Secondary School Choir Colette Brady 046 9731457 stmaryedy.ias@eircom.netTormey Cunningham Ed Cunningham 057 9351365 maureen.ed.c@gmail.comTullamore Academy Chamber Choir Ciaran Brady 086 0678250 info@theacademyofmusic.ieTullamore Concert Choir Bryce Collins 085 2152945 choir@brycecollins.comTullamore Folk Choir Paddy Foy 057 9352244 sheiladavisfoy@gmail.comTullamore Gospel Choir Geraldine Grennan 086 3616121 ggrennan@eircom.net www.tullamoregospelchoir.comTullamore Parish Choir Ciaran Gilligan 087 2227243 ciarangilligan@eircom.netVirtuoso Chamber Choir Miriam Smyth 087 6322346 virtuosocc@gmx.comYouth Folk Choir Sr.Genny 087 9834002 phenah@hotmail.com55arts plan <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2016</strong>DanceLegitimate Bodies Dance Company, Birr, Professional Dance Company Nicholas Bryson 086 1571660 legitimatebodies@gmail.com www.birrtheatre.com<strong>Offaly</strong> Youth Dance, <strong>Offaly</strong>, Youth Dance <strong>Arts</strong> Office <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 057 9357400 arts@offalycoco.ie www.offaly.ie/artsRed Embers Dance Troupe, Tullamore, Eastern Oriental Dance Company Terri Dale 087 7530304 theredembers@gmail.com FacebookDrama & Musical GroupsBallycumber Dramatic Group, Ballycumber, Drama Group Derek Claffey 087 6592767 d.claffey@genemedix.com on facebookBanagher Drama Society, Banagher, Drama Group Sean Corrigan 087 2210067Birr Stage Guild, Birr, Drama Group info@birrstageguild.com www.birrstageguild.comClara Musical Society, Clara, Musical Society 087 9366247 info@clarams.com www.clarams.comClonbullogue Drama Group, Clonbullogue, Drama Group Maura Allen 046 9730040 mauraallen1@eircom.netCoolderry Drama Group, Coolderry, Drama Group Liam Marshall 087 2488234Daingean Musical Group, Daingean, Musical Society Anne Corcoran 086 0600734 anniebigd@yohoo.co.ukDream Drama Group, Tullamore, Drama Group Mary Carroll 087 2512135 mary.carroll@scjms.ieEden Drama Society, Edenderry, Drama Group Jim Lawlor 087 9967604 jimlawlor66@gmail.comKillavilla Drama Group, Killavilla, Drama Group Agnus King 087 2333294Lusmagh Players, Lusmagh, Drama Group Michael Troy 086 8250948 mjmtroy@gmail.com<strong>Offaly</strong> Drama Project, <strong>Offaly</strong>/Birr, Drama Group Fiona Breen 086 8904828 fionabreen247@gmail.com

