Riverside Campus Plan - Office of Facilities Coordination - Texas ...

Riverside Campus Plan - Office of Facilities Coordination - Texas ... Riverside Campus Plan - Office of Facilities Coordination - Texas ...

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TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY RIVERSIDE CAMPUS PLAN42FIGURE 1Building 8007, known as theAdministration Building, from1952.FIGURE 2Building 6502 Energy SystemsLaboratory (ESL) was builtduring the Korean Conflict.FIGURE 3Building 7090 was a hangarfrom World War II, now used asTTI Hangar and classrooms.FIGURE 4Entrance to the Chapel (7006)built in 1943.HERITAGE STRUCTURESAs noted in the Significance section of this plan,some of the remaining physical evidence from1943 through 1962 should be considered for longtermconservation to celebrate the rich and honorablehistory of the base, and the memory of thebrave men and women who served there.While all structures within the Military HeritageDistrict will be reviewed on a case by case basis,the following structures are designated as of specialimportance to the character of the RiversideCampus:The Administration Building (8007), Chapel(7006), Office Building (7003), TEEX CopyCenter (7240), Control Tower (7077) and FlightMechanics Hanger (7046), Warehouses (8510,8511, 8512, 8513, 851617, 8518, 8519, 8521,8522, 8523, 8524), Hangars (7090, 8030, 8031),and Hangar/Workshop (6502).1 2There are two hangars remaining from 1943. One(7090) has been successfully rehabilitated by theTexas Transportation Institute and forms the centerof its extensive series of workshops and offices,and is adjacent to runways 17L/35R and17L/35c that provide test platforms for research.3 4

COMPONENTS OF THE CAMPUS PLAN435 67 8One 1943 hangar (7072) was demolished in June2011. One other (7046) remains just south of6th Street, adjacent to the steel framework of the1950s Control Tower (7077.)Two hangars (6030 and 8031) from 1954 remainat the south end of Flight Line Road, and providestorage facilities for the Ocean Drilling program.The buildings along the original administrativeand operational spine are generally of poor quality,though one group at Flight Line Road (7063,7064, 6069) is occupied by the Institute for NauticalArcheology and provides acceptable workspace for the conservation of recovered ship parts.The Chapel (7006) has lost the traditional spireshown in early photographs, but has been wellmaintained and is heavily used as an assemblyand classroom facility. The early plans show a seriesof curved driveways on the Chapel block.FIGURE 5Building 7240 from 1943, stillin use as TEEX Copy Center.FIGURE 6Hangar 6030 from 1953 hassince been renovated by TEEX.FIGURE 7Warehouses 8522, 8523, and8524 from 1952.FIGURE 8Operations Base 7061, currentlyTTI researchFIGURE 91943 Hangar 7046 (T-46)alongside the 1950s ControlTower (7077).FIGURE 10Hangar 8031 from 1953 is currentlyused for storage.9 10Specific structures noted in this section, whetherinside the Military Heritage District or not, shouldbe treated as significant to the heritage of the base,and preserved to the greatest extent possible.Where re-use or repair is proposed every effortshould be made to respect the original design andretain original fabric. Replacement should respectscale and massing.

COMPONENTS OF THE CAMPUS PLAN435 67 8One 1943 hangar (7072) was demolished in June2011. One other (7046) remains just south <strong>of</strong>6th Street, adjacent to the steel framework <strong>of</strong> the1950s Control Tower (7077.)Two hangars (6030 and 8031) from 1954 remainat the south end <strong>of</strong> Flight Line Road, and providestorage facilities for the Ocean Drilling program.The buildings along the original administrativeand operational spine are generally <strong>of</strong> poor quality,though one group at Flight Line Road (7063,7064, 6069) is occupied by the Institute for NauticalArcheology and provides acceptable workspace for the conservation <strong>of</strong> recovered ship parts.The Chapel (7006) has lost the traditional spireshown in early photographs, but has been wellmaintained and is heavily used as an assemblyand classroom facility. The early plans show a series<strong>of</strong> curved driveways on the Chapel block.FIGURE 5Building 7240 from 1943, stillin use as TEEX Copy Center.FIGURE 6Hangar 6030 from 1953 hassince been renovated by TEEX.FIGURE 7Warehouses 8522, 8523, and8524 from 1952.FIGURE 8Operations Base 7061, currentlyTTI researchFIGURE 91943 Hangar 7046 (T-46)alongside the 1950s ControlTower (7077).FIGURE 10Hangar 8031 from 1953 is currentlyused for storage.9 10Specific structures noted in this section, whetherinside the Military Heritage District or not, shouldbe treated as significant to the heritage <strong>of</strong> the base,and preserved to the greatest extent possible.Where re-use or repair is proposed every effortshould be made to respect the original design andretain original fabric. Replacement should respectscale and massing.

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