Drama & Musical Groups (contd.) CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEBPAGERath Drama Group, Rath, Drama Group Edel Pey 087 2<strong>2016</strong>97Riverview Resources Drama Group, Drama Group Sinead Ni Dhomhnaill riverviewresources@stannes.ieSeir Kierans Drama Group, Clareen, Drama Group Deirdre Ryan 057 9137144St Mary's Youth Centre, Tullamore, Drama Group and Youth Organisation Bill O'Hanlon 057 9322963 stmarysyc@eircom.net www.stmarysyouthcentre.ieTullamore Amateur Dramatic Society, Tullamore, Drama Group Denise Keoghan tads4all@gmail.comTullamore Musical Society, Tullamore, Musical Society Brian Gunning 057 9352919 info@tullamoremusicalsociety.com www.tullamoremusicalsociety.com56FestivalsBealtaine Festival, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office 057 9357400 arts@offalycoco.ie www.offaly.ie/artsBirr Vintage Week and <strong>Arts</strong> Festival, Birr Emma Nee Haslem 087 9226961 info@birrvintageweek.com www.birrvintageweek.comBo Leictreach Green Play Festival, Birr Angela Ryan 086 3638758 jasangotheatre@gmail.comCastle Palooza, Tullamore info@castlepalooza.ie www.castlepalooza.ieDaingean Homecoming Festival, Daingean Joe Lynch 087 2122074 joelynch2110@gmail.comHullabaloo Offay's Childrens <strong>Arts</strong> Festival, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office 05793 57400 arts@offalycoco.ie www.offaly.ie/artsI.F.O.N.L.Y Dance Festival, Birr Nick Bryson 086 1571660 legitimatebodies@gmail.comJohnny Keenan Banjo Festival, Tullamore Chris Keenan 087 2817825 banjofestival@hotmail.com www.johnnykeenan.comOFFline Film Festival, Birr Gary Hoctor 086 6065927 info@offlinefilmfestival.com www.offlinefilmfestival.comShakefest, Tullamore Terri Dale 057 9323040 shakecelebration@gmail.com www.shakefest.netShannonbridge Music Festival, Shannonbridge Fergal Morgan 090 9674973 info@theoldfortrestaurant.com www.shannonbridge.comSlieve Bloom Storytelling Festival, Slievebloom Villages Christina Byrne 057 9137009 www.slievebloom.ieTullamore <strong>Arts</strong> Festival, Tullamore Loughnan Hooper info@tullamoreartsfestival.com www.tullamoreartsfestival.comTullamore International Summer Organ Series, Tullamore Gerard Gillen 087 2342360 gerard.gillen@nuim.ieoffaly county councilFilmFilm<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Office 057 9357400 filmoffaly@offalycoco.ie www.filmoffaly.ieGood Company Productions Ltd, Production Company Evan Chamberlain 086 8338628 info@goodcompany.ie www.goodcompany.ieStitch Films, Production Company Shirley Weir 086 3953460 info@stitchfilms.ie www.stitchfilms.ieStand Manta, Production Company Paddy Slattery 086 3597456 paddy@paddyslattery.com www.paddyslattery.comHello Camera, Production Company Gary Hoctor 085 2389416 info@hellocamera.ie www.hellocamera.ieCardel Entertainment Ltd, Production Company Carla Mooney info@cardelentertainment.com www.cardelentertainment.comMixed Bag Media, Production Company Garret Daly 057 9362759 info@mixedbagmedia.com www.mixedbagmedia.comSWV Studios, Production Company Noel Duffy 057 8640051 create@swvstudios.com www.swvstudios.comRooftopbasement Productions, Production Company Eve Daly rooftopbasement@eircom.netLiterature<strong>Offaly</strong> Writers Group <strong>Arts</strong> Office 057 9357400 arts@offalycoco.ie www.offaly.ie/artsTullamore Rhymers Club Ken Hume 085 2405961 kenhume79@gmail.com FacebookMusic AssociationsTullamore Gramophone Society, Tullamore, Music appreciation Society Kathleen Power 057 9351351 tullamoregramophone@gmail.comComhaltas <strong>Offaly</strong>, Killeigh Branch, Traditional Irish Music, Song, Dance and an Teanga Gaeilge Attracta Brady 087 2653586 attractabrady@hotmail.om www.comhaltas.ieSacred Heart Orchestra Regina McCarthy 057 9332502 clonlost@eircom.netIrish Midland Youth Orchestra Margaret Flynn 087 6812156 magsflynn@gmail.com FacebookPhotography ClubsSlieve Bloom Photography Club, Tullamore, Photography Club Goretti O'Dea 087 3245649 slievebloomphoto@gmail.com www.slievebloomphoto.comBirr Photography Club, Birr, Photography Club Robert Revill 087 6681783 info@birrphotogroup.org www.birrphotogroup.orgTheatreJasango Theatre Company,Tullamore, Professional Theatre Company Angela Ryan jasangotheatre@gmail.com Facebook<strong>Offaly</strong> Youth Theatre, <strong>Offaly</strong>, Youth Theatre Janine Wilson 087 2071258 offalyyouththeatre@gmail.com FacebookStage Craft Ireland, Tullamore, Physical and Street Theatre Mariosa Hume 085 8112051 info@stagecraftireland.com www.stagecraftireland.comTown BandsTullamore Town Band, Tullamore, Town Band Pat Doheny 086 8551011 tullamoretownband@gmail.com www.tullamoretownband.netClara Town Band, Clara, Town Band Marian Fitzpatrick 087 1549481St Colmcille's Pipe Band, Tullamore, Town Band Pat Nolan 087 6101773 tullamorepipeband@gmail.com www.tullamorepipeband.ieSt Brigid's Pipe Band, Mountbolus, Town Band Breda Donnelly 086 1051525 cbjg77@hotmail.com

OFFALYCOUNTYCOUNCILÁras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore, Co. <strong>Offaly</strong>Phone 057 9346800 | Fax 057 9346868<strong>Arts</strong> OfficePhone 057 9357400 | E-mail arts@offalycoco.ie | Web www.offaly.ie/artsEdited by Sinéad O’Reilly and Clare DunneDesigned & printed by Brosna Press© <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

